3 posts tagged with music by divined by radio.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

time can heal, but this won't: the playlist

Working on a playlist of fun, catchy pop songs by women whose underlying (or overt) message is simply, "No, seriously, fuck you. FOREVER." Can you help? [more inside]
posted by divined by radio on Jul 30, 2015 - 71 answers

longform/investigative [music/art] journalism examples & best practices?

I'm embarking on an overambitious personal writing project to profile the career of a pair of multidisciplinary artists who've been kicking around underground for 20+ years with next to no fanfare outside of their scene. Can you link me to some SUPER in-depth profiles of other working artists to give me an idea of what to aim for and what to avoid as I work on this? (Really long, career-spanning pieces would be best, but shorter stuff is OK. Bonus points if it's about someone you don't care for/about but the writing was so compelling that you loved reading it anyway, like this incredible profile of Carrot Top in Esquire.) What are some investigative profile best/worst practices when it comes to building something huge from scratch? What do readers love/hate to see in projects like this? [more inside]
posted by divined by radio on Jun 24, 2015 - 12 answers

ain't no need to get down, I'm already low

Please help me compile a list of rap songs that clearly illustrate what it is like to grow up and live in poverty -- for example, Brother Ali's "Only Life I Know" [YouTube, SoundCloud, lyrics] or The Coup's "Underdogs" [YouTube, lyrics]. [more inside]
posted by divined by radio on Jul 23, 2013 - 22 answers

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