159 posts tagged with formatting.
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Conditional formatting for deadline management in Excel
I would like to use conditional formatting in Excel to help me manage a large matrix of deadlines. I want to use colors to indicate which deadlines are approaching and which deadlines have passed. Difficulty level: how to handle tasks that have been completed. [more inside]
MS Word formatting mess - fix or start over
I have a 200-page doc that was created over 20 years ago and edited annually by different people with poor knowledge of MS Word. Should I try to fix it or start over? [more inside]
Getting formatted text into Excel
I have a text file filled with test questions for an English test. Each question is separated / delimited by a tilde. I want to put the questions into Excel spreadsheet with each question being a separate cell in a new row. However, every method I seem to use to do this breaks the formatting of the questions. The questions are all several wines and they are word wrapped.
Not Having Much Success
I bought the latest version of Final Draft to put my script into a musicals format. Recently too, I realized that I have to cut at least half of the dialogue to make room for and let the story be told by the 20+ songs the composer has created for the show. So I'm a little overwhelmed. But other than how FD is the industry standard, I can't seem to understand the advantage of it over, say, Celtx, which I used to create the script. [more inside]
Used Versions of Final Draft
I'm working on a musical, and need Final Draft b/c it's called the industry standard for the theatrical industry. Final Draft's website warns cost conscious buyers to not buy "gently used" versions of their script writing software b/c they may be pirated copies. I found a version of FD9 from 2016 (the latest version is FD12) that the owner says was installed once, and then sat on a shelf. [more inside]
How to Preserve Formatting
I am trying to combine two documents with different formatting. One is a theater script with its own character, scene, dialogue and screen direction formatting. The other is song lyrics with its own tabs and indentations for chords, lyrics and dialogue. Both documents need to look exactly as they do separately but need to be interwoven into one document the composer can use to help her with orchestration. [more inside]
Need professional document formatting help
Options for someone/something that can format long Word docs using my company's style guide. [more inside]
Excel 2010 conditional formatting: how to get 4+ color scales
I have a column of numbers and want them to shade through a series of five colors, like this: [more inside]
I have a 2013 MacBook Air that’r running Mojave and I want to upgrade to Big Sur, which won’t install because it requires installation on drive using APFS, and I’ve been unable to convert my current harddrive to this filesystem. [more inside]
I'm Gonna' Flip This Table.
I use gmail (for not-for-profits) for work and regularly receive emails from multiple people (10+) at a huge agency that are never, ever formatted properly. This happens occasionally with smaller agencies, too. My coworkers do not have the issue and, in fact, if they receive an email and forward it to me, the formatting is perfect. What the heck is happening and how can I fix it? [more inside]
Unusual microSD card behavior. Data keep reappearing?
I have a 128GB Samsung EVO microSD card. I used it without incident in my Nintendo Switch for a year. I recently upgraded and put a larger microSD card in the Switch, so it was time to reformat and repurpose this one. Then things got weird. [more inside]
Formatting a Chapbook On Microsoft Office 2016 - WTF?
I am in the process of formatting a chapbook. I've downloaded some ready-to-go templates and have watched numerous how-to's on You Tube. Both are confusing. On the downloads I am unable to enter text. On the You-Tube videos, the Word page image on-screen they use to walk me through my process is different than on my MacBook. I do get to the end and I am still unable to enter text. [more inside]
Auto formatting procedures
I have to write a lot of procedures and I spend way too long fighting with the formatting in word. Is there a way to input my procedures somewhere and then have a program spit out a final formatted document? I don't care if the end result is word, a pdf, or something else, I just need it to look right (details below). [more inside]
There must be a better way! Please help me be efficient at work!
At my job, I have many slips that I must fill out every day, with the following information: student name, teacher name, class period, and the next day’s date. The information changes daily, as I do not see the same kids every day. In the past, I have always filled these out by hand on a printed template, but I can imagine that there is a much faster way, using tools in either Microsoft or Google. [more inside]
Help formatting a document for a critique
I am going to a writer's workshop. I am getting ready to submit an excerpt from my novel and I am not sure if the formatting is correct. Right now I have a space between paragraphs with no indentation. I also have 2 spaces after periods. Are these correct or should I switch to indented paragraphs and 1 space after periods? Above all, I don't want my formatting to distract from the text.
