191 posts tagged with south.
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How long for Americans to travel through a Japanese airport?

Three Americans (American passports) have a flight from Kansai International Airport (Japan) to Seoul (South Korea). The flight boards on Monday at 8:45 am. What time should we get to the airport?
posted by davidstandaford on Jun 1, 2024 - 2 answers

Films that are similar to Gone With The Wind?

I am a huge fan of Gone With The Wind, and the culture of its time (minus the pro-slavery, of course). Yet, I love the acting in the film, the scenery, the dialogue, and the wonderful character development. And Vivien Leigh, as beautiful as she was, she is brilliant and shines though, and her acting blows me away each time I watch the film. Are there any similar films from that time era or even present? And films from the Old Southern feel? [more inside]
posted by RearWindow on Dec 31, 2023 - 15 answers

Chile and Argentina in Peak Season

How crowded is Chile and Argentina during January-March, compared with say, summer in Florence, Italy? [more inside]
posted by monologish on Nov 16, 2023 - 7 answers

Road trip NY - West Virginia - Kentucky - Missouri - Kansas - Colorado

We are looking for places to see and stay along this path. Parks, mountains, valleys, towns, small museums, and of course odd-ball things.
posted by ebesan on Oct 11, 2023 - 17 answers

International family vacation that isn't to Europe

I'm already thinking about our 2024 vacation. Our kids will be 8 and 10. Looking for recommendations outside of Europe, Canada, and the US. [more inside]
posted by pear on Jun 12, 2023 - 24 answers

Interesting places between Memphis and Baton Rouge?

If I drive down the river from Memphis to Baton Rouge, what interesting places should I see in between? Would it be fun? [more inside]
posted by critzer on Apr 28, 2023 - 7 answers

Has anyone experienced personal bankruptcy in South Korea?

Has anyone experienced personal bankruptcy in South Korea? And willing to talk to me about the experience? I'm trying to help an elderly relative explore bankruptcy as an option but he's against it. He says it makes it impossible to live, dealing with landlords and banks afterwards. But he can't give me specifics. He speaks mainly Korean, and I speak mostly English. I'm hoping someone who speaks english might be able to fill me in. I can't seem to find anything online beyond that it's hard to start new lines of credit.
posted by nerdpita on Feb 16, 2023 - 2 answers

Need a bankruptcy attorney in South Korea who also speaks English

Hello, I'm looking for an attorney who can help an elderly relative of mine who is a South Korean citizen, and lives there. He has a lot of medical debt and I'd like to explore what his, if any, options are with bankruptcy. [more inside]
posted by nerdpita on Feb 10, 2023 - 3 answers

Best places to visit in this arbitrary chunk of the southeast

Create a shape on a map of the Southeast USA by connecting the dots between Nashville, Atlanta, Savannah, Charleston, Knoxville, and back to Nashville. What are the absolute best places to visit in October? Some preferences and guidelines in the extended explanation. [more inside]
posted by cilantro on May 8, 2022 - 16 answers

Astronomy Chile Tourism: recommendations please

We have a week at the end of April and want to visit Northern Chile and especially one of the astronomical observatories. Would like to combine it with a a trip to [more inside]
posted by lapsang on Mar 12, 2022 - 1 answer

Cool travel destinations in the global South

I'd like to make a kids' scrapbook showing cool places in the global South - to counter the stereotype that hot places are under-developed or primitive. Can you suggest human-built modern locations that a 6 year old would think are interesting, that highlight technological advancement and artistic achievement in the global South? [more inside]
posted by nouvelle-personne on Mar 9, 2022 - 20 answers

Indie Flicks in the Global South

Lately we've been on a kick with indie, kinda-sad-but-not-depressing-sometimes-funny movies with Asian actors and directors (Farewell, Minari, Tigertail, Namesake). Looking for movies with the same kind of feel from South America and Africa that I can stream easily. Prefer stories set in those locales rather than immigration stories like the above, but those are interesting as well.
posted by sandmanwv on Mar 17, 2021 - 6 answers

Commute times, South Bay (Northern California)

We are planning to relocate to Northern CA towards the end of the year. While I realize most everything in the Bay Area is still locked down and traffic might not be a significant issue, I am trying to ascertain commute times between locations, with my boyfriend working in Palo Alto and my own work in Cupertino. [more inside]
posted by Everydayville on Jul 14, 2020 - 9 answers

Book written by black women 1960s

I read a book in the 60's written by a young black women who grew up the deep south. She wrote about the horrible things she had heard and experienced. I thought it was called Black Like Me but I keep getting the other book. Does anyone know the book I mean?
posted by mcbeitz on Jun 11, 2020 - 7 answers

Best Comic Book / Graphic Novel Writers from the American South?

