76 posts tagged with dining and resolved.
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Stuff to do in Hackney/Dalston, London UK—first in a series: FOOD?
Hello there! I am going to be visiting London for a week at the end of October, and staying in Hackney Central, while walking to Dalston daily. I'll be posting more questions over the next couple of weeks about other stuff to do while I'm there—but with this question, I would like to focus on recommendations for local eateries and food shopping. See inside for special snowflake stuff. Thanks! [more inside]
Home cooked meals, delivered in Seattle
Is there a service that will deliver something approximating a family meal to an address in Seattle? Ideally the recipient would get to choose from a menu of options, and the food would be delivered during the day to be (re)heated for dinner. Doesn't have to be super fancy, but should be good quality. At this time I'm looking for pre-cooked meals, not a box of ingredients with cooking instructions. [more inside]
Best bowls for the Bosch
We replaced our haunted dishwasher with a Bosch, but our old IKEA stoneware cereal/soup bowls don’t fit well in the racks. We’ve finally broken enough bowls, however, to necessitate buying a new set. Do you have a Bosch dishwasher and bowls that fit nicely inside? If so, what kind of bowls do you have? [more inside]
Upscale Philly restaurant recommendations?
Can anyone recommend some upscale dining spots in Philly? My sister is coming to visit this weekend and I'd love to make a reservation at a nice spot. We'll be based in South Philly but happy to travel. Thanks!
Where can I take my family for dinner on Thanksgiving in Toronto?
I live in Toronto. My parents are visiting me from the US next weekend, and I’d like to take them out for dinner on Thanksgiving (Oct 11 in Canada this year). Where’s a good place that can meet some snowflakey requirements? [more inside]
Tea in Denver (and sundry other travel questions)
I’ll be traveling to Denver today for a few days, staying downtown. I’m looking for a reliable place to get decent tea/tisanes, in walking distance of the convention center. [more inside]
Cozy pre-theater dinner in downtown PDX
A friend is taking me to see the Nutcracker this weekend, and I'm getting dinner. I'm being indecisive about picking a place and also about how early to make a reservation for a 7:30 show (we will walk/transit to the Keller). I'm looking for something cozy, convivial and in the American/English/traditional range, ideally with good beer or cocktails. No dietary restrictions. Price range is $100ish for the both of us, but flexible. Post-show drinks recommendations also welcome.
Where should we stay in Nashville?
I am looking for up-to-date recommendations for an area of Nashville to stay in for three days in September. [more inside]
putting the card before the check
When we go out to eat, my partner tends to hand over a card to pay the bill before our server has delivered the check. I think this is a bit rude, or at least dismissive of accepted restaurant dining practices.
Is there a "right" way to pay the bill?
I'd particularly be interested in hearing from folx who have worked as servers. Is it annoying when customers do this? Does it mess up your process? Or am I being too self-conscious about something that's no big deal?
A few more details below. [more inside]
What's the UK equivalent to Yelp/Zomato?
What's the UK equivalent to Yelp/Zomato/Wongnai? (And while we're on the topic, is there a local equivalent to Beanhunter - or is Beanhunter used over there?)
Le Fooding in Paris: Where should I eat? What's New?
I'm returning to Paris for the weekend, after several years of absence. I intend to eat my way through the city and I need the help of MeFi's food nerds to ensure that I do not waste precious tummy real estate on non-excellent food. More details on restaurant preferences inside… [more inside]
Dinner in Copenhagen this Sunday
I'm looking for restaurant recommendations in Copenhagen that will be likely to have a table available this Sunday evening. My parents, my partner and I are spending a long weekend in Copenhagen for my mother's 60th birthday. I was charged with booking a restaurant for a birthday dinner on Sunday - but time has slipped away from me and now I'm panicking! All cuisines considered though my mother is not a fan of Chinese food. Hard price limit is £100 per head (I guess roughly 700-750DKK) which rules out a lot of places in Copenhagen. [more inside]
Waiter, there's a fly in my soup!
The other night, I went to a restaurant and ordered a dish that was served inedibly salty. Well, when I say "inedibly," I speak figuratively, because we ate it. We didn't enjoy it, but we ate it. Which raised the question: when is it acceptable to send something back as a restaurant and ask for a replacement not because it's actually defective, but because it's just plain bad? [more inside]
Where should my girl gang eat in Sante Fe?
5 gals, looking to eat good food in Sante Fe on Friday the 17th. Looking for a moderately priced, casual sit down restaurant somewhere cute and walkable in the cool historic part of town. Beer and wine is a must, New Mexican cuasine is preferred. We'll be dining in the early evening, and definitely want to be able to wander around cool buildings and shops and galleries. Suggestions?