Formatting external HD
I have a My Passport from WD that has suddenly gotten some bad sectors and corrupted directory. Will formatting it fix all that?
Is arbitrary 1st page formatting in Mac Word 2016 w/text flow possible?
I am trying to stop having to manually format each of my work letters that are longer than a page. To do that I need Word to act more like a page layout program, and let me have the body text on the first page have a different indent than the rest of the documents — regardless of where the first page breaks relative to the text on it. Can I bludgeon Word into doing this? [more inside]
turning off template formatting -Microsoft word
How do I disable MS Word formatting, once I upload and start working on one of their templates? [more inside]
Formatting Microsoft Word Numbered Headings
I need to add a section to an existing document. Once the new section is added, I need to have the section incorporated as a numbered heading and then continue the numbering from there. Is there a way to do this without having to delete the existing numbering and starting from scratch? [more inside]
how to add a cover letter in microsoft word for 2011 on iMac ?
I want to submit a short story, which I have already properly numbered in terms of format--i.e., the first page shows no page number, the second page says 2/10, the third page 3/10, etcetera. The journal I am submitting to (blackbird) states "A longer citation of credits may be included in your cover letter, which should be included as the first page of your submission file. " [more inside]
How do I remove index formatting from Open Office/Libre Office?
I've used Libre Office/Open Office to create an index. Index words were located within a manuscript, and were highlighted as they were put in the index. [more inside]
Parallel columns in Pages or other word-processing software?
I am translating an opera libretto from Italian to English. I would like to do a parallel-text version with the Italian on the left and the English on the right. I'm on a Mac; how do I get Pages to do this? Or, what software would you recommend instead for this specific purpose? [more inside]
I hate Gmail.
Is there a way to make Gmail to display the entire email I send someone, even if it thinks it can hide half the email behind a "more" ... ? [more inside]
Trying to get ISBNs from a list of book titles and authors
I've got a properly formatted csv file of ~100 book titles and authors from my Audible account. I'd like to automate getting a ISBNs for as many of these as possible. Is there a way to input a list of book titles somewhere and get back (any) matching ISBNs? I'm trying to add my Audible books to Goodreads and would like to not do this manually.
Another excel question
Excel formatting is driving me crazy. [more inside]
Good examples of how to display a bunch of tabular data.
I work on a web application that has a small problem that's been gnawing at me for awhile. There's no way around it--we have to display some really giant tables. 15+ columns across and sometimes hundreds of rows. Can anybody think of any examples of websites that display that kind of quantity of data in a vaguely readable way? I'm not picky about what kind of data the page is displaying, as long as it's in a table that's at least more than one screen wide and freely available to view. [more inside]
Please help me format this Japanese address
I have checked online for advice, but the bits in the address I have do not seem to match up with the bits that are mentioned in the how-to article. Help! [more inside]
Solution for matching citations to bibliography
I need to be able to match in text citations to reference list(s) and back again in very large documents (1000+ pages) WITHOUT the use of referencing software like Endnote*. I'd like to automate this as much as possible. [more inside]
How to put a calendar in an ebook (cause tables don't work)
I'm converting my book, which is in WORD, to an ebook. I have had to convert several tables to lists because the tables come out all screwy in the ebook format. But I've included a monthly calendar in the book, where you can see how somebody can organize her time day by day, only it doesn't come out right in the ebook... [more inside]
Excel reverse conditional formatting
I'd like something like conditional formatting, but that works the other way - a cell's value changes depending upon the colour the cell is filled with. [more inside]
Manager question: excel formatting
I have a question on how to set standards for an ambiguous process.
Part of my job involves having my directs "body-shop" powerpoint/excel charts - i.e. organizing things on the page, making tables look nice, filling in / fleshing out commentary, etc. (I'm in consulting). How can I help them do this better? [more inside]
I'm compiling chapters in a single Word file, and I'm doing the thing where I strip it of formatting before I paste it in and apply styles, but the endnotes are all fucked up. And I'm confused about how to do the Table of Contents. [more inside]
Merging several documents into once document in Word 2010
I'm helping a friend format an edited volume for submission to the publisher. I have 12 chapters, each with different formatting. I need to put them all into one document, in order, and remove all the formatting quirks from chapters 2-12 so that they match the formatting of chapter 1. Is this possible? [more inside]
Writing MS Word macro to convert glossary formatting to Excel table
I need some guidance in writing a macro that will parse a glossary Word document and reformat it into an Excel spreadsheet with the term in one column and the definition in a second column. [more inside]
Is it possible to format a report in Report Builder like this?