Who are they, do you think, and which of their books should I read?
posted by musofire on Jul 26, 2019 - 8 answers

Where to go in July, Central / South America version?

We would like to use our reward points to go from London to somewhere in Central/ South America, for a trip of 10-14 days in July. Please help suggest itineraries or cool cities/ locales to visit. The constraints: We will have a 2 year old toddler (no packed itineraries), and our start/end points are direct flights with BA only. [more inside]
posted by moiraine on Jan 16, 2019 - 7 answers

Where should we go in the South for a New Years mini-vacation?

Our family situation is unique: we have two biological kids (in middle school), two recently-placed foster kids (one in middle school and one in preschool with some mild special needs), and a grown woman who we know from previous foster care experience and who is essentially our daughter. She has a fiance and a 2-year-old son. I wouldn't have it any other way, but it makes a traditional new years' getaway a little tricky. We want to drive somewhere south from Chicagoland where it's quasi-warm and there's opportunities for family fun. [more inside]
posted by AgentRocket on Oct 17, 2018 - 11 answers

Resort/lodging recommendations in Belize or Costa Rica?

I usually go AirBnb but for this trip I'm looking for something a bit more all-inclusive. [more inside]
posted by ohsnapdragon on Sep 19, 2018 - 3 answers

Spend my PTO: American South edition

I have 5 days of use-it-or-lose-it paid time off that I need to spend before December 31st. Including a weekend on either side brings the total trip to 9 days. Help me decide where to go! I have friends in Washington, D.C. that I can visit for a couple of days to start with, but I was thinking I might take the opportunity to go on from there and see what I can see in the south or, really, in any direction but back north. I'd like to stay in the same general region, so places like Arizona and Oregon will have to wait for next time. I've added a few details after the jump. [more inside]
posted by Grimp0teuthis on Nov 27, 2017 - 11 answers

Help me identify these locations (and a plane) from these old cine films

Help me identify these locations (and a plane) from these old cine films: 1964. A plane comes in to land. What plane is it? Which airport? and 1970. Nairobi. The view from a balcony over a main road and (I assume) the rear balcony of the same building over a swimming pool. Where in Nairobi is this? and 1971. A car journey through Johannesburg to the airport. Which streets are these
posted by ed\26h on Feb 6, 2017 - 11 answers

Considering a move to Philadelphia from small town on the Left Coast

The job will be located in the 19147 zip code. I'm originally from South Jersey and previously worked in Philly, but it's been nearly 20 years since I lived in the area. Lots of questions abound. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jan 27, 2017 - 3 answers

No sillier than planning uprisings because of Jade Helm, anyway

I'm working on background research for a story, and I've come up with an odd question about American history in the South during the World War I years. It may be a dumb one. [more inside]
posted by Countess Elena on Jul 5, 2016 - 10 answers

Memphis to Mobile - what places to see in between?

I'm driving from Memphis to Mobile next week and have 2-3 days to spare in between. What places should I see? [more inside]
posted by deern the headlice on Nov 18, 2015 - 13 answers

Finding the right psychiatric help in Memphis or Birmingham

A sibling of mine is in crisis. Possible bipolar disorder, definite prescription pill abuse, possible suicide risk. We need to find them help immediately. But my family being my family, there are some requirements that have to be met. More details inside. [more inside]
posted by shiu mai baby on Nov 11, 2015 - 11 answers

Seeking History and Adventure Along I-85 from Petersburg to Atlanta

In a few weeks I'll be driving down I-85 from Petersburg VA to Atlanta GA and would like to fill the trip with occasional stops to see and explore places with historical and/or cultural significance. Can anyone suggest places I should see on my drive? Battlefields? Great barbecue? Birthplace of patriots? Controversial schools? Whatever, I just don't want to miss an opportunity to learn and see as much as possible. Ideally they should be no more than about 10 miles from the interstate.
posted by Jamesonian on Oct 7, 2015 - 5 answers

Honeymoon in January in Central/South America for animal lovers...

