Willard Marshall - Reds
Dixie Walker - Cardinals - Back in college, I dated an 18 year old named Dixie... but that story should probably wait for another day.....
Hoyt Wilhelm - Giants
Keith Thomas - A's
Sam Jones - Indians - I sense a destiny with my mail pile for the both of you...
Johnny Wyrostek - Phillies
the card that never was... Steve O'Neill - Phillies
You know why it's the card that never was? Because it's the ugliest damn card I've seen in quite some time mixed in with a reprint of the most beautiful baseball set of all time.
These are the only cards of this set I have, so if you need them for a set, drop me a line.... OR if you have extras of these that you don't want, drop me a package;>
Not a bad pack... (could there be a bad '53 pack???) but no Braves....