Doc. Ing. Libor Vasa, Ph.D. homepageMotto: De omnibus dubitandum est
König,A., Váša,L.: Fast Approximate Symmetry Plane Computation as a Density Peak of Candidates, In proceedings of GRAPP 2025, to appear, 2025. | |||
Dvořák,J., Hácha,F., Arvanitis,G., Podgorelec,D., Moustakas,K., Váša,L.: A Survey of Inter-Prediction Methods for Time-Varying Mesh Compression, Computer Graphics Forum, to appear, 2025. | |||
Miznerová,B., Reissigova,J., Váša,L., Frank,J., Hudec,M., Rodina,L., ... Řasová,K.: Virtual reality-based neuroproprioceptive physiotherapy in multiple sclerosis: a protocol for a double-arm randomised assessor-blinded controlled trial on upper extremity function, postural function and quality of life, with molecular and functional MRI assessment. BMJ open, 15(1), e088046, 2025. | |||
Komprese v počítačové grafice: efektivita a percepce (Compression in computer graphics: efficiency and perception), talk in Czech language, University of West Bohemia, October 2024. | |||
Hácha,F., Váša,L.: Learning Mesh Geometry Prediction, In International Conference on Computational Science (pp. 166-180). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024. | |||
Hácha,F., Dvořák,J., Káčereková,Z., Váša,L.: Editing Mesh Sequences with Varying Connectivity, Computers and Graphics, Computers & Graphics, 121, 103943, 2024. | |||
Vaneček,P., Hácha,F., Váša,L.: A Predictor for Triangle Mesh Compression Working in Tangent Space, Proceedings of GRAPP 2024. | |||
Vítová,N., Frank,J., Váša,L.: Automatic registration of 3D point cloud sequences, Proceedings of GRAPP 2024. |
Červenka,M., Havlíček,O., Kohout,J., Váša,L.: Computerised Muscle Modelling and Simulation for Interactive Applications, Proceedings of GRAPP 2023. |
Dvořák,J., Hácha,F., Váša,L.: Global Optimisation for Improved Volume Tracking of Time-Varying Meshes, In International Conference on Computational Science (pp. 113-127), Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023. |
Dvořák,J., Káčereková,Z., Vaněček,P., Váša,L.: Priority-based encoding of triangle mesh connectivity for a known geometry, Computer Graphics Forum, 2022. |
Maňák,M., Anikeenko,A., Váša,L., Kolingerová,I.: Compact storage of additively weighted Voronoi diagrams, The Visual Computer, 2022. |
Dvořák, J., Káčereková,Z., Vaněček,P., Hruda,L., Váša,L.: As-rigid-as-possible volume tracking for time-varying surfaces, Computers and Graphics, vol. 102, 2022. |
Mourycová,E., Váša,L.: Geometry Compression of Triangle Meshes using a Reference Shape, GRAPP: Proceedings of the 17th international joint conference on computer vision, imaging and computer graphics theory and applications - vol 1: GRAPP, 2022. |
Hruda,L., Kolingerová,I., Váša,L.: Robust, fast and flexible symmetry plane detection based on differentiable symmetry measure, The Visual Computer, vol. 38, 2022. |
Arvanitis,G.: Zacharaki,E., Váša,L., Moustakas,K.: Broad-to-Narrow Registration and Identification of 3D Objects in Partially Scanned and Cluttered Point Clouds, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 24, 2021. |
Dvořák,J., Vaněček,P., Váša,L.: Towards understanding time varying triangle meshes, In proceedings of The International Conference on Computational Science, 2021. |
Hácha,F., Vaněček,P., Váša,L.: A virtual reality platform for immersive education in computer graphics, Eurographics 2021 - Education Papers, The Eurographics Association, ISSN 1017-4656, 2021. |
Hruda,L., Dvořák,J., Váša,L.: On evaluating consensus in RANSAC surface registration, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 37(5), 2019. |
Šigut,P., Vaněček,P., Váša,L.: Analytic Surface Detection in CAD Exported Models, Proceedings of GRAPP 2019. |
Prantl.M., Váša,L., Kolingerová,I.: Symmetry-aware Registration of Human Faces, Proceedings of GRAPP 2019. |