Overwhelmed by the options. Please halp! [more inside]
posted by ashtabula to opelika on Sep 23, 2015 - 9 answers

What's wrong with marrying your first love?

Or what's not wrong with it? It's coming (or came) to the time where marriage is on the forefront of everyone's thoughts in my relationship. There's a lot of pressure to get married soon, and with a combination of dissenting internal and external voices, there's a lot of confusion going on in my head. [more inside]
posted by buttonedup on Jul 4, 2015 - 51 answers

The southern side of the confederate flag discussion

Could you point me to well-articulated discussions supporting the confederate flag? It's sounding like the statehouse flag in SC is likely to come down, but I'm interested to hear the voices on the other side of the issue, such as newspaper editorials or blog posts, especially current ones. [more inside]
posted by spbmp on Jun 23, 2015 - 15 answers

Winter is coming.

What do I need to know about moving to the US North? [more inside]
posted by horizonseeker on Jun 7, 2015 - 35 answers

Short notice one-person vacation: what do?

I have unexpectedly received a week off work from June 13th to the 21st. Please tell me where and how to vacation alone. [more inside]
posted by none of these will bring disaster on May 19, 2015 - 16 answers

Little known American city perfect for a lone woman of colour tourist?

I would like to visit a city in the US that is not commonly thought of as a vacation destination, but still has a lot to offer a tourist. However, as a woman of colour that does not drive and will be travelling alone, I would like a safe and friendly choice. I would like ideas for places with a lot of history and fine dining, which are easy to travel by foot/ public transportation, and friendly towards different looking people. Examples of what I am and am not looking for inside... [more inside]
posted by partly squamous and partly rugose on May 17, 2015 - 25 answers

Overlanding from Los Angeles to Buenos Aires: tips or recommendations?

In August, my best friend and I (both 20-something guys) begin a 5 month adventure across the Americas. We started to research the trip last September, and have basically scoured the internet since then. Instagram has proved to be a great source to connect with the overlanding community and there's a couple of good blogs out there of people currently doing the trip. Still, we'd still really appreciate if the askmefi community could weigh in. As I start to put together a detailed itinerary I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed by all the details and possibilities. Where to go? What to plan? How much to budget? And, just generally, what level of detail should I plan to? Normally I'd come up with a broad plan in a few days and then wing it but given the dangers, sheer size of this adventure, and the amount of unforgettable places to see I want to really plan it. UNESCO sites, nature, must-see towns and villages... Can anybody help us? [more inside]
posted by intelligentfool on Apr 27, 2015 - 11 answers

How to find an intellectual / creative community of South Asians in NY?

Seeking advice on how to find out about events, screenings, lectures, workshops, and gatherings organized by and for the South Asian community in New York City. [more inside]
posted by coastisclear on Jan 31, 2015 - 7 answers

Buddy trip things to do - Georgia/Alabama/Tennessee

I am meeting up for a weekend with some guys from college (all in our 30s) and looking for a good spot to meet up/things to do. We all live in the southeast and it would be good to find something in between Atlanta, Birmingham and Chattanooga. Obviously we could stay in the one of those cities and there would be a lot to do, but I am curious if there are some hidden gems or fun places outside of the cities. Thanks in advance!
posted by frednorton on Jan 13, 2015 - 8 answers

Reasonably warm, 1 week bike trip in the U.S.?

I want to take off the first week of January to do a bike tour someplace warm in the United States (or possibly in Mexico or Latin America). Where should I go? [more inside]
posted by neematoad on Nov 10, 2014 - 9 answers

KKK fliers in our neighborhood

Our neighbors received a KKK recruiting flier along with their Sunday newspaper. We didn't. We are an LGBT couple and I am Asian-American. What can I do to be less freaked out by this? [more inside]
posted by QuantumMeruit on Jul 22, 2014 - 15 answers

Where should I travel to in South America?

I have a month off and some saved up money and I want to travel to South America! Where should I travel? [more inside]
posted by masters2010 on May 3, 2014 - 6 answers

local opposition TO "massive resistance"?

