57 posts tagged with pcos.
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Discrete Shaving While Camping

I am going camping for a week and will need to shave my face and neck daily, discretely. Any advice? [more inside]
posted by glorybe on Aug 5, 2024 - 34 answers

Experience with Nexplanon, sensory issues, & a tendency to fidget?

Because of Reasons, my doctor has recommended I keep a continuous birth control method until menopause instead of getting a permanent procedure done. I'm on my 4th Mirena IUD but am considering Nexplanon as the next replacement. But I have sensory issues & also tend to pick at stuff, so I'm worried it will be unpleasantly distracting. If this is also you but you have Nexplanon, what's your experience? Am I worried over nothing? [more inside]
posted by rhiannonstone on Mar 20, 2024 - 7 answers

metformin ER side effects

I switched from regular metformin to metformin ER over a year ago but am still experiencing some persistent side effects, even though most people who take metformin ER stop having side effects. What gives? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Nov 4, 2020 - 5 answers

Is it possible to buy a generic drug from a different manufacturer?

I've been taking norethindrone 0.35 mg once per day since November 2017. It went great...until this past month. I'm wondering if there's any way I could buy a generic from a different manufacturer to replace the one I was prescribed, to see if that makes a difference. Is that something that's possible? [more inside]
posted by INTJ on May 4, 2019 - 10 answers

first, do no harm

After several years of exhausting, anxiety-provoking medical workup, I finally found the solution to my medical issue and am improving on my own. I feel well. Is it okay to not see the doctor if I just don't feel like it? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Dec 11, 2018 - 9 answers

Lifelong irregular periods + no other issues. Should I be concerned?

I'm 28 and have had an irregular cycle (28-38 days) since I started at 13. A scan turned up "follicular cysts" which my doctor said are common in women with and without PCOS. I have no other symptoms but am still worried about PCOS-- should I be? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 30, 2018 - 13 answers

Should I give up returning to Spain (medical issues)?

I just got some confusing medical results the doctor wants to explore further here in the UK - but I’m due to return to Spain, where I’ve been living a week today. Thoughts? [more inside]
posted by Willow251 on Sep 10, 2018 - 13 answers

Should I freeze my eggs?

I’m 35 (nearly 36) and wondering if I should freeze my eggs. MeFites what are your experiences with this? Was the procedure painful? Did it result in a pregnancy? How old were you? I’m single and not sure if I would like children later on or not but don’t want to rule them out. I’ve been diagnosed with ‘borderline PCOS’ but apart from that am healthy- does the PCOS make a big difference? What do I need to consider? It won’t be cheap financially but I can afford it.
posted by EatMyHat on May 29, 2018 - 14 answers

Seeking strategies to be less deranged while trying to conceive.

I (36 F) and Mr. Millipede (40 M) are trying to conceive, via fertility treatments, after a 6-month break from doing so. Last time, it was increasingly emotionally hard each cycle. This time, it is already emotionally hard. I seek your strategies for mental and emotional stability during this time. [more inside]
posted by millipede on Mar 26, 2018 - 12 answers

Have face. Now what?

I am a new mom, who at 35 has only ever dabbled in make up and certainly was never taught to apply it. I have been feeling glum about my appearance and thought I might give make up a go. What are the absolute basics needed for a five minute make-up routine? Additional requirements/thoughts inside. [more inside]
posted by CMcG on Mar 16, 2018 - 27 answers

PCOS help!

I was diagnosed with PCOS last year, and I've found that almost all support/advice groups are aimed at women TTC. I am not. Is there anything out there for me? [more inside]
posted by mippy on Mar 14, 2018 - 7 answers

NYC RE/GYN recommendation?

Can anyone recommend either a Reproductive Endocrinologist (probably) or a OBGYN who is an expert at managing PCOS? Further requests within. [more inside]
posted by millipede on Jan 25, 2018 - 1 answer

PCOS + skincare after stopping hormonal birth control?

