162 posts tagged with blogger.
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How to label search terms to stand out in Blogger blog?

I have a Blogger blog and I want to make searching for a surname easy. So I labeled #Skaggs for a book that contained the Skaggs surname but when I went to search to test it, the search came back all posts with the word Skaggs not just the one post with #Skaggs [more inside]
posted by cda on Jul 1, 2024 - 6 answers

Black & white aesthetic, leather and cake

I'm trying to find the name of a DIY style blogger circa 2009-2011 who had a black & white aesthetic and worked on both food and clothing/accessories, but who suddenly had a meltdown circa 2012 and presumably disappeared. [more inside]
posted by creatrixtiara on Sep 4, 2023 - 4 answers

Who was this early-mid 00's fat blogger?

There was a fat blogger I used to read back in the height of the Shapely Prose era, who had connections with the View Askew fandom and New Zealand (though I think they were American). Who were they? I loved their writing [more inside]
posted by Gin and Broadband on Mar 11, 2022 - 2 answers

Help me find this long-lost blog

A few years ago, I read a blog by an American man who had spent a year studying in England in the 1980s, and had taken his diary from that year and turned it into a blog. I’d love to re-read it. [more inside]
posted by penguin pie on Sep 3, 2021 - 2 answers

Putting snippets of web pages into blogger, the easy way

So there used to be a simple bookmarklet for Blogger. You could highlight text on a web page, hit the bookmarklet, and the linked text would show up in a fresh blog entry. I realize I am the last person on earth using Blogger, but is there still a way to easily put content into blogger in this manner? Or am I asking the wrong question?
posted by craniac on Jan 30, 2021 - 2 answers

Blogger Help: All of my posts were removed from blog - now have a list

Don't know what happened. There is no blog, only a list of the individual posts throughout the years with a monogram letter next to each post. I can access them to edit but not to post. I want to upload them to a newly created blog - would this be possible? Can I download them in one file to have on my HD? Does anyone know what happened and if this is fixable?
posted by watercarrier on Dec 5, 2020 - 6 answers

How Can I Can the Spam?

On my blogs, I keep getting spam comments, often from the same few accounts, and it's maddening to have to delete their garbage several times a day. Is there a way to permanently block specific commenters on Blogger/Blogspot?
posted by orange swan on May 27, 2020 - 5 answers

Is it ethical to post negative reviews for small-time bloggers?

I recently prepared a recipe posted by a blogger (I found the recipe through a Google search). The recipe looked promising, but the resulting dish was quite vile. I'm tempted to post a negative review. [more inside]
posted by akk2014 on Dec 8, 2019 - 32 answers

I want the opposite of search engine optimization for my blog

I need to set up a blog and would like to avoid it being indexed by search engines. How can I accomplish this with minimal hassle and expense? [more inside]
posted by reren on Feb 2, 2019 - 7 answers

A Blog without pictures is like a night without stars

I have a blog on the Blogger platform, owned by Google. I started it in 2011 and I no longer update it, but it's full of good memories and I'd hate for it to disappear. (link on my profile if you're interested in Hiking in Minnesota). Today I received an email from Google saying that Google + is going away (whatever, I deleted my G+ account years ago) and they're going to be deleting the photos and videos attached to it. I clicked on their "Album Archive" link and holy shit, it's got all of my Blogger pictures on it. I've FAQ'ed and (ha) Googled but can't get a straight answer. Are my pictures going to disappear? And if so, what now? [more inside]
posted by Gray Duck on Feb 1, 2019 - 10 answers

Domain forwarding one subdomain to another in Blogspot?

Can the example domain fooblog.blogspot.com be forwarded to fooblog2.blogspot.com using blogspot's consumer-facing toolset? [more inside]
posted by mwhybark on Jan 25, 2019 - 2 answers

Debugging Poor Google Indexing of (Blogspot) Blog

A friend's Blogger/Blogspot blog is indexed incompletely by Google (i.e. many live posts don't show up in searches). I'm trying to help debug via Google Search Console, but it's comically confusing. Help! [more inside]
posted by Quisp Lover on Jan 18, 2019 - 7 answers

Posting photos on Instagram vs Tumblr vs Blogger vs Flickr, 2017 edition

I have a few ideas for posting (and sorting) my photos online. I'm not looking to set up a brand or get a ton of likes/ upvotes, but at the same time, I want my "collections" to be cohesive, partially for personal reasons of browsing my own older photos. What's the best: Instagram, Tumblr, Blogger, or Flicker? POSSE (Post [on your] Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) or IFTTT? [more inside]
posted by filthy light thief on Feb 28, 2017 - 11 answers

What's wrong with my blog banner?