Is your Whole Foods declining in quality recently?
Let me acknowledge at the outset that this is an incredibly "First World" problem, but I am curious about others' experiences ... Have you noticed that the prepared foods/hot bar/salad bar at Whole Foods seems to have gone downhill in quality over the past few years? I used to go in there and find a million ready-to-eat things that looked delicious, now it's all just meh. Is this a case of familiarity breeds contempt, or have others also noticed a declining trend? Any idea why?
Dining for one in the East Bay
I'll be traveling to the East Bay (Oakland, to be precise) in July, and I'll be alone. Can you recommend places that are good for solo diners? Difficulty level: I really want dim sum. [more inside]
Heading to Birmingham, AL for a concert, looking for places to dine out
Where to eat in the Avondale neighborhood in Birmingham, AL on a Sunday afternoon in March before a show? [more inside]
Form of Address: Mother and Son Edition.
A while back, I was dining out with my mother. She is a widow, I am her unmarried son. Our server (who spoke English as a second language), addressed us as "Mr. & Mrs. Renault". I was squicked out. An address of 'Mr. & Mrs.', while perhaps technically correct, has a suggestion that we are a Mr. and Mrs. of each other, which we are most definitely not. So how should he have addressed us? [more inside]
You Shorted Me
What's a good way to politely handle a short pour? [more inside]
Dog friendly restaurants in Denver?
We will be driving through Denver en route to Breckenridge Saturday night. We'd like to stop for dinner, but we'll have our 15 lb. terrier mutt with us. Where should we stop? [more inside]
I'm broke, but I've got booze!
We're low on cash, but just so happen to have a couple bottles of high quality booze (these two things are not related...or are they? Don't judge!) What kinds of fantastic mixed drinks can we make over the next few weeks until we can buy beer again? [more inside]
Kansas City Weekend
My mother and I are driving up to Kansas City this weekend for a coffee crawl and I am hoping to get suggestions for places to eat. [more inside]
restaurant etiquette: used tissue on finished plate?
In a middle-of-the-road restaurant (i.e. not upscale, but not fast food), is it or is it not okay to leave a bunched-up, used tissue on a finished plate, alongside a bunched-up napkin, leftover food scraps and used cutlery?
Restaurants and other things to do in New London, Connecticut
I'll be staying a week in New London, CT by myself in early July. I'd like to get some recommendations for not-too-expensive places to eat, and other things to do. [more inside]
Which fancy restaurant on Orcas Island - New Leaf vs Ship Bay
I'm trying to pick a fine dining restaurant on Orcas Island for my best friend's 50th birthday. It looks like the top options are The Inn at Ship Bay Restaurant and the New Leaf restaurant at the Outlook Inn. They both get great reviews on Yelp and TripAdvisor, and they both have great views, and I need help choosing. [more inside]
Dining suggestions in Buffalo, NY
I'm from Buffalo, but I've not been back since 2001, I will be traveling to the area to got to a wedding, and since I've been away for so long I have no idea as to what the current state of culinary affairs are in B-lo and I was always partial to Allentown, Elmwood, North Buffalo area. [more inside]
I need to find a place to park my Sweetooth.
I need to find a great place to have dessert after a concert at Lincoln Center in New York on Saturday night. This is a date situation. [more inside]
where to dine for work in downtown St. Louis?
I'll be in St. Louis on business the week of the 8th. I'd love suggestions by locals for delicious slightly upscale or super-tasty places to go for dinner in that area. Prefer to stay away from greasy heavy fare, love most ethnic or regional cuisines. [more inside]
Nice but not crazy-pricey NYC restaurants for 12 - 15 people?
I'm helping my friend's Maid of Honor plan the bachelorette party. Due to a miscommunication, I thought we would be a party of 6 for dinner. Nope. It's between 12 - 15 people. I need to rethink. [more inside]
Going to Tokyo, allergic to soy. Help me build a list of "safe" dishes!
I'm going to Tokyo in the fall. I'm allergic to soy. It is an allergy triggered by the soy protein, which means that tofu and edamame are not OK but soy sauce is because the protein is denatured. (This is common for people who are allergic to soy - I am no special snowflake.) The easy solution would seem to be to live on yakitori and yakiniku...but I'm also a vegetarian. Difficulty level = 11!
[more inside]
Because I don't want to eat at Fort Sumter's commissary
Four+ days in Charleston and Savannah at the end of April. We've got a good list of things to see and do, now I turn to the HiveMind for food suggestions. [more inside]
What to do with a few weekdays in Los Angeles?
