June 16, 2012
MeFi: 0 posts , 89 comments
MetaTalk:0 posts , 18 comments
Ask MeFi:14 questions , 662 answers
Music:0 posts , 0 comments , 0 playlists
Music Talk:0 posts , 0 comments
Projects:0 posts , 0 comments , 1 vote
Jobs:1 post
IRL:0 posts , 1 comment
FanFare:0 posts , 1 comment
FanFare Talk:0 posts , 0 comments
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Favorites: 8429
Favorited by others: 2340
★ I help fund MetaFilter!
Ask MeFi:
Music Talk:
FanFare Talk:
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Favorites: 8429
Favorited by others: 2340
★ I help fund MetaFilter!
What's the deal with your nickname? How did you get it? If your nickname is self-explanatory, then tell everyone when you first started using the internet, and what was the first thing that made you say "wow, this isn't just a place for freaks after all?" Was it a website? Was it an email from a long-lost friend? Go on, spill it.
How do you pick a random word? Choose the third word on a random page of the nearest book. No paper books nearby? "third word on a random page" will do just fine.
Previously active under a different name since 2008; decided to start over with a non-identifying username since many of the geeks I love and work with hang out here as well.
How do you pick a random word? Choose the third word on a random page of the nearest book. No paper books nearby? "third word on a random page" will do just fine.
Previously active under a different name since 2008; decided to start over with a non-identifying username since many of the geeks I love and work with hang out here as well.