91 posts tagged with charts.
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Need help creating a stacked column chart in Excel

I am trying to create a stacked column chart for some very simple data in Excel. It is basically just three values that total up. But I can’t get Excel to display it the way I want. Help? Details below the fold. [more inside]
posted by Winnie the Proust on Aug 28, 2024 - 3 answers

Chart and data manipulation help

I have been logging the times and days that an incident has been occurring. I'd like to be able to take that data and map it in a chart so that I can easily see trends and patterns of occurrence. Sort of like this. What is this kind of chart called? Is there a way I could automatically create it from the data I've collected? I guess I'll need to know how to format that data. I'd also like to be able to manipulate the chart so I only see one specific day of the week, or only yellow squares, etc. Links to tutorials very welcome. I used to have beginner-intermediate Excel skills but they are now extremely rusty from lack of use. I can follow instructions, though!
posted by Stoof on Aug 21, 2022 - 4 answers

Applying technical indicator knowledge outside of investing?

A friend really likes using technical indicators for investing. Things like various moving averages overlaid on candle and bar charts for example. Since the markets are frustrating right now, this friend is looking for other areas where this knowledge may apply, and especially if they can learn about new types of indicators while learning about those new areas. They also mentioned throwing in some of those neat-looking & free math or statistics software packages out there, but are generally unfamiliar with them. [more inside]
posted by circular on Jun 11, 2022 - 15 answers

Finding current charts for older music

Inspired by a recent post on the blue, I wondered if it was possible to discover 'charts' of what older music (eg, older than 18 months) is being played this week on a streaming service like Spotify. So - basically, this week's (or month's) chart for long tail music. [more inside]
posted by Sparx on Jan 24, 2022 - 1 answer

Data Viz: Creating/animating infographics from Tableau data sets

Looking to display tables and charts that animate and have rollover effects to include in client presentations (likely in google slides, ppt or beautiful.ai). [more inside]
posted by pmaxwell on Jan 8, 2022 - 2 answers

Google Sheets data: how to input, how to extract data.

How can I set up a Google Sheet in order to extract a certain data set? There are many more details inside... [more inside]
posted by zardoz on Apr 16, 2021 - 11 answers

Useful charts and reports for home accounting?

I've been dilligently recording down household income and expenses for a decade now, but I realised that I don't really do anything with that data after entering it in. What are some charts and reports I should generate from the data in order to be more in tune with my finances and perhaps figure out how we could better manage our money? [more inside]
posted by destrius on Jun 8, 2020 - 4 answers

Column graph vs. line graph: What's better for yearly data?

At my workplace, I'm getting ready to publish an internal annual report for 2019. I'm looking for advice on the most-effective way to present some data graphically. [more inside]
posted by akk2014 on Feb 10, 2020 - 11 answers

Online Line Graph Tool Needed

I need to create a line graph for work. The left side should be numbered 1 through 15. The bottom would have fifteen names on it. There would be three lines tracking people's performance in three metrics. This doesn't seem like it should be that hard, but I keep coming across tools that are either too limited to allow fifteen names or three lines or are more complex than I need and require a learning curve that is too steep for this simple project. What should I use?
posted by DirtyOldTown on Mar 7, 2017 - 5 answers

Excel-Powerpoint Linking-Embedding Charts-Tables

I am trying to create charts in Excel and then copy them into Powerpoint. If I initially paste the charts with linked data, can I subsequently embed that data for sharing with others? Are there other convenient ways of sharing a Powerpoint file together with a linked Excel file? More tiny/related questions and details within. [more inside]
posted by taltalim on Aug 8, 2016 - 6 answers

Billboard album charts for the 1960s

I would like to see the weekly Billboard album charts for the period 1965-1969. Is this data available online? [more inside]
posted by paleyellowwithorange on Jan 15, 2016 - 2 answers

Help to design a nursery around my husband's favorite chart?