I am 37, and I have PCOS. I've used hormonal birth control (Yasmin) for the past ten years. Before I started the pill I used to have mild but constant acne on my cheeks, but while on Yasmin it cleared up and I've had very clear skin since then. I've been so lucky! But now, for medical reasons, I have to discontinue Yasmin. What should I do to take care of my skin? [more inside]
posted by zoetrope on Nov 30, 2017 - 8 answers

Recommend birth-control pills to me

I have PCOS and they want me to start taking birth-control pills to help regulate things. I also have family and personal history that contraindicates many types of pills. Is there a safe pill for me that does what I want? [more inside]
posted by INTJ on Nov 15, 2017 - 20 answers

The slow numb horror of it all

I feel like I'm having a panic attack and my mind just goes blank when I try to figure out what the hell to do next with regard to my marriage. I'm experiencing total decision fatigue and paralysis when it comes to making any choices here, and I feel weary of running this by my friends and therapist over and over from various angles. Can you help me think this through? [more inside]
posted by o_O on Oct 26, 2017 - 31 answers

Returning from separation

I separated from my spouse for the summer. Now I'm going back. What should I be considering? [more inside]
posted by o_O on Aug 25, 2017 - 23 answers

What do I do with my marriage?

I thought we were on the same page about having kids. In fact, we have been actively trying since April. He has moved pages. I haven't. What do I do? Extremely disjointed wall-o-text inside. [more inside]
posted by millipede on Aug 25, 2017 - 37 answers

Feeling super anxious about separation—should I do this?

This was me a little over three weeks ago. I'm trying to make a big decision and I feel paralyzed. Here it is: I'm not ready to just divorce, but should I go ahead with my plan to separate from my spouse in another city for 2 months? [more inside]
posted by o_O on Jun 4, 2017 - 6 answers

I've got some issues: marriage, affair, etc.

So far this year, the following has occurred, and I'm reeling. I'm trying to figure out what to do next in terms of my marriage and my life. I feel like I'm basically going through this. [more inside]
posted by o_O on May 11, 2017 - 15 answers

Ovarian cyst

Anyone here had a simple ovarian cyst of 5-6 cm? What happened to it? Did it shrink down? If not after how much monitoring did they remove it and how was the surgery? I have my 2 month follow up ultrasound on Tuesday for my 57 mm one Thanks
posted by barexamfreak on Apr 20, 2017 - 13 answers

More ethical diet under constraints

I'd like to eat in a way that, compared to my current omnivore diet, reduces suffering for animals and the environment. I have the following constraints: PCOS (best under control with a low-carb diet, possibly affected by too much soy), hypothyroidism (not sure this is relevant), and being a parent of two little kids (generally overwhelmed, willing to eat differently from them if it's not too much work). What are small-ish steps that have the greatest positive impact? [more inside]
posted by meijusa on Mar 6, 2017 - 19 answers

Stuck without answers

My wife has been having some health issues over the last few years, and the treatments (chiefly hormonal birth control and anti-depressants) keep interfering with her quality-of-life. We're not particularly impressed with the her medication is just swapped out when QOL issues come up, only for issues to come up again on the new medication, and then the process repeats. We're just really at a loss here. Details and an actual question inside. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 2, 2017 - 28 answers

What questions should I be asking about infertility treatments?

My husband and I have been trying conceive since we got married 18 months ago. Unfortunately I have two big factors working against me - my age (40) and my PCOS, which I was diagnosed with when I was in my 20s. I was prescribed Clomid to make me ovulate, but after the first two cycles it stopped working. We're going back to the specialist this week: What are the options now and what should I be asking my doctor? [more inside]
posted by meronym on Jan 23, 2017 - 14 answers

Girlfriend has Facial Hair - what should I do?

I've been with my girlfriend for 5 months but am finding it hard to get past the fact that she has noticeable facial hair. I'm looking for some helpful advice. [more inside]
posted by Coolcatjc on Dec 18, 2016 - 89 answers

The benefits of pre-natal vitamins are not over stated.