"Massive resistance" was a shameful state effort from 1956-1959 to cancel out the Brown v. Board decision. Virginia's Harry Byrd launched it, but the courts ultimately killed it off. I've heard that there was [at least one] petition or letter circulated in opposition to it, but can't find any mention of it. It would have been remarkable in the climate of the time, because signers would surely have lost their jobs. I checked several relevant websites, including that of the Southern Historical Association, but nothing even close. Is anyone familiar enough with the details of this sad chapter to have heard of such an effort?
posted by mmiddle on Apr 8, 2014 - 5 answers

Because I don't want to eat at Fort Sumter's commissary

Four+ days in Charleston and Savannah at the end of April. We've got a good list of things to see and do, now I turn to the HiveMind for food suggestions. [more inside]
posted by TravellingCari on Mar 26, 2014 - 16 answers

What was the last major racially-segregated event in the US?

Does anyone know what the last segregated event was in the US ? I'm curious about "major events", say around 10,000 people. [more inside]
posted by dubold on Feb 18, 2014 - 8 answers

Beginner's guide to Machu Picchu

Can anyone help me prepare for this hiking trip? What can I expect? What do I need? [more inside]
posted by morning_television on Jan 11, 2014 - 11 answers

New Orleans in Feb or March, but not for Mardi Gras. Oui?

My friend and I would like to plan an (approximately 4-day) trip to New Orleans this February or March, but not be there for Mardi Gras itself. Are these good times to travel there? [more inside]
posted by AlmondEyes on Jan 3, 2014 - 14 answers

Help us plan a Southern road trip from Chicago!

We have 7-10 days for a road trip (leaving from Chicago in a couple days) and are thinking of exploring the South by car. Where should we stop, and what should we see? Thoughts we've had include driving towards Florida or Savannah and hitting Cattanooga, Asheville, Bowling Green, and/or Nashville. We will have one dog with us, so bonus points for State Parks or Forests where we can hike with her, but we'd like to see some towns or cities, too. Thank you, hive mind!
posted by walla on Dec 28, 2013 - 6 answers

Where to live and advice in living in Charleston SC

My son 23 and single is moving the Charleston SCfor his first real post college job. What advice would you give him for finding an apartment on a modest income and living in what looks like to be a very cool city? Thanks.
posted by captainmickey on Nov 11, 2013 - 2 answers

What's this half-remembered quotation about Augustine?

In book 2 of the Confessions St. Augustine describes how he stole some pears out of pure wickedness. I have a vague memory of a prominent US Southern politician saying something about this passage like "Nobody ever made such a fuss about stealing a pear." Am I imagining this? Google searches aren't turning up anything.
posted by crazy with stars on Nov 2, 2013 - 5 answers

Looking for temporary, simple, affordable housing south of Boston/Quincy

I'm taking a temporary job near Duxbury, MA. I'll be working there for 3 months, potentially renewing for another 3 months. I'm starting next week. I really don't need anything more than a place to sleep, but I'm having a hard time coming up with something temporary and affordable <=$1000 a month. [more inside]
posted by sully75 on Oct 1, 2013 - 4 answers

Will Travel Backwards as Long as it's Forwards

Which roads in the world travel opposite their lane direction designation for at least a mile or more? In other words, say you are traveling northbound on Interstate 35, but for a short time the road bends so much that you are actually traveling south, even though you are still in what started as the northbound lane. [more inside]
posted by TinWhistle on Sep 26, 2013 - 27 answers

Reputable, informative sources regarding South Sudan

I'm looking for news sources, reports written by reputable NGOs, detailed maps, long-form magazine articles regarding newsworthy events and other general info on the current state of politics, economics, stability and other issues of geopolitical interest related to South Sudan. I would like to dedicate approximately one or two full working days to informing myself about the past 10-15 years of history and the current state of the country.
posted by thewalrus on Sep 25, 2013 - 5 answers

Vacation Destination for Thanksgiving Weekend?

Trying to decide on a location for a mini family vacation over Thanksgiving weekend, with me, my dad, and his girlfriend. Seeking suggestions for where to go and what to do there. [more inside]
posted by milkweed on Sep 16, 2013 - 10 answers

Favorite things in southern India

I'm off to southern India at the end of the year (Mumbai and below). I'd love to know what towns, regions, temples or places of interest you thought were awesomely and unexpectedly amazing. [more inside]
posted by dontjumplarry on Sep 15, 2013 - 7 answers

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