- A Data and Calibration Appendix A.1 Fertility Data Data on total fertility rates (TFR) in Figures 1 and 5 are taken from Chesnais (1992), Tables 2A.3 and 2A.4, pp. 545-548. Data on completed fertility rates in Figures 2 and 6 are taken from Jones and Tertilt (2006), Table Al, p. 56, and from Sardon (2006). The data on birth rates by age of mother in Figure 4 are from the Vital Statistics of the United States, 1999, Volume I, Natality (Table 1-7). The average age at first birth is computed from data on first birth rate by age, taken from the Historical Statistics of the United States, Millennial Edition, Vol. 1, Table Ab150-215, pp. 412-413.
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