94 posts tagged with canning.
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Water bath canning = steam bath canning?
Is it safe and effective to can by placing the jars in a "bath" of steam (i.e. on a rack over boiling water in a pot) rather than in boiling water? [more inside]
Can I Eat It: Canning
I made my annual batch of mustard. The recipe doesn't call for processing it but I do so anyway, in a stove top canning pot. Two questions! [more inside]
Canning and Food Preservation Newb Seeks Advice
#metafilterfundraiser2023. I've upped my vegetable garden game a lot this year, but it means we have tons more food than we can reasonably use before it spoils. I was so focused on the gardening side of things that I just decided to roll with the preservation side when it came. It's here and predictably I'm overwhelmed! [more inside]
Canning, feeling adventurous, but not botulism-adventurous
Looking for trustworthy resources for less-usual canning recipes. [more inside]
What to do with 19 inches of hot zucchini love?
tldr: I have a zucchini in my garden. It is huge. I'm afraid to harvest it because I don't know exactly what to do with it. I need gardening advice &/or recipes for things I can preserve / freeze / otherwise store. All suggestions welcome. [more inside]
Can you pickle snap peas?
I have a gallon of snap peas to use up and I'm sick of eating them, having already eaten a gallon. (Literally. It's been a good year for peas.) Can I hot-water-bath vinegar pickle them like dilly beans?
so many green peaches.
We were given a big bag of peaches, but many of them seem slightly underipe and green. Please advise us, peach experts! [more inside]
Canning apple pie filling
I’ve come into some tasty apples I want to preserve so I’m planning to make this recipe for preserving apple pie filling. However I’d be mostly eating it in oatmeal and on ice cream instead of baking it into a pie. Do you think this recipe would result in a sufficiently cooked filling to be tasty without the step of baking it in a pie crust? Thanks!
Can it ripen?
So, I'm late to the bandwagon, but I want to try to can tomato sauce. I was given a lot of tomato plants and they are doing very well. I've read a lot, I'm assembling equipment, but I don't understand how to inform the tomatoes to all ripen at the same time. How do you manage different ripening schedules? I just picked a huge tomato. But all of the others are green. Help?
Can I cool jam and store it in the fridge before canning?
I googled for an answer to this, but couldn't sort out relevant answers*: can I make a batch of jam, store it overnight in the fridge, and then can it? [more inside]
Recommendation for a canning book
I am interested in a book of modern canning recipes to add some interest to my usual rotation. What do you recommend? [more inside]
HOME FARM FOOD MACHINE starting points plz
My spouse and I have a neglected backyard of approx 10' x 30'. We do a lot of canning and preserving and some fermenting. We have a budget for a winter project and we're pretty handy. We know basically nothing about gardening. We live in northern California (no snow, lots of sun exposure in the back). We want to build a "home farm food machine" to max out the calories, vitamins, nutrients we can grow! Gardeners of AskMe, what starting points would you recommend for us? What are good examples of this kind of system? [more inside]
Where can I find canning jars in King County?
There is a dearth of canning jars in Seattle and I need help finding them! [more inside]
Food safety canning question....garnishes/decorations?
What are rules of thumb for adding garnishes to pickles?
Looking to add a few black peppercorns and a pinch of hot pepper to pickled garlic. [more inside]
Interesting uses for Concord grapes?
Specifically regarding water bath canning: I grow three Concord grape vines and they are pretty generous. Last year I had maybe a dozen half pints of jelly to can.
I've only eaten half a dozen peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in my entire adult life. Ideas for something....else? [more inside]
Seed or No Seed, that is the question
I bought myself 8 pounds of marionberries to jam. I've jammed a few other berries before like strawberries and raspberries, but I've avoided the blackberry varieties because of the seeds, etc. Should I run these through my food mill first, or just jam as is? [more inside]
Which is the best canning safety reference right now?
I'm looking for the most straightforward technical reference, in the US, not something with good interesting recipes. The current Ball guide? The last-but-one Ball guide? Something else? ... This would be quick in an actual bookstore or library, but none of the online snippets I've found are relevant. [more inside]
Sources for bulk canning lids, please?