I started taking pre-natal vitamins about two months ago in preparation for a (hopeful!) pregnancy. The side benefit of thicker, more luxurious hair is DEFINITELY happening. Except, I have PCOS so I already have more hair than I want and the "benefit" is affecting a lot more than the hair on top of my head. Please PLEASE tell me that this will stop when I stop taking the vitamins. PLEASE.
posted by magnetsphere on Jul 10, 2016 - 4 answers

I don't want to be a hairy princess!

I've been recently diagnosed with PCOS, and the difficult part at the moment is the chin acne/facial hair - because I'm a fidget and tend to pick at things. And it makes me feel pretty rubbish about my appearance. PCOS people, what have you used that's helped? Were there any miracle products, or did dietary changes help too? [more inside]
posted by mippy on May 17, 2016 - 36 answers

PMDD, PPD, or just D?

I've had some severe mood issues around my period since having my son ~5 months ago. Unsure what it is, who to talk to, or what to do. [more inside]
posted by toomanycurls on Apr 3, 2016 - 6 answers

Contraception while breastfeeding, PCOS, hypothyroid, overweight

Looking for contraception that works while breastfeeding and could even help PCOS or at least not make it worse. Other possibly relevant info: on levotheroxine for underactive thyroid, overweight, irregular periods, might be treated with metformin in the future. My healthcare provider for this proposes cerazette, mirena, or a copper coil. I'll meet her tomorrow to discuss. Any advice, experience or questions I should ask?
posted by meijusa on Mar 30, 2016 - 12 answers

Walk me through the process of dealing with my health/fertility issues?

I don't get my period and I need to change that. [more inside]
posted by ohsnapdragon on Mar 11, 2016 - 29 answers

Fertility Clinic in the Twin Cities metro

I am a late 30s woman with PCOS and my gyn says it's time to go to a clinic since we've been trying for a year. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Aug 7, 2015 - 7 answers

And the ugly duckling turned out to be ugly for a reason

When I was younger, I somehow got the message that having acne, thin hair, tendency to gain weight, being emotional-- constituted some sort of moral failing. I spent years feeling like I had to apologize for my ugly existence. Now I'm learning that those aspects of my appearance were symptoms, not reflections of the fact that I was an all-around inferior person who didn't take good care of herself. I thought I'd be glad to get a diagnosis, but instead I'm upset and not sure where to go from here. [more inside]
posted by gemutlichkeit on Jul 26, 2015 - 13 answers

I miss feeling, in general

I feel extremely apathetic and flat. I'm being worked up for some endocrine issue. I know it makes sense to make a diagnosis before initiating treatment, but I don't know how much longer I can stand feeling so apathetic. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 12, 2015 - 8 answers

Realistically, is there anything else I can try before Metformin?

I've read all the other questions about Metformin, and most about PCOS, but I think this is a slightly new twist, so I hope you can help me. I know YANMD. I have already tried everything I can think of to manage without meds, and I'm wondering if any of you have other suggestions, or if I should just give in and start Metformin. [more inside]
posted by etranger on Dec 7, 2014 - 11 answers

integrative Doctor in Boston and health coach, PCOS

I just moved from chicago where I had the best dr at northwestern. this new dr says that I have PCOS and wants to put me on birth control. yet I was not impressed by this dr, she seemed, well I just didn't feel that I was in good hands, and I would like to try lifestyle and diet before jumping right in to drugs. Does anyone know a great intregrative dr in boston, or how I can find one? I also worked with a student who was studying health coaching, and she was really helpful in helping me deal with my food phobias, cooking and meal planning, the whole foods in chicago also had great classes- I have not found any of that here in boston. any ideas? thanks!!
posted by cheetahchick on May 26, 2014 - 3 answers

Diagnosing fatigue (snowflake details inside)

I know YANMD and I am seeing mine on May 5th, but until then, I was hoping someone would have some insight/experience/advice for what is possibly going on with me. What could be causing daytime sleepiness after eating any amount of carbs? Apologies for wall of text [more inside]
posted by kei02003 on Apr 18, 2014 - 13 answers

Which of these zillion things could be causing my thinning hair?