There's a big blank spot on the banner of my blogspot blog and I can't seem to get rid of it. When I "preview" my blog from blogger everything looks fine. But when I view the actual url there's that blank strip along the bottom of the banner. I've only noticed it in the last few weeks, and I haven't changed anything about the format, it's appeared out of the blue.
posted by anonymous on Dec 12, 2016 - 2 answers

Brainstorm Me

If one were an expert in Blogger design options, what could one do with such expertise? Brainstorm me, please. [more inside]
posted by Michele in California on Aug 13, 2016 - 6 answers

Blog This! Bookmarklet

Blogger used to have a bookmarklet that could be dragged to the bookmark bar in one's browser. It was called "Blog this!" and was a little snippet of javascript that let you highlight text on a page and then publish it, with a hyperlink, on your Blogger blog. Does anyone know if this still exists?
posted by mecran01 on Dec 23, 2013 - 6 answers

Is there any way to read .atom files?

Google Takeout allows one to export a blog from within Blogger, in the form of a .atom file. Opening the file in a web browser produces the message "This is an Atom formatted XML site feed. It is intended to be viewed in a Newsreader or syndicated to another site. Please visit Blogger Help for more info" My goal is to convert this file to a standard html bookmarks file, but I can't find any apps that can parse it so I can export it as html. Thanks for any suggestions. [more inside]
posted by mecran01 on Oct 14, 2013 - 7 answers

What simple, self-hosted blogging platform do I want?

I'm sick of Wordpress and all it's cruft. What self-hosted blogging platform should I be looking at in 2013? Details within. [more inside]
posted by chrisamiller on Oct 6, 2013 - 14 answers

Slideshow Options in Blogger

What are some good options for embedding a photo slideshow in Blogger? [more inside]
posted by Quisp Lover on Sep 22, 2013 - 1 answer

How do I get my URL out of the wrong hands?

Someone snagged my old Blogger URL and made it live again and is using it to post lousy marketing copy, mostly, it seems, to generate some income for Google ads. The problem is - the URL is my totally unique professional name. So, if someone were to search for my name, they would find my old blog, filled with some else's crap content. [more inside]
posted by Ink-stained wretch on Jul 18, 2013 - 12 answers

Archiving a blog to PDF or ePUB

I'd like to archive a recently-deceased friend's blog to PDF or ePUB in chronological order. It's a Blogger site, and has a couple of years of articles. [more inside]
posted by scruss on Jul 4, 2013 - 7 answers

Fixing image quality on blogger?

While updating my blog today, I noticed that images uploading using Blogger's iOS app are of AWFUL quality. How can I fix this? I updated the app recently, and noticed that it now inserts a picture into the text directly (before it would put a thumbnail of the pic below the post). I tried changing the image resolution in the app, but that just made the blurry pictures bigger. I'm using app version on iOS 6.1.3.
posted by wearyaswater on May 11, 2013 - 2 answers

Help me move my blog from Blogger to WordPress.

Should I try to move my custom-domain blog from Blogger to WordPress using the WordPress "import blog" feature, or is it worth hiring a professional to be sure I don't mess it up? Also, WordPress template questions. [more inside]
posted by The Girl Who Ate Boston on Feb 4, 2013 - 4 answers

xml files: how to see and search them under OS X?

I need a way to see and do a simple search on two large xml files under OS X. [more inside]
posted by zadcat on Jan 31, 2013 - 8 answers

I can has blog?

A few weeks ago, I asked for ideas for hobbies to keep me occupied while living on a small island in Alaska. A number of people suggested keeping a blog, and that appealed. So now I'm asking for help and resources to do it right! [more inside]
posted by charmcityblues on Aug 11, 2012 - 9 answers

Enable Facebook Comments for mobile viewing in Google Blogger?

Is there a way to enable Facebook Comments Box for mobile viewing in Google Blogger? I used these instructions to enable Facebook comments on my blog. It worked out, but it's not showing up in the mobile view. This site discusses how to add a widget to the Blogger Mobile Template. The Facebook Comments Box is not exactly a widget. I imagine there's probably a solution to getting it to appear in the mobile view, similiar to this, but I don't know how to do it. Is there a way to add something like this (mobile='yes') to the plugin code?
posted by Bushmiller on Jul 25, 2012 - 0 answers

Dear Blogger, this is an English language blog read...

How do I get Blogger to use .com instead of .de? [more inside]
posted by MinusCelsius on Jul 11, 2012 - 12 answers

Help me get my blog back up!

Why did my blog disappear? [more inside]
posted by peanut_mcgillicuty on Jul 7, 2012 - 10 answers

Why is Blogger messing up my formatting?

Why is Blogger messing up my formatting? [more inside]
posted by bowbeacon on May 23, 2012 - 5 answers

Can I get undeleted on Blogger?

Can I get undeleted on Blogger? If so, how? [more inside]
posted by Michele in California on May 16, 2012 - 6 answers

How many pageviews?

I have a blogger/blogspot blog, and I get very different information about my stats from the "stats" page, Google Analytics, and statcounter.com. Who is right? [more inside]
posted by insectosaurus on May 11, 2012 - 2 answers

Blogger legacy accounts.

I've had an email from Blogger about legacy accounts and I'm not sure what to do. [more inside]
posted by feelinglistless on Apr 27, 2012 - 23 answers

The better platform: Wordpress or Blogger?

