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- Methodology described in Conley et al. (2012) Union of Confidence Intervals. Hours of formal care The γ-Local-to-Zero (LTZ) approximation bounds are drawn for different values of δ under the assumption that γ~N(0, δ2). All the reported bounds are for the 95% confidence intervals generated with robust standard errors. The Union for Confidence Intervals (UCI) bounds are drawn for different values of δ, which define the support of γ (i.e., the true direct effect of parents’ age of decease on TTD). Dash lines around the 2SLS estimation represent the upper and confidence intervals or the respective tests. The solid red line represents the value λ = 0. The solid black line in the γ-Local-to-Zero (LTZ) approximation represents the 2SLS class size effect estimate. Estimations performed using the command plausexog from STATA. -1500000 -1000000 -500000 0 ï¬ 0 2 4 6 8 ï¤
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