35 posts tagged with dualboot.
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Dualboot Set-Up Assistance

After putting a new SSD in my PC I installed Linux Mint & Windows 10 on it with the intention of using the old HDD as storage. Installation went well, but after mucking with stuff I ended up deleting the Linux partitions, assuming a reinstall would make it easier to avoid the issues I created and give me an opportunity to set things up better. [more inside]
posted by Alvy Ampersand on Apr 14, 2021 - 11 answers

Computer Not Working, Computer Now Working, Now What?

A few days ago my 7 years old PC conked out while struggling through a Windows update that had been dragging out over a couple days. Starting the PC would lead to a regular load screen, followed by a log in to the default account and then a blank screen with an unresponsive navbar at the bottom and no way to access files or programs. I put Linux Mint on a USB and after trial and error got that to work. Now that I can actually use the PC, how can I find out what the problem is and remediate it? More details and related questions within! [more inside]
posted by Alvy Ampersand on Mar 15, 2021 - 12 answers

Windows 10 is slow: hardware limitation or software issue?

I have a Thinkpad X220 Tablet with an i5-2520M CPU, 8 gb of ram, and an SSD. It's set up as a dual boot system with Ubuntu & Windows 10. Ubuntu runs fine, especially now that I've increased the ram to 8gb, but Windows 10 is often painfully slow to use even after a restart. [more inside]
posted by needs more cowbell on Jun 20, 2020 - 13 answers

Dual-boot Linux/Windows laptop: What file system for shared storage?

I need to be able to work on certain files safely from both Linux and Windows, and I'd like to access/write these files on an internal HDD in a secondary bay. The file system ideally should support files over 4 GB. I've looked up past questions on this, and done a general search online, and there's enough variety in recommendations that I'm hoping you can help me pick the best option for this instance. Details: [more inside]
posted by rangefinder 1.4 on Jul 8, 2019 - 6 answers

Two HDs in one laptop?

I'd like to use two hard drives in my laptop. It only has one HD bay. Please assist. [more inside]
posted by mr_bovis on Sep 25, 2017 - 7 answers

Can I put 2+ versions of OS X on a brand-newest Macbook Pro?

For testing purposes at work, they would like this magic to happen - put different iterations of OS X (e.g. snow leopard, lion, mt lion, mavericks) each on its own partition on the same physical disk. Apple L2 support has disavowed knowledge of such potential doings, despite there being support articles indicating that at least two versions of OS X on the same physical disk (and different partitions) is possible. Either a) it's doable or b) it's not doable. However... [more inside]
posted by bitterkitten on Jun 19, 2014 - 5 answers

Having trouble trying to partition the hard drive on my old Mac

I'm trying to partition the hard drive on my old mac (model 4,1 running OS X 10.5.8) so I can dual boot Ubuntu. The problem is that when I go to Disk Utility and and select to partition the drive I get an error saying that the partition failed because there's no space left on the device, even though I have lots of space. This happens no matter how small I make the partition. [more inside]
posted by el chupa nibre on Apr 15, 2013 - 4 answers

Windows boots from the wrong drive's bootloader, but is it worth fixing?

I bought a new laptop that has 2 hard drive bays. It came with a hard drive with Windows 7 preinstalled. I bought an SSD, installed Windows and Linux fresh onto it, wiped the old hard drive and used it as a data disk, but something is slightly out-of-whack in the boot sequence (and a partition is marked "System" when it really isn't). Is it worth fixing? [more inside]
posted by jozxyqk on Oct 24, 2012 - 15 answers

Ubuntu on netbooks

Asking for a friend: "Netbook-ubuntu-linux-dual boot-newbie question: recently purchased a Toshiba NB310 netbook. Please recommend me a version of ubuntu to install." [more inside]
posted by oracle bone on Mar 31, 2011 - 13 answers


Is it possible to run Mac software from Ubuntu? [more inside]
posted by solipsophistocracy on Apr 5, 2010 - 14 answers

Cross-OS Torrenting

How can I set up torrent software on a Xubuntu/XP dual boot so that the same torrents are in the pipeline on both operating systems? [more inside]
posted by scose on Jan 17, 2010 - 9 answers

Dual Booting For Dummies

Two-part question regarding a potential XP/Ubuntu dual-boot setup: a)Do I still worry about viruses if I'm not accessing the internet from the XP half? b) From reading online it seems that I'll be able to access files from the XP half while in Ubuntu, but will the opposite be true? [more inside]
posted by mannequito on Nov 27, 2009 - 6 answers

My Dream Dual Boot Netbook

Help me build my perfect netbook! [more inside]
posted by lemonfridge on Nov 26, 2009 - 15 answers

Conflicting information and experiences regarding dual-booting Windows XP and 7

How can I install Windows 7 on a machine that already has XP installed? There seems to be some conflciting information and experiences out there on the web. [more inside]
posted by feelinggood on Nov 25, 2009 - 6 answers

Boot Screen is all out of goose.

Trying to install XP and Ubuntu as dual-boot on a Dell Dimension 3100. The first menu, where I select which operating system to load, is off-centre and starts halfway down the screen. Some of the bottom of the menu appears at the top of the screen. Which means some of the options can't be seen. Help! [more inside]
posted by Cantdosleepy on Sep 10, 2009 - 5 answers

6.5 hour repartition. What?