Váša,L., Dvořák,J.: Error propagation control in Laplacian mesh compression, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 37(5), pp. 61-70, 2018. |
Prantl,M., Váša,L.: Estimation of differential quantities using Hermite RBFinterpolation, The Visual Computer, Vol. 34, pp. 1645-1659, 2018. |
Váša,L., Vaněček,P., Prantl,M., Skorkovská,V., Martínek,P., Kolingerová,I.: Mesh Statistics for Robust Curvature Estimation, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 35(5), pp. 271-280, 2016. |
Lavoué,G., Larabi,Ch., Váša,L.: On the Efficiency of Image Metrics for Evaluating the Visual Quality of 3D Models, IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Visualization, Vol. 28(8), 2016. |
Váša,L., Kühnert,T., Brunnett,G.: Multivariate Analysis of Curvature Estimators, Computer Aided Design and Applications, Vol. 14(1), pp. 58-69, 2016. |
Prantl,M., Váša,L., Kolingerová,I.: Fast Screen Space Curvature Estimation on GPU, In Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2016) - Volume 1: GRAPP, pp. 151-160 ISBN: 978-989-758-175-5, 2016. |
Uhlmann,T., Váša,L., Brunnett,G.: Fast Edge-based Geodesic Poisson Disk Remeshing, Short paper, Eurographics 2015. |
Marras,S., Váša,L., Brunnett,G., Hormann,K.: Perception-driven adaptive compression of static triangle meshes, Computer-Aided Design, Vol. 58, pp. 24-33, 2015. |
Lobaz,P., Váša,L.: Hierarchical Laplacian-based compression of triangle meshes, Graphical Models, Vol. 76, pp. 682-690, 2014. |
Váša,L., Brunnett,G.: Efficient encoding of texture coordinates guided by mesh geometry, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 33(5), pp 25-34, 2014. |
Váša,L., Marras,S., Hormann,K., Brunnett,G.: Compressing Dynamic Meshes with Geometric Laplacians, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 33(2), pp 145-154, 2014. |
Váša,L., Brunnett,G.: Rate-distortion Optimized Compression of Motion Capture Data, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 33(2), pp 283-292, 2014. |
Váša,L., Brunnett,G.: Exploiting connectivity to improve the tangential part of geometry prediction, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics,Vol. 19(9), pp. 1467-1475, 2013. |
Corsini,M., Larabi,Ch., Lavoué,G., Petřík,O., Váša,L., Wang,K.: Perceptual Metrics for Static and Dynamic Triangle Meshes, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 32(1), pp. 101-125, 2013. |
Váša,L., Rus,J.: Dihedral Angle Mesh Error: a fast perception correlated distortion measure for fixed connectivity triangle meshes, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 31(5), 2012. |
Corsini,M., Larabi,Ch., Lavoué,G., Petřík,O., Váša,L., Wang,K.: Perceptual Metrics for Static and Dynamic Triangle Meshes, Star report, Eurographics 2012, pp. 135-157, 2012. |
Rus,J., Váša,L.: Deblocking for triangle meshes, In Proceedings of VISIGRAPP 2012, 7th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pp. 48-57, 2012. |
Váša,L., Petřík,O.: Optimising Perceived Distortion in Lossy Encoding of Dynamic Meshes, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 30(5), pp. 1439-1449, 2011. |
Váša,L.: Optimised mesh traversal for dynamic mesh compression, Graphical Models Vol. 73(2), pp. 218-230, 2011. (pdf) |
Petřík,O., Váša,L.: Improvements of MPEG-4 Standard FAMC for Efficient 3D Animation Compression, In Proceedings of the 3DTV conference, 2011. |
Váša,L., Skala,V.: A perception correlated comparison method for dynamic meshes, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol. 17(2), pp. 220-230, 2011. (pdf) |
Váša,L., Skala,V.: Geometry driven local neighbourhood based predictors for dynamic mesh compression, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 29(6), pp. 1921-1933, 2010. |
Rus,J., Váša,L.: Analysing the influence of vertex clustering on PCA-based dynamic mesh compression, LNCS 6169, Proceedings of AMDO 2010, Springer-Verlag, pp. 55-66, 2010 |
