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- Table 1: Summary statistics Mean Std. Dev. Min. Max. N xij (cur. mn U.S.$) 2,048.991 8,950.166 0 348,420.6 38,313 GDP (cur. mn U.S.$) 386,072.995 1,143,571.923 126.99 13,201,819 43,372 PTA 0.237 0.425 0 1 44,688 ln DIST 7.863 1.213 4.201 9.880 44,688 CONTIG 0.077 0.266 0 1 44,688 COMLANG 0.074 0.262 0 1 44,688 Notes: Summary statistics for the OECD sample from 1950 to 2006. The 28 countries included are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, the Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Data are taken from Head, Mayer and Ries (2010).
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- where Ti is the location parameter (also called state of technology by Eaton and Kortum 2002) and θ governs the variation within the distribution and thereby also the comparative advantage within the continuum of goods. Plugging in Equation (36) in Fi(z) leads to Gij(p) = Pr[Pij ≤ p] = 1 − e−[Ti(citij)−θ]pθ . Noting that the distribution of prices for which a country j buys is given by Gj(p) = Pr[Pj ≤ p] = 1 − n i=1[1 − Gij(p)] leads to: Gj(p) = 1 − e−Φjpθ , (38) where Φj = n i=1 Ti (citij)−θ .
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Yashiv, Eran. 2000. The Determinants of Equilibrium Unemployment. American Economic Review, 90(5): 12971322. Appendix A Introduction to the Appendix In this Appendix, we present further results and robustness checks.