What the heck is going on with this laptop as I reformat and set it up to dual boot? [more inside]
posted by TomMelee on Jul 11, 2009 - 13 answers

Get my dual-boot back

DualBootFilter: I've moved a Windows XP hard drive into a new machine, in a physically different configuration, and I think I need to fix boot.ini and maybe the mbr but I'm not sure how. Difficulty: new location is a secondary drive to a primary Linux drive running GRUB. Help? [more inside]
posted by jozxyqk on Jun 9, 2009 - 8 answers

How can I make windows play nice with itself?

How can I dual boot XP and Vista on my Vaio when all I have is the factory recovery Vista disc and a "XP downgrade" disc? [more inside]
posted by T.D. Strange on Nov 25, 2008 - 4 answers

RIP Mac... help me make Windows not suck

Long time Mac guy stuck for the foreseeable future using Windows. I'm out of the loop, but very computer literate. Looking for the BEST software for everything. What can't you live without? [more inside]
posted by sindas on Nov 23, 2008 - 29 answers

Can a Linux Logical Volume Manager be read by Windows?

Can an LVM partition be mounted by Windows XP or Vista? [more inside]
posted by lukemeister on Jun 28, 2008 - 5 answers

Help me understand Boot Camp and its limitations, please!

I'm purchasing an iMac sometime this weekend (yay!) and I'm trying to figure out how I want to partition the drive for Boot Camp... [more inside]
posted by DMan on Jun 13, 2008 - 18 answers

One version of Windows isn't enough, I need three!

Will Windows 98 and XP run and dual boot (or, treble boot, I suppose,) with my new Vista running computer? [more inside]
posted by Snyder on Jun 8, 2008 - 5 answers

Cross Platform Lab Management software?

Does anybody know a way that we can manage dual boot Macs regardless of what OS they are booted into. [more inside]
posted by crios on May 17, 2008 - 4 answers

How can I install Ubuntu alongside XP without being able to boot from a DVD drive?

I've recently purchased a new external USB DVD drive, as I do not have a floppy drive or internal CD/DVD drive on this windows PC. I am trying to set it up now for dual-booting Solaris+Ubuntu but, even after updating the BIOS (Phoenix 6.00) I cannot boot a USB drive. First, does anyone have a way I could somehow add USB drivers as a boot option (along with XP), so that I can then add Solaris and Ubuntu (making it four options at boot)? [more inside]
posted by christopherbdnk on Dec 26, 2007 - 9 answers

Young Pooterstein

I have some novice questions about a re-install with dual booting in Windows XP. More inside.... [more inside]
posted by Huplescat on Dec 21, 2007 - 1 answer

Can Vista and XP be dual booted from separate disks?

Is it possible to dual boot Windows Vista and Windows XP Pro if each are installed on separate hard drives? [more inside]
posted by hwestiii on Mar 18, 2007 - 4 answers

Dualboot Media Player

What's the best media player that works in both OS's in a dual boot setup (XP and Unix) ? [more inside]
posted by philomathoholic on Jan 21, 2007 - 12 answers

How do I dual boot XP Pro and XP MCE

I bought an Alienware Aurora laptop a couple months ago which I configured with Windows Media Center Edition. everything has been working great and I like MCE but I have started to do some recording of music and it seems that hardware and software in the recording world is almost universally incompatible with MCE, so I bought XP Pro and I want to dual boot the two of them, I made a 10GB partition and put Pro on there, it runs but explore seems real slow, and I have to switch the primary boot partition from inside windows using a disk manager program and its a pain, I want to dual boot from startup, any tips? Thank you!
posted by BodieRyan on Jan 1, 2007 - 7 answers

Help me boot into windows with a broken bootloader and no installation media...

I've messed up my boot loader. I have a (working, legal) XP installation, but it won't boot, and I don't have any Windows installation media. How can I fix it? Linux, Windows and general stupidity feature in the creation of the problem, and getting the computer ready to give away in time for Christmas is the aim. [more inside]
posted by handee on Dec 11, 2006 - 9 answers

How do I dual boot Ubuntu and XP using entirely different disks?

How do I dual boot Ubuntu and XP using entirely different disks? [more inside]
posted by torpark on Sep 30, 2006 - 6 answers

Vista, XP & Ubunty Tripple Boot on a Software Raid?

I managed to trash my partitions today trying to install Vista RC1 and dual boot XP (my fault, I did something stupid). Anyway. Since I'm starting from scratch I was thinking it would be amazing to install Vista, XP & Ubuntu, but I'm not sure I can even do that. My problem is that I'm doing a software Raid (0) of my system drive. I know with my old computer it looked like a nightmare to get Ubuntu and XP to share a software raid and I was hoping maybe things have improved, or that my new motherboard/raid controller might work better now though. What do you think? Can it be done? Thanks! [more inside]
posted by chrisWhite on Sep 9, 2006 - 5 answers

WinXP install on an iMac: OEM vs Full Retail Boxed versions

I want to install WinXP on my new iMac DuoCore. Is there a difference between using an OEM install disk (legal original) and a full boxed retail install disk? [more inside]
posted by I, Credulous on Apr 18, 2006 - 19 answers

Does booting often hurt my computer?

Does booting a computer often lower its life expectancy? [more inside]
posted by visual mechanic on Apr 11, 2006 - 15 answers

Dual boot - XP and Ubuntu

How can I set up my dual boot system with Windows XP and Ubuntu Linux? [more inside]
posted by lunkfish on Sep 29, 2005 - 6 answers

Problems with GRUB and dual-booting

Linux Filter: Had to re-install XP on a dual-boot machine because I borked it. It overwrote the MBR, where Grub was installed. How do I get GRUB back on the computer, and seeing my linux partition?
posted by SpecialK on Oct 12, 2004 - 5 answers

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