Petřík,O., Váša,L.: Finding Optimal Parameter Configuration for a Dynamic Triangle Mesh Compressor, LNCS 6169, Proceedings of AMDO 2010, Springer-Verlag, pp. 31-42, 2010 |
Váša,L., Skala,V.: COBRA: Compression of the Basis for PCA Represented Animations, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 28(6), pp. 1529-1540, 2009. |
Váša,L., Skala,V.: Combined Compression and Simplification of Dynamic 3D Meshes, Computer Animation And Virtual Worlds, Vol. 20(4), pp. 447-456, 2009. Errata |
Váša,L.: Methods for size reduction of dynamic meshes, PhD. thesis at University of West Bohemia (2008). |
Collective of authors: Three-Dimensional Television: Capture, Transmission, Display, Springer, December 2007. |
Váša,L., Skala,V.: CoDDyAC: Connectivity Driven Dynamic Mesh Compression, 3DTV Conference 2007. |
Váša,L.: Methods for dynamic mesh size reduction, Technical report no. DCSE/TR-2006-07 at University of West Bohemia, October 2006. |
Frank,M.; Váša,L; Skala,V.: MVE-2 Applied in Education Process, Proceedings of .NET Technologies 2006, Pilsen, Czech Republic |
Váša,L.;Skala,V.: A spatio-temporal metric for dynamic mesh comparison, Proceedings of AMDO 2006, Mallorca, Spain |
Frank,M.; Váša,L; Skala,V.: Pipeline approach used for recognition of dynamic meshes, Proceedings of 3IA 2006, Limoges, France (presentation) |
Váša,L.; Hanák,I.; Skala,V.: Improved Super-Resolution Method and Its Acceleration, Proceedings of EUSIPCO 2005 |
Váša,L.; Skala,V.: Resolution Improvement of Digitized Images, Proceedings of Algoritmy 2005 |
Váša,L.: Resolution Improvement of Digitized Images, Diploma thesis at University of West Bohemia (2004) |
Erdös number: 4 (Libor Váša -> Kai Hormann -> David Levin -> Charles Kam-tai Chui -> Paul Erdös)
- 3DTV - Integrated Three-Dimensional Television - Capture, Transmission and Display
FP6-2003-IST-2, Network of Excellence, No:511568 - INTUITION - Network of Excellence on VIrtual Reality aNd VirTUal Environments ApplIcaTIONs for Future Workspaces
FP6-2003-IST-2, Network of Excellence, No:507248-2 - CPG - Center of Computer Graphics - National Network of Fundamental Research Centers
MSMT Czech Rep., No: LC 06008, - Computer Graphics and Visualization with C#
Microsoft Research Ltd. (U.K.) - Dynamic mesh compression - MVE-2 - Super-Resolution
Reviewer for
- CGI 2011
- WSCG 2010
- The Visual Computer
- WSCG 2008
- Signal Processing: Image Communication Journal
- WSCG 2007
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
- EUSIPCO 2007
Teaching activities
- Tutorial on Dynamic Mesh Compression with Joern Ostermann and Nikolce Stefanoski at the 2nd 3DTV Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
- KIV/VID 2008 - tutorials
- Hosted lecture at VŠB Ostrava - Size reduction of dynamic meshes (Czech only)
- Amateur introduction to Quantum Computing (simple version, graphical version)
- KIV/ZPG 2005 - tutorials
- Digital photography course - single lecture
- KIV/NET 2005 - lectures, tutorials
- KIV/ZPG 2004 - tutorials
- 2008 - present - full time researcher for LC-CPG at University of West Bohemia
- February - April 2006 - Leonardo internship at First Numerics Ltd. in Cardiff
- 2004 - 2008 - Ph.D. student at University of West Bohemia, supervisor prof. Václav Skala
- September 2003 - January 2004 - Erasmus programme student at University of Bath, Bath, UK
- 1999 - 2004 - MSc. studies at University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, specialisation Computer Graphics. In June 2004 defended the diploma thesis entitled "Resolution Imporvement of Digitized Images".
- 1992 - 1999 - Gymnázium Sokolov (grammar School)
- 1986 - 1992 - II. Primary School, Kynšperk nad Ohří
Vertex normal estimation methods comparison - case study (Czech only)