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User manuals

OmegaT is supplied with a comprehensive user manual. To call up the manual from within OmegaT, simply select Help > Users manual, or press F1.

An Instant Start Guide, which guides you through the main procedures and functions of OmegaT, is displayed in the OmegaT user interface by default.

You can also call up the user manual supplied with OmegaT without launching OmegaT itself. It can be found in the "docs" folder in your OmegaT program folder.

HTML user manual online The HTML user manual for OmegaT standard version.


The following tutorials are available online/for download:

OmegaT for Beginners tutorial By Susan Welsh (Open Document Format).
OmegaT for Beginners tutorial By Susan Welsh (PDF format).


"How to" documents on this site, containing information on certain procedures and features of OmegaT for advanced users which are not covered by the manual.

Compatibility HowTos
OmegaT compatibility Describes OmegaT's compatibility with selected other software products. With links to more detailed HOWTOs.
docx compatibility Describes OmegaT's compatibility with Microsoft Office 2007 files, especially Word 2007.
Déjà Vu compatibility Describes OmegaT's compatibility with Déjà Vu.
Uncleaned RTF Describes how to use OmegaT in conjunction with the Trados bilingual RTF format ("uncleaned" files).
Iceni Infix Describes how to use OmegaT in conjunction with Iceni Infix in order to translate files in PDF format.
Feature HowTos
Spellchecking Describes OmegaT's spellchecking feature.
Propagation and one-to-many matching Describes OmegaT's propagation and one-to-many matching features.
Google Translate Using OmegaT in conjunction with Google Translate.
MS Translator Procedure for configuring Microsoft Translator.
Preview Setting up a preview function for use with OmegaT.
Advanced feature HowTos
OmegaT tokenizer plugin Adds recognition of inflected forms to OmegaT glossary and fuzzy match functions.
OmegaT text export function Using the OmegaT text export function (scripting interface).
Other HowTos
Compiling OmegaT from source Explains how to compile OmegaT from the source code.
Creating a new file filter Explains how to create a filter for a new file format to be translated by OmegaT.
Localizing OmegaT Administrative and technical procedure for localizating OmegaT.
Using OmegaT on Linux Intended in particular for users who are new to Linux.

External documentation

Information on procedures and features of OmegaT for advanced users which can be found on other sites.

Translating NetBeans IDE Procedure for using OmegaT to localize the NetBeans IDE.
How to translate Magento Procedure for using OmegaT to localize Magento.
How to translate Wordpress XLIFF files Procedure for using OmegaT to localize XLIFF files exported from Wordpress.
Translating with Rainbow and OmegaT A step-by-step guide on how to use the Text Extraction and the Text Merging utilities from Rainbow to pre- and post-process files to be translated using OmegaT. These utilities enable OmegaT to be used to translate file formats for which XLIFF conversion filters are available.

Training videos

Playlist of OmegaT videos OmegaT videos on the Qabiria YouTube channel.
OmegaT introduction tutorial An introductory video to OmegaT in English by John Moran.
Video 1 From the YouTube OmegaT series by Miguel Navarro (in Spanish).
Video 2 From the YouTube OmegaT series by Miguel Navarro (in Spanish).
Video 3 From the YouTube OmegaT series by Miguel Navarro (in Spanish).


Guida completa a OmegaT: tecniche, trucchi e consigli per traduttori e project manager By Marco Cevoli and Sergio Alasia. (In Italian)


Self-paced online training course in English (for purchase) By Marco Cevoli and Sergio Alasia.


Velior's corporate blog
on translation and the
translation industry
Blog pages on OmegaT. (In English)
Velior's corporate blog
on translation and the
translation industry
Blog pages on OmegaT. (In Russian)