We'll be in L.A. for 2-3 weekdays in mid-March, and while one of our evenings is scheduled, we have no idea what to do with the rest of our time. We'll be staying in or near Hollywood, and won't have a car, but don't mind taking transit. We're especially looking for suggestions for one really very nice, splurge-y place for dinner, as well as great inexpensive places to eat. Also interested in: coffee-snob coffee; fancy cocktails; craft beer; fun/interesting/unique places to shop; anything else that seems interesting. We also really like live shows (comedy/improv/podcast/music), but most of the L.A. shows we know about are on the weekend. And I'm planning to go to Jenette Bras for a fitting, but I'd love suggestions for any other bra shops that carry sizes in the G+ range.
Where to stop between San Francisco and Sea Ranch?
My partner and I will be driving from San Francisco to Sea Ranch, California one day soon. Returning a few days later. We'd love some suggestions for places to stop along the way for coffee or lunch and for my partner to take photos. Even some side trips would be possible; we have the whole day. Please tell me what you love along that route! Thank you.
Women cannot live on maple syrup alone!
In order to sustain our Vermont sightseeing, we need food. What are your suggestions in the Burlington and Middlebury areas for early August? Sightseeing suggestions welcome as well. [more inside]
20 hour layover in London - help me have a pleasant time?
Hi London Mefites! I will have time during an extended layover to choose one neighbourhood of your large, international city to eat dinner, wander a little, sleep, and eat breakfast in. Which neighbourhood should I choose? [more inside]
October adventures in ME, NH and VT
My brother-in-law will be getting married at the outdoor chapel in Camden, ME in mid-October. Yes, the idea of an outdoor wedding along the seacost of Maine in autumn strikes me as a less-than-ideal plan, but that's a different subject altogether. I will have two weeks for visiting northern New England, so an itinerary of sorts needs developing. And here's where YOU come in! [more inside]
Portland OR restaurant for 20th anniversary?
Our 20th is the 23rd of May - and we want awesome food! [more inside]
Restaurants: reservations vs. walk ins
Are you, or have you been, a host/ess at a restaurant? If so, can you tell me what was going on with the reservations vs. walk ins at a restaurant we went to over the weekend? Just out of curiosity. [more inside]
Pittsburgh restaurant recommendations
I would like your help brainstorming the perfect Pittsburgh restaurant(s) to suit the needs of my local group. Special requirements (of course) inside. [more inside]
Delicious DC dining with desserts; difficulty: Sunday night.
DC/Northern Virginia experts: The other half and I have our first kid-free date night since, uh...too long. We're flexibile on dining options but I would like to find an awesome dessert place. We wouldn't mind driving someplace separate after dinner. The wrinkle is that this is for Sunday night (with a late start due to babysitting scheduling), and we'd like to avoid cupcakes. Hope us?
Not playing in Peoria
I have to go to Peoria, IL for a week starting February 6 to tend to the affairs of my mother, whose dementia is getting worse. I grew up there but I haven't been back for years, and when I did go back I stayed at Mom's. Now there is no room at Mom's because she's in assisted care. Where should I stay? [more inside]
Help us get this food budget under control.
Our eating out spending is out of control. We obviously have a problem with planning and making meals at home. What have you done that's helped you? [more inside]
Where to eat in Vancouver on Christmas Day?
Where can a currently not very mobile person go in downtown Vancouver for dinner on Christmas Day? (There are, as always, a few complications: see inside.) [more inside]
Help me find recipes that are interesting to eat with your eyes closed.
I want to treat my girlfriend to an unusual dinner. [more inside]
What to do in Santa Rosa?
What interesting things should I see, do, eat, and (maybe) drink in and around Santa Rosa this weekend? I'll be there primarily for a bike ride* but will have a day before the ride and a day after to do other stuff, as well. [more inside]
Best Crab Legs in Suburban Chicago?
Where are the best crab legs in suburban Chicago? [more inside]
Eating on the cheap in Vancouver.
Looking for inexpensive meals in Vancouver. [more inside]
Things to Do in Napa that I Haven't Already Done?
I've got an extra day and a half in Yountville/Napa Valley this weekend; what should I do? Bonus if it's not wine tasting--or at least not the wine tastings I've already done a dozen times. [more inside]
Tipping and Take-Out
Should I tip when I get take-out (and if so, how much)? How does the process work at the restaurant? [more inside]
Looking for awesome Portland dining suggestions
Portland, OR mefites: Looking for neat-o birthday dinner recommendations in your fine city for this weekend. [more inside]
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