Because baby needs to learn not to invade Russia [more inside]
posted by helen_of_tron on Jul 17, 2015 - 20 answers

How to split a line chart by day of the week

ExcelFilter: I have two columns of data- column one is every day in a month, column two is attendance. I'd like to have a line graph that shows the data split into 7 lines- one for Mondays, one for Tuesdays, etc. How can I do this?
posted by BuddhaInABucket on Feb 1, 2015 - 2 answers

OCR for charts and graphs

This happens all the time in my work: I see a chart of valuable data, I want the exact numeric values or close approximations but the data is (purposely) unlabeled, or perhaps only key data is labeled. Is there a way to automatically estimate the values? [more inside]
posted by 2bucksplus on Oct 13, 2014 - 10 answers

Getting crazy duplicate charts in Excel spreadsheets using Save to Web

So, I have a series of worksheets in an Excel file that I routinely save to web (single web page format) so that colleagues can access the information on an intranet. Since our company upgraded to Office 2010 these worksheets have begun accumulating multiple copies of any charts located on these sheets (superimposed on the original) - these duplications are in both chart and image form. [more inside]
posted by aught on Apr 3, 2014 - 1 answer

Creating simple bar graph in Excel 2007

Hey guys, what I'm trying to do is very simple I just never really use Excel. I have two unrelated fields, categories, or columns, that I'd like to depict in a bar graph showing the amount of records that have been completed out of the total. The data are values, in my case "Yes", not numbers. I used the countif() formula to count every cell that has "yes". But I'm not really sure what I have to do next. Do I need to create another row showing what percentage this number is from the total amount of records, 136/633? And then create a bar graph from just that cell? When I just highlight all the cells for both columns and click bar graph it doesn't even fully show me a graph so I'm obviously not doing it right. Ideally, I'd like the y-axis to just show 0-100% and the total number of records(633) with marks maybe at 25% intervals. The x-axis to have my two column names and then the bars showing the percentage of records that have "yes" for these columns out of the total with a count included also. If anyone could help me out that would be great. Thanks a ton in advance.
posted by mr.coffee on Mar 28, 2014 - 6 answers

Posters chock-full of charts

I need to design a poster for my research project, and the majority of the content will likely be in the form of simple charts / diagrams / conceptual maps. I'm looking for examples of well-design posters that have multiple charts (ideally 2x2s). [more inside]
posted by jus7brea7he on Dec 9, 2013 - 4 answers

What is the point of a rose chart?

When is it more appropriate to use a rose (or radar) chart vs. a bar/line/pie chart? Bonus points if you can point to studies showing why some types of charts are better than others for understanding information. [more inside]
posted by nushustu on Oct 21, 2013 - 11 answers

Best Project Management Solution (maybe able to export MS Project files)

Are there any websites or programs that can read and export MS Project .mpp files that are more affordable and just as capable as MS Project? Failing that, what's a good online website that can achieve the same effect of building the chart for the customer and maybe even allowing them to collaborate with us on it? We're a small company whose customers often like to see and modify MS Project files at the beginning of a project. Project is expensive and locked to one computer per license, and I don't feel like installing it on lots of computers here when most of the users will use it maybe 1% of the time. Plus, none of us know how to fully extract all the value from this expensive software to justify it. I'd like a solution more tailored to our small needs that still will satisfy our customers. I'm also open to other project management solutions as detailed below. [more inside]
posted by KinoAndHermes on Sep 9, 2013 - 2 answers

Simplest way to generate many chart images from a csv?

I have been looking at Chartbuilder and d3.js as a means to generate chart images for clients. We make them a video and instream advertise it. We report monthly impressions and views of the video. What would be the best way to present this data? [more inside]
posted by andendau on Aug 24, 2013 - 6 answers

Looking to extract more info from this database

We are storing information about application hits in a database. Sadly my database/excel skills are pretty limited and I'd like some help getting more info out of the information we have. [more inside]
posted by Admira on Jul 17, 2013 - 11 answers

Excel Chart Coloring Issues

I've got three pie charts in excel that show the same cut of information (location of sales) for three time periods: current month, current year YTD, last year YTD, with each chart fed by tables that rank locations by total sales for each time period. I want the color for any given location to be the same in each chart, regardless of its rank for each of the three time periods. How do I do that? [more inside]
posted by undercoverhuwaaah on Jul 17, 2013 - 1 answer

OkCupid Blog RIP...