My hair has been thinning noticeably lately (I've noticed it in the past 2-3 months), but there are a bunch of things going on and I have no idea where to begin figuring out the probable cause. Short version: I have seborrheic dermatitis that's been particularly bothersome lately, I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), I color treat my hair about once a year, and I've been under some stress. Long version under the cut. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Nov 14, 2013 - 12 answers

What else should I ask my doctor tomorrow morning?

I'm anemic and have PCOS, and have been feeling increasingly crappy. I have been taking over the counter iron that includes zinc, vitamin c, and B vitamins (FabIron) for over a year; clearly, it is not enough. I have a doctor's appointment first thing tomorrow morning. What else should I ask my doctor, or ask her to do? [more inside]
posted by jrobin276 on Oct 12, 2013 - 16 answers

Coping with infertility

Any advice for coping with infertility? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 10, 2013 - 10 answers

Help me not be bald!

I am a fat woman and my hair is thinning dramatically. What can I do to stop becoming a bald fat woman? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Feb 17, 2013 - 28 answers

BC Makes me crazy, and I'm going to have to take it anyway (PCOS). If you're crazy on some, can you be OK on others?

Just Diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)... BC makes me crazy, but am going to have to take it... eep! Anyone else crazy on some BC but not others? Tell me there's hope! [more inside]
posted by jrobin276 on Oct 30, 2012 - 28 answers

Hormone Help: PCOS vs Migraines

In the Red Corner, we have PCOS, a three-time champion with Special Ruptured-Cyst Attack! In the Blue Corner, we have Possibly-Hormonal Migraines, defending the title and famous as the inventor of the Icepick-To-The-Brain Technique! The winner takes home the grand prize: the right to determine whether I stay on contraceptive hormones or not. Aaaaaaand... FIGHT! [more inside]
posted by Someone Else's Story on Jul 20, 2012 - 10 answers

Will giving up dairy help my acne?

Will cutting dairy help my acne? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on May 13, 2012 - 22 answers

Manage my PCOS drug-free?

I need your tips on dealing with PCOS -- drug free! [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Aug 28, 2011 - 17 answers

Please talk to me about the ability to stay long-term on a low/no grain diet.

Please talk to me about the ability to stay long-term on a low/no grain diet. [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 27, 2011 - 16 answers

Diabetes, PCOS *and* Thyroid doc in NY?

Recommendations for an excellent endocrinologist in new york? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jun 9, 2011 - 1 answer

What is the scientific phrase for "abnormally long menstrual period"?

What is/are the scientific search term(s) for "abnormally long menstrual period" or "unusually long menstrual period"? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jun 4, 2011 - 8 answers

My libido was... procrastinating?

21, female, "newly-sexual" - is it really that unusual? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 4, 2011 - 10 answers

Any advice for CT scans, PCOS, or adrenal issues?

Dealing with possible PCOS, adrenal issues, and CT scans. Any advice? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Oct 19, 2010 - 14 answers

Help me get rid of my excess facial hair. Please.

Hey you drag queens, male-to-female transitioning transpeople, and women with PCOS: How do you handle your facial hair? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Jul 5, 2010 - 16 answers

Should I be more concerned about the giant cyst growing in me?

I had an ultrasound today because I've been experiencing a lot of ovarian pain, and I've long suspected PCOS and never had it comfirmed. They called with the results to say that I do indeed have PCOS, with many small follicular cysts on my left ovary, but in addition they found either a) 2 complex septated cysts both 4 cm in diameter or b) 1 giant complex septated cyst (giant is my word, not theirs). They can't tell if its joined or not. My question is: is my doctor taking this seriously enough? [more inside]
posted by nataliedanger on Jan 21, 2010 - 14 answers

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