Canners of MetaFilter: Where are you finding the best prices/shipping deals on wide mouth and regular lids in bulk? (I'm all set on jars and rings, thanks, just after lids.) I know about Fillmore, and have a local source as a back-up--just wondering if there's somewhere else I should be looking.
What should I know about short-term food canning?
The Food Lab cookbook has a slight variation on Marcella Hazan's tomato sauce recipe, and apparently it can be refrigerated in sterilized jars for up to a month. That would save a lot of freezer space! Where can I learn more about this style of food preservation? What do I need to know to avoid poisoning myself? [more inside]
Are these nine pounds of frozen ghost peppers still good?
I've had a nine-pound bucket of cleaned and processed ghost peppers (Bhut jolokia) in my freezer for five years. It's time to either use them or throw them out. Are they still good for cooking and canning? How could I tell? [more inside]
Pickling recipe question
Can I swap out 5% cider vinegar for 5% red wine vinegar in a recipe for pickled red onions? [more inside]
Jam sesh
I made a gallon of plum jam and accidentally added too much sugar. It's very sweet. Too sweet. Can I gloop it all out of the jars and cook it with more fruit and more pectin to cut the sweetness, or does jam chemistry not work that way? [more inside]
I need some plum good ideas.
We have plums. Lots of plums.
My husband and I are the new owners of a fabulous and prolific golden plum tree.
We have plums coming out of our ears this week. We can only eat and barter and give away just so many. We still have, probably, a couple hundred more pounds. [more inside]
Millions of peaches
I impulsively bought 50 lbs of peaches from my CSA planning on learning how to can them. I'm still planning on doing that, but I'd like to use them up in other ways as well (other than just eating them straight-up, which I will be doing plenty of). I'm getting nervous about how many peaches 50 lbs actually is, because as I get closer to pick-up time (tonight!) it seems like more and more, and I am regretting this impulse buy. What are your favorite recipes using fresh peaches, preferably a lot of fresh peaches? [more inside]
Looking for reputable suppliers for DIY cleaning product ingredients
I've dabbled in mixing my own cleaning supplies for a while and so far it has worked out well. Now I'd like to go all-in and ditch the brand name products altogether. Can you recommend any reputable suppliers for "bulk" ingredients? [more inside]
Should I just stick to textile crafts?
I am planning a pregnancy this year, and I’m also planning several hobby projects that might not be compatible with pregnancy. I’m looking for a sanity check about the level of risk these projects carry, and if I can mitigate that risk with some precautions. [more inside]
Teach me about modern labeling adhesives
This ask from 2010 gets after what I'm curious about: When I was growing up, soaking a glass jar or bottle in warm, soapy water generally sufficed to de-adhere the label and remove (at least most) of the glue from the vessel. Lately, though, this seems just to disintegrate the label and leave a tacky, gunky residue. What changed? [more inside]
I hope you like jamming to
Jam and jelly makers, lend my your ears. We've been having problems with our jam setting.
What can we do to insure new batches do set, and can I recover a recent batch that is more syrup than jam ? [more inside]
Bean safety
I canned some green beans about a month ago. Is it a problem if the beans are poking up above the liquid? When we initially canned them the beans were below the liquid and the beans were floating. Now they're not floating, and the liquid level has lowered. The lids are all secure.
Putting up Thai chilies for the duration?
My Thai chili pepper plants have done wonderfully, and I'm ready to harvest. I'd like to end up with a shelf-stable paste/thick sauce. Can I ferment these, and then puree and can them BWB-style? [more inside]
A question about pickling okra
I have 72 ounces of okra with the stems ends entirely removed. All the photos of pickled okra that I can find just have the stem removed. What will this do to the okra when it's pickled and water bath canned? I don't want to can 12 jars of this stuff if it's going to be slimy. I know that pickling mitigates the slime, but of course, these okra are overtrimmed. [more inside]
Preserving cherries
I have forty pounds of organic bings (dark sweet cherries) that I need to deal with this weekend. We are pitting and freezing some-but need your best ideas for preserving the rest. [more inside]
Did it get canned properly?