So I take it that the OkTrends blog was killed off after Match bought OkCupid. Where can I now get my regular fix of really interesting statistics presented at a level that the lay person can understand? (I already know about Nate Silver and xkcd's What If.)
posted by capricorn on Jul 7, 2013 - 7 answers

Scale my function for a line graph

Math-filter: I have a line chart in Google Docs that plots three columns of data over time. Data in the first two columns ranges from 0-1000, but data in the third column ranges from 3-9. I'd like to "scale" Line 3 (maybe this is the wrong word?) to be able to compare its value over the same graph space as Lines 1 and 2. [more inside]
posted by electric_counterpoint on Jun 12, 2013 - 7 answers

Need a (legit) Pantone color chart

At work we want to put up a certain type of pantone color chart on the website so that people can at least see approximate colors. I'm well aware of the issues with precise matching using a computer monitor; we just want to provide some general reference so that people can see what colors we're talking about if we give them a PMS number. [more inside]
posted by randomkeystrike on Jun 11, 2013 - 5 answers

Help me learn to get the most out of ReverbNation and its moods

Why would our Reverb Nation ranking drop a very lot in a very short amount of time? How does it work in general? What can I use to ensure our ranking best reflects our fan count or fan base on other sites - That's sort of the purpose of the band equity, I think, which - could someone explain it to me? What does it value? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Mar 9, 2013 - 0 answers

Chart help needed: How to show proportion between two values?

What type of chart do I want to show that one number is several times as many as another? [more inside]
posted by Sock Ray Blue on Jan 16, 2013 - 9 answers

How can I dynamically generate charts showing party seating in Congress?

How can I use PHP (ideally with jQuery) to generate charts like these that Wikipedia uses to show part shares in Congress?
posted by kirkaracha on Jan 11, 2013 - 3 answers

Reddit and Not Reddit

What's the easiest way to achieve this Reddit-lite interface? [more inside]
posted by unSane on Nov 13, 2012 - 3 answers

iTunes Viewing Options for a Table or Spreadsheet?

What Mac program should I use for a chart to keep track of my upcoming job applications? You know how in iTunes, you can see the same music library listed alphabetically by artist, or by album, or by genre, and so on? I'd like to be able to view the same bunch of jobs listed by deadline, or by ad number, or alphabetically by requirements. [more inside]
posted by Beardman on Oct 1, 2012 - 9 answers

Graphing Politics

Why doesn't Obama or any politician for that matter use graphs to explain things? For all of their sophistication in Internet and social media, why doesn't the Obama campaign just go on television and show the American people a damn chart? Are we that stupid or am I missing something here?
posted by jasondigitized on Aug 19, 2012 - 22 answers

What is this type of chart called and/or how do you create one in Excel?

What is this type of chart called and/or how do you create one in Excel? [more inside]
posted by tippiedog on Aug 17, 2012 - 8 answers

Fast, Interactive Tcl Graphs

I'm looking for a good, simple plotting package. [more inside]
posted by DU on Aug 10, 2012 - 8 answers

How to get complementary colors in powerpoint?

Powerpoint Chart Colors Question: can someone tell me how to calculate the R/G/Y values for similar colors? [more inside]
posted by Farce_First on Aug 1, 2012 - 7 answers

How to find a chart of U.S. workforce composition by sector over time?

