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Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Who Needs Men!

 Monday 31st January,

Bank Doormen.

Rush Hour.

            An early game this week due to weddings and exotic holidays and what could be better than a bit of girl on girl on a breezy Monday afternoon.El Presidente had sent a photo of the table setup he had done with a bit of a playable homage to the Gordon Institute articles and pictures on the Lead Adventure Forum.Excellent article and a wheen of great pics that everyone should partake off.The only problem is that they are just vignettes when they could be turned into brilliant games.

A little runabout.

The Doc having a day out.

Local Stargate.

Border Guard looking alert.

The Oriental quarter.

             Anyhoo that’s me off my soapbox and back to this afternoon’s game which was a Stargrave special with the usual shooting and looting supplemented by the rescue of prisoners to augment the victory points. I had just put some army painter on to some bikinied babes last week and when El Presidente’s invitation arrived by a message in a bottle I readied my girls for some action knowing that they would have some female opposition and I wasn’t disappointed.The gaming board had been set up with a multitude of sci-fi type buildings that had been collected over a length of time and were all primed ready for action never mind the hordes of figures that had been placed around the board.Most of these figures were to be non-playing characters but a few would end being used mostly to stifle El Presidente’s nefarious plans.

“And what do we have here!”

Local Hell’s Angels.

El Presidente’s gang mustering up.

Denise doing her yoga.

Beware of the exploding beach-ball.

Gals with guns.

                The game kicked off and having played the game a few times we have gained experience of what and what not to do in the build up of our gangs but once again the best plans of mice and men never seem to get past the first turn. I split my force hoping to rescue my prisoners and reap some booty but fate was against me as although my second in command proceeded unheeded for most of the game my leader came into some heavy attention from the opposition’s gals mainly the grenade launcher. The other gang was futuristic and the grenade launcher didn’t look like a grenade launcher so one was surprised when it opened up and lo and behold struck gold in its first attempt.Boom!My chief babe was down but for once not out.

Deborah goes down.

“Diet Coke please.”

The mayor out for a daunder.

Downloading the data.

Denise’s girls releasing their man.

Deborah goes hand to hand.

             This put the cat amongst my pigeons and meant my harem were playing catch-up.My grenade launcher didn’t even get a successful shot in as its only attempt at a bit revenge ended up with the grenade missing by the proverbial mile.This immediately drew the attention of the enemy’s grenade launcher and when it was backed up by the remainder of the bad girl squad Deborah,my grenadier’s fate was sealed. I named my girl squad after the 1976 playmates of the month.It’s amazing what you can find on the net these days.

“Watch the beach-ball.”

The Tiger Claws do the business.

The Border Guards being disturbed.

Barbi looking for Ken.

            El Presidente’s girls were led by none other than Ripley backed up by Winona Ryder’s character from the fourth Alien film.They had separated from the main flock and had headed for some loot on the top of a building but on passing the local spaceship maintenance depot something must have been said in the passing as the mechanics took umbrage at something and started blasting away at Ripley’s entourage which gave me some breathing space and meant I could creep up on them whilst they were otherwise engaged.

The Arabic quarter.

And she’s off!

           My pathfinder Barbi had come across some solid loot but she couldn’t open it for toffee so she done a wee exchange with my casecracker Ruth and she headed out to look for some careless opposition.My second in command Denise had headed with three girls in tow straight into the Bank Of Baltar hoping to release one of our captured prisoners.This was to be my most successful squad as they remained healthy for the whole game and achieved the majority of my success.

At the front door.

She looks like she’s battering the hostage.

           El Presidente’s second in command was working hard to do away with my leaders squad that he neglected to notice that his squad were getting further apart from each other as he sought to achieve his aim.The other main squad commanded by Ripley had succeeded in opening up the solid loot case and were in the process of carrying to safety trying to avoid the p’d off mechanics that were taking potshots at them.Two of his troopers were running interference for him and were involved in a running gun battle with the mechanics.This battle bogged down until Ripley decided to wade in with her Toxic Claws into one of the mechanics dispatching him with aplomb.This combined with another lucky shot from a fellow gang member helped to ease the situation.One of the troopers then decided to try and open a nearby loot case which he eventually did after a couple of attempts but didn’t have the wherewithal to get it down the ladder so the loot was discarded.

The planetary Kwik-Fit.


              Meanwhile Denise and her partners in crime had made it back to the entrance of the bank complete with prisoner when they were shot at by one of the enemy cowardly hiding behind a corner of the bank but without any luck.My girls responded in kind but alas couldn’t hit a barn door that turn.Their chance would come but alas too late to affect the game .

El Presidente pays the price for p’ng off the Border Guards.

Watching the local cabaret.

                         Meanwhile another random dice roll had awakened the ire of the border guards and once again El Presidente’s gang were the recipients of their attention which was a pity as they had the other of El Presidente’s hostages in their care which meant it would be cast adrift as the remainder of the gang were more worried about their own survival than the fate of their copain and this they were for as they worked own their own defence Winona went down in a blaze of glory-

          The game was entering the last stretch as Denise was taking care of business as well as a couple of El Presidente’s gals . The game fizzled out into a score draw with gang bodies strewn all over Baltars’s streets with successes and failures on both sides.    

                 Another great game played in the usual shoot-em-up way and no doubt more use will be made of the wonderful scenery.

               The Garvald Film Studios will be in recess for a couple of weeks due to the production crew indulging in exotic holidays and game shows.

         See You All At Hammerhead.