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- Figure 1a Predicted work meaningfulness, by self-employment and supervisor status, with 95% confidence intervals Source: Authors based on the European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS) 2015. Notes: The figure depicts the predicted work meaningfulness for the self-employed and salaried employees, according to supervisor status. It was created by interacting the self-employment indicator with the supervisor variable and plotting the predicted coefficient estimates using the margins command in Stata. The predicted meaningfulness levels are conditional on all the covariates and fixed effects and are based on the results presented in Table 3, Model (3) and include all controls, fixed effects, and entropy balancing weights.
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- Figure 1b Predicted autonomy, by self-employment and supervisor status, with 95% confidence intervals Source: Authors based on the European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS) 2015. Notes: The figure depicts the predicted autonomy for salaried employees and the self-employed, according to supervisor status. It was created by interacting the self-employment indicator with the supervisor variable and plotting the predicted coefficient estimates using the margins command in Stata. The predicted autonomy levels are based on the results presented in Table 3, Model (7), and include all controls, fixed effects, and entropy balancing weights.
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- Figure 2a Marginal effect of self-employment on work meaningfulness, by the number of employees supervised (natural log) Source: Authors based on the European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS) 2015. Notes: The figure depicts the predicted work meaningfulness for the self-employed and salaried employees, based on the (log) number of people supervised. It was created by interacting the selfemployment indicator with the natural log of the number of supervisees and plotting the predicted coefficient estimates using the margins command in Stata. The predicted meaningfulness levels are conditional on all the covariates and fixed effects and are based on the results presented in Table 3, Model (4) and include all controls, fixed effects, and entropy balancing weights.
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- Figure 2b Marginal effect of self-employment on autonomy, by the number of employees supervised (natural log) Source: Authors based on the European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS) 2015. Notes: The figure depicts the predicted autonomy for the self-employed and salaried employees, based on the (log) number of people supervised. It was created by interacting the self-employment indicator with the natural log of the number of supervisees and plotting the predicted coefficient estimates using the margins command in Stata. The predicted meaningfulness levels are conditional on all the covariates and fixed effects and are based on the results presented in Table 3, Model (8) and include all controls, fixed effects, and entropy balancing weights. Online Appendix Being your own boss and bossing others: The moderating effect of managing others on work meaning and autonomy for the self-employed and employees
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- Figure A1 Predicted probability of experiencing work stress, by self-employment and supervisor status, with 95% confidence intervals Source: Authors based on the European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS) 2015. Notes: The figure depicts the predicted work stress for salaried employees and the self-employed, according to supervisor status. It was created by interacting the self-employment indicator with the supervisor variable and plotting the predicted coefficient estimates using the margins command in Stata. The predicted stress probabilities are based on the results presented in Table 5, Model (1), and include all controls, fixed effects, and entropy balancing weights.
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- Figure A2 Predicted number of working hours (natural log), by self-employment and supervisor status, with 95% confidence intervals Source: Authors based on the European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS) 2015. Notes: The figure depicts the predicted working hours for salaried employees and the self-employed, according to supervisor status. It was created by interacting the self-employment indicator with the supervisor variable and plotting the predicted coefficient estimates using the margins command in Stata. The predicted number of working hours is based on the results presented in Table 5, Model (2). It is calculated based on models that include all controls (excluding the number of working hours), fixed effects, and entropy balancing weights.
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- Table 5: Self-employment, being a supervisor, different dependent variables, using entropy balancing weights (1) (2) (3) Stress at work Ln working hours Ln income Reference: salaried employee Self-employed-0.042-0.018*** -0.033** (0.057) (0.006) (0.016) Supervisor 0.371*** -0.017** 0.048** (0.106) (0.008) (0.019) Self-employed × Supervisor 0.014 0.046*** 0.048* (0.118) (0.010) (0.025) Individual and job controls Y Y Y Country and year FE, interview controls Y Y Y N 59,026 78,579 68,888 R2 0.625 0.645 Source: Authors based on the European Working Conditions Surveys (EWCS) 2005-2015.
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