I made some blueberry jam the other day (yum!), but things didn't go quite as expected during the boiling process. I'd like to understand what happened and whether it will be safe to keep in the cupboard and eat after a while. [more inside]
Apple Butter Greater Than Either Apples Or Butter
Help me make the dopest fucking apple butter. [more inside]
a curry to die for
Experienced canners, please help me make and preserve a delicious botulism-free coconut pumpkin curry sauce. [more inside]
You have died of dysentery. Or botulism.
I'm a home canner with a glut of watermelon, a love of lemonade, and a strong desire to not die of a preventable poisoning. In theory, is it possible to pressure can a watermelon-lemonade/limeade concentrate without creating the perfect environment for botulism? [more inside]
Canning for Germaphobes
I really want to get into canning/preserving/pickling but I'm terrified of poisoning myself. Aside from "use proper techniques and you'll be fine", what foods are least likely to cause a problem? Which are the most foolproof?
Is this sweet chili sauce safe for canning?
A friend sent a link to this sweet chilli sauce. I'd like to can it, but only if it's safe. What is the opinion of Ask's canning brigade? [more inside]
Canning wax peppers: Advice and recipes, please?
Bumper crop of Hungarian wax peppers this summer, and I would like to can some. Best practices? Favorite recipes for spreads/to-be-stuffed? [more inside]
Homesteading and self-sufficiency resources (without the bloodshed)
I have become interested in self-sufficiency lately, especially the ability to feed my family from what I grow or produce myself, if not permanently, at least for an extended period of time should the necessity arise. I suppose it is similar to homesteading but I have zero interest in livestock (especially the slaughtering), so maybe it is closer to Depression era survival skills..? [more inside]
It's like oranges and...mostly oranges
I have an orange tree, a kitchen (and supplies to waterbath can but not pressure can), and a freezer (but not a huge freezer). I would like interesting suggestions for what to do with these things.
Level of difficulty: lower-carb household. [more inside]
Should I boil the rubber, too?
Bottling hot sauce for Christmas. I have a quick question re: sterilizing the bottles. [more inside]
Does this pickled roasted pepper recipe seem acidic enough?
Last year I made the best pickled roasted pickled peppers last year but I didn't process it and only kept it in the fridge so I wouldn't have worried as much about the acidity level. This year I want to process them and keep them in the pantry. Does this seem acidic enough? [more inside]
I don't drink... wine: Making Herb Jelly Edition
So I'm cruising through my new Ball canning cookbook and they have recipes for herb jellies, bwee!!! They all call for a good dry white wine. I've never been a wine drinker, so I'm looking for suggestions. What are some good, dry white wines that you've drunk and/or cooked with that you would recommend for basil and rosemary jelly? Since I'm going to be canning in large amounts, I would appreciate suggestions that aren't $100/bottle.
Did I mess up my quick fridge pickles?
Will these suckers be edible after premature opening and an ill-fitting lid? [more inside]
Can I eat it? Indian grocery edition.
I bought some hot mango pickle at the Indian grocery store yesterday. It was packaged differently from what I've had before and I am concerned about its safety. When I've bought this same kind before it was in a glass jar with a metal lid, like other shelf-stable canned goods in jars. This time it was stored at room temperature in a glass jar, but the lid is plastic. [more inside]
Help me get my jam on! (Because I can-can-can!)
This year for Christmas, I want to make jam, specifically this strawberry-grapefruit marmalade. But I've never canned anything in my life! Specific questions inside. [more inside]
How do I can applesauce in small portable amounts?
We just went apple picking and have a ton of great apples for making apple sauce. How do we can apple sauce in small, portable quantities (is disposable a bridge too far?) that my kindergartener can bring to school? [more inside]
Bulk Produce in Vancouver
In August, I usually buy a bushel of tomatoes and make a 12-month supply of canned sauce, soups, and salsas.
Where can I buy a bushel of tomatoes and other bulk produce in Vancouver, Canada?
The slow vegetable drip
Our garden is happily producing vegetables for us, and I want to take some of this fresh, homegrown produce and preserve it. However, we're not getting large enough batches of produce to actually can or pickle. How do I work around this? [more inside]
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