I'm supposed to put together a scheduled report in Report Builder and have it formatted in a way that I don't know how to do (grouped roughly by pairs of columns and then by rows. It's kind of hard to explain; mockup within). [more inside]
Getting Rid of Right-to-Left Text Entry in a MS Word Doc
How do I eradicate Hebrew right-to-left text editing from a Word document? [more inside]
F Yer Attention to Detail: Employees Are Our Most Important Appliances
Why in God's name, in 2015, do recruiting websites still insist that you cut-and-paste the resume you just spent dozens of hours format-tweaking into a web page that changes / strips my hard-won formatting perfection? Why can't I just upload a Word or PDF or even RTF file, the file formats everyone in the rest of the known universe uses? [more inside]
Microsoft Word find+replace - How to do this?
I have to "clean" a Word file by getting rid of all names before a tab mark. [more inside]
Outlook Prints Emails As A Column of Single Characters
Outlook automatically formats some nested messages as very narrow columns a single character wide. I need to print out several such messages and I'm unable to format these properly. [more inside]
What are the rules for explanatory notes?
I was reading a book of petry by T.S. Eliot with notes in the back half by Frank Kermode explaining the references, which got me wondering—what's the style for writing these kinds of footnotes? [more inside]
I need a simple excel macro and I'm willing to pay.
I often (upwards of 15 times a day) need to select some of the text within a cell or textbox in Excel, and format it bold and red. Not all the text in the cell/box -- just the text I select. Is it possible to write macros to do this task? And where should I go to find someone to write it? [more inside]
Screenplay formatting of inarticulate sounds.
What formatting conventions are there for inarticulate sounds such as screams, cries, snores, etc. when writing screenplays? [more inside]
Looking for a blogging platform that handles equations and code
My friend and I are starting an academic blog. We will be posting equations and code snippets (mostly MATLAB), and are looking for a blogging platform that will allow us to enter them easily and display them nicely. Do you have any suggestions on what we should use?
Make my Instapaper instantly paper
I build up quite a bit of reading in my online skimming, but I want to be able to export all that into some kind of newspapery or magaziney template that I can print out and read in the paper-world. Reading off a screen just isn't doing it for me anymore. [more inside]
Parsing movie/TV scripts
I have several scripts for movies and TV shows which appear to be in a standard tab-delimited format. I would like to get each character's lines alone into a new separate text document (likely via a computer script). [more inside]
How to grab an RSS feed and format it for a nice looking email
I'm helping an admin figure out how to grab links from an RSS feed that she can then repackage into an email, along with other content she'll add. What's the best way to do this? Skill level: novice [more inside]
How to get footnote references in footer to be smaller than in the text
The default scenario is, in a blank MS Word 2007 document, the footnote reference in the text is supertext, but is the same font size as whatever your normal text is. The footnote reference in the footer is point 10. They are different sizes, even though they are both the style called "footnote reference". They look different under "reveal formatting", but I don't understand reveal formatting. [more inside]
What novels have news clippings and press releases in them?
I'm writing the Great American Novel (isn't everyone?). I want to intersperse press releases and newspaper clippings throughout the book, but I'm not sure about formatting (and e-book format raises yet another question). [more inside]
Usenet author posting in justified paragraphs?
Does anyone know the name/email address of a guy who used to post to Usenet in the mid-1990s in justified text? (When rendered in a monospaced font.) [more inside]
Which survey tool will show previous responses, in-line with questions?
I'm sending out a survey to a group of people, and it would be great if they could see how others (before them) responded to each question. Google Forms and Survey Monkey allow respondents to see past responses after they've completed the survey, but not while they're filling out the survey. Is there a tool out there that embeds past responses in-line with questions? [more inside]