I'm considering setting up my company's website on a blogging platform. Since I'm a heavy user of Google services, I was considering using Blogger, especially since it is free. (I use it for my personal blog.) However, my partner said self-hosted Wordpress is more flexible and more professional. Is Wordpress truly better than Blogger? If so, what are the main selling points of using Wordpress over Blogger in 2012?
posted by Bushmiller on Apr 25, 2012 - 15 answers

Help Me Restore My Blog Layout

I screwed up my (Blogger) blog settings and lost my layout. [more inside]
posted by Quisp Lover on Apr 22, 2012 - 5 answers

Why is my full name still attached to a Blogger post when all obvious traces of my name have been deleted?

My last name got attached to a blog post. I asked my friend to delete it. She did, but the blog post still shows up in Google with my full name attached. What is going on? [more inside]
posted by colfax on Feb 26, 2012 - 8 answers

How to get Blogger links to work?

How to get Blogger/Blogspot links to work? [more inside]
posted by grak88 on Jan 19, 2012 - 8 answers

no, no, it's this way!

How can I get my old custom domain AND my basic Blogger URL to both redirect to my new custom domain? [more inside]
posted by joyeuxamelie on Jan 4, 2012 - 2 answers

Using my domain on blogger

Using my domain on blogger [more inside]
posted by jseven on Nov 26, 2011 - 9 answers

Help me find anonymous/pseudonymous bloggers?

Can you help me find currently-active anonymous or pseudonymous bloggers? Niche is fine (e.g. mommybloggers, warbloggers, foodbloggers), but more popular/well-known is better. [more inside]
posted by waxpancake on Nov 13, 2011 - 15 answers

Gmail Confusion via Blogger

Help me not lose my original gmail account. [more inside]
posted by Elsie on Oct 21, 2011 - 3 answers

Seeking understanding and tools I need to design a homepage that is a dynamic bar chart.

This weekend I'm setting up a website for an academic event. I'd like the homepage of the site to have large, clickable progress bars that display the number of posts for each of the subpages (News & Announcements, Blog, Events, etc.). As more posts are added to each of the subpages (posts would likely be sorted and displayed by category and tag), its respective progress bar takes up more screen real estate and the tally count listed on/near it increases. Basically, I want the homepage to look like a giant, dynamic bar chart. Is there a freeware (or cheap) template, widget or piece of code that allows me to do this? [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Sep 15, 2011 - 7 answers

Recovering the contents of a stolen Blogger blog

A Blogger blog was hacked. The perpetrator declared he'll delete all content pretty soon. It's six years of work I want to save. [more inside]
posted by jgwong on Jul 20, 2011 - 19 answers

Blogger and Privacy

Say I use my Google account to identify myself when posting on Blogger. Can the person running the blog see my e-mail address or other details?
posted by Yakuman on May 22, 2011 - 2 answers

Help a soon to be homeless blogger?

I need to move a couple years of archived blog posts from Wordpress to another host that doesn't suck. [more inside]
posted by timsteil on Feb 9, 2011 - 6 answers

Script kiddie, cron job, or 'there's an app for that'?

After three years of Blogspot and Flickr, I'm finally moving to my very own unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth servers. (Yes, I know that's not really unlimited, but that's not going to be a problem). The problem is that said photos are on blogspot and flickr, and there's 1,000+ posts with perhaps 5,000 photos. Tell me there's an automated way / script to bring everything under one roof...? [more inside]
posted by chrisinseoul on Jan 7, 2011 - 6 answers

Wordpress.org or Blogger? Help me decide which would be best in this case, please.

During this holiday break I'm going to be purchasing a domain name and migrating a University department's WordPress.com blog over to either WordPress.org or Blogger. I need help deciding which (Wordpress.org or Blogger) will be the best way to go based on the blog's needs and the capabilities of its authors. [more inside]
posted by iamkimiam on Dec 22, 2010 - 9 answers

Is it possible to keep a blog relatively private?

How can I keep people I know from reading my blog without making it totally private? And which host site is best for privacy? [more inside]
posted by lhude sing cuccu on Dec 19, 2010 - 12 answers

Please Hope Me!

Can anyone help me fit a playlist.com playlist in the sidebar of by Blogger.com blog? The default playlist template is too wide to fit in the Blogger default template. I increased the width of the page, but now it doesn't fit the screen. [more inside]
posted by Demogorgon on Dec 7, 2010 - 3 answers

Which free blogging service is right for me?

Considering starting a personal, moderately-multimedia blog. Leaning towards Blogger... but I have questions and concerns. [more inside]
posted by AugieAugustus on Sep 29, 2010 - 8 answers

Help me get my back back.

Facebook is showing a naked picture of my back (with a distinctive tattoo) on one of their banner ads. I did not authorize and do not like this. What can I do about it? [more inside]
posted by anonymous on Sep 18, 2010 - 10 answers

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