Looking for a simple economic history chart to make a simple point. An hour on google images has failed me; can the hive mind help out? [more inside]
posted by sy on Jul 19, 2012 - 4 answers

Help me make my graphs pretty

Tips for making attractive charts/graphs? (In Excel/Illustrator, but I'm not bound to those). [more inside]
posted by hot soup on Jun 15, 2012 - 11 answers

Charting Seas of Data

What examples are out there on the web of interactive charts with thousands of data points that can be scrolled through smoothly with little interruption or skipping? [more inside]
posted by JoeXIII007 on Apr 18, 2012 - 3 answers

Envisioning a syllabus on the Display of Quantitative Information

I am planning on teaching a course on data visualization to some Ph.D. students in the social sciences, and could use some ideas about designing the syllabus. If you have taken or taught such a course, I would especially value your input, but I would also love to hear from any among you who have experience doing data visualization. [more inside]
posted by rapidadverbssuck on Feb 14, 2012 - 8 answers

Free online graphing app that plays well with Excel?

Asking for a colleague: "Back in October 2008, I found a free online app that uploaded data from Excel and produced (very pretty) charts and graphs. Unfortunately, I didn’t keep track of the website, and I’m having trouble tracking it down again. Most of the free graphing apps I’ve found online today require that you manually input the data; I’m looking for something that will more easily upload a set of data from Excel."
posted by lassie on Nov 22, 2011 - 5 answers

Looking for online tools for making nice data visualizations.

Are there online resources that will let an amateur make slick, professional infographics, graphs, charts or images+text? Or communities of designers that do quick, topical visualization challenges? Further details inside. [more inside]
posted by HE Amb. T. S. L. DuVal on Nov 8, 2011 - 2 answers

Seeking understanding and tools I need to design a homepage that is a dynamic bar chart.

This weekend I'm setting up a website for an academic event. I'd like the homepage of the site to have large, clickable progress bars that display the number of posts for each of the subpages (News & Announcements, Blog, Events, etc.). As more posts are added to each of the subpages (posts would likely be sorted and displayed by category and tag), its respective progress bar takes up more screen real estate and the tally count listed on/near it increases. Basically, I want the homepage to look like a giant, dynamic bar chart. Is there a freeware (or cheap) template, widget or piece of code that allows me to do this? [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Sep 15, 2011 - 7 answers

Can I get anything useful out of my savings history?

As a result of my method for saving money, I've ended up with a huge excel spreadsheet for the last 4 years detailing how much I've put in and taken out of my savings account. The problem is that although I've taken time to record all this information, I've now realised that I'm not sure what I can actually do with it. Do you have any ideas? [more inside]
posted by mr_silver on Jun 30, 2011 - 12 answers

So how do people make those nice graphs?

What are some super simple graph making programs? [more inside]
posted by boobjob on May 11, 2011 - 11 answers

What's the best charting software out there?

Best business charting software? [more inside]
posted by theKik on May 7, 2011 - 3 answers

How Can I Make This Chart in Excel 2010?

Can you help me change the color on part of a chart in Excel 2010? [more inside]
posted by Bugbread on Apr 24, 2011 - 4 answers

Help me create a scatterplot that isn't ugly and bad

Better-looking scatterplot using data from an OpenOffice calc spreadsheet? [more inside]
posted by RobotHero on Feb 27, 2011 - 4 answers

Making a graph with null data or text in Google Spreadsheet

Google Documents changed the way it handles chart data and now I can't make a simple graph. [more inside]
posted by Gandhi Knoxville on Nov 3, 2010 - 6 answers

How does Apple calculate the iTunes App Store charts?

How does Apple calculate the iTunes App Store charts? [more inside]
posted by Sifter on Oct 4, 2010 - 2 answers

Diagrams - best of...

Tell me about the most comprehensive diagram resources ever? [more inside]
posted by b33j on Sep 8, 2010 - 8 answers

Gantt Charts for Basecamp

What's the best Basecamp add-on for making Gantt charts? [more inside]
posted by otherwordlyglow on Aug 10, 2010 - 0 answers

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