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TortoiseSVN Users
- Re: Re: svn1.7.x compatibility issues Simon Large (2011-11-01 00:47:16 CET)
- Tsvn Logs results in MS excel Waseem Shahzad (2011-11-01 10:54:57 CET)
- SVN-icon lost when selecting revert (automatic icon update on revert fails) Andreas Jansson (2011-11-01 13:27:49 CET)
- 1.7.1 and file-based repositories Gerald Britton (2011-11-01 15:30:34 CET)
- SubWCRev Dest File Mod Date Mike Abraham (2011-11-01 18:56:56 CET)
- Re: Looking for config option to stop use of CryptoAPI (TSVN 1.7.1) Joel Jirak (2011-11-01 19:45:19 CET)
- Re: SVN Merge Tracking Issues Stefan Küng (2011-11-01 21:19:18 CET)
- bug: "transferred" counter in update dialog displays wrong information Alexander Kornienko (2011-11-01 23:04:38 CET)
- Moving Comments from the original code to the new code while Merging and committing to SVN. Pulak Mishra (2011-11-02 09:31:51 CET)
- RE: SVN Merge Tracking Issues (2011-11-02 10:21:55 CET)
- [1.7] How-to commit externals properties changes Hadrien M (2011-11-02 11:41:11 CET)
- Win7 library Knut Hunstad (2011-11-02 12:43:06 CET)
- How great is it ? Jean-Marie (2011-11-02 17:47:38 CET)
- 1.7.1 and bugtraq Gerald Britton (2011-11-02 19:12:36 CET)
- Bugtraq property with two fields Craig McQueen (2011-11-02 23:01:25 CET)
- No icon overlays in Total Commander Jay (2011-11-03 13:15:34 CET)
- WinXP SP2 DEP killing part of TortoiseSVN Chuck Dillon (2011-11-03 14:15:46 CET)
- Enhancement request: Auto-checkout after branch Gerald Britton (2011-11-03 15:12:03 CET)
- WinXP SP3 DEP killing part of TortoiseSVN 1.7.1 Chuck Dillon (2011-11-03 15:28:31 CET)
- RE: All links use Firefox, not default browser. Michael Habinsky (2011-11-03 16:35:54 CET)
- Re: Patch files Jens Geyer (2011-11-03 17:18:23 CET)
- 1.7.1. Repairing File Renames (in help at 4.14.4) Gerald Britton (2011-11-03 19:42:05 CET)
- Windows Case Sensativity Sandy Powell (2011-11-03 19:54:47 CET)
- RE: Re: TortoiseSVN with TortoiseHg Mark Mikofski (2011-11-03 19:56:08 CET)
- RE: Re: Explorer Context Menu Icons (v1.5) Mark Mikofski (2011-11-03 20:05:04 CET)
- RE: Re: Commit hangs at log message step. Brett Gombar (2011-11-03 20:50:54 CET)
- Updated merge script for Word 2010 Richard Horton (2011-11-03 22:37:05 CET)
- RE: 1.7 - The POST request returned invalid XML in the response Alan Howard (2011-11-04 00:05:29 CET)
- Error on large checkout with serf James Chan (2011-11-04 00:03:14 CET)
- Crash of TortoiseSVN with "Offline Files" (1.7.1) bugreport (2011-11-04 08:28:35 CET)
- FeedBack: Checkboxes in Transparent Glass Area are not really readable Markus Hopfenspirger (2011-11-04 09:25:26 CET)
- How to show easily evolution of an external project Lucien Roten (2011-11-04 08:13:47 CET)
- RE: Commit hangs at log message step. Michael Keller (2011-11-04 08:34:29 CET)
- Externals in the repro browser refro (2011-11-04 14:43:55 CET)
- Error when updaring: does not exist in repository Peter Westerström (2011-11-04 14:49:07 CET)
- Log windows issue: Revision display/order with "Include merged revisions" wrong?! Marcus Freese (Development) (2011-11-04 15:36:22 CET)
- ignore list Gerald Britton (2011-11-04 16:56:17 CET)
- Bug reporting meta-bug David Gersic (2011-11-04 20:11:14 CET)
- Svn checkout failure with ToroiseSVN 1.6.12 David Gersic (2011-11-04 22:01:27 CET)
- Re: Subscription to discussion users has changed. Mark Mikofski (2011-11-05 04:55:50 CET)
- 1.7.1: TortoiseUDiff crashes while viewing a diff Raimond Spekking (2011-11-05 22:37:54 CET)
- Random hangs and crashes Stefan Pendl (2011-11-05 23:22:06 CET)
- svn console E210007 error Timour Khanipov (2011-11-06 14:46:44 CET)
- Show log > Compare to working copy menu item wrong Jan Derk (2011-11-06 22:06:16 CET)
- Feature request: Never create popups when called from command line Bent Moeller (2011-11-07 10:53:02 CET)
- TortoiseSVN translation status report for r22244 Lübbe Onken (2011-11-07 12:13:48 CET)
- Re: Improper use of Task Dialogs Floele (2011-11-07 13:57:25 CET)
- Automatic update misses files (1.7.1) Michael Schießl (2011-11-07 16:36:26 CET)
- Import Dialog Progress Bar Issue Flaig, Patrick (2011-11-07 17:11:04 CET)
- Relative server hostname fails for Daniel Quinz (2011-11-07 17:49:37 CET)
- RE: bug: TortoiseMerge not saving newline at end of file when changing lines Jason R. Coombs (2011-11-07 18:50:54 CET)
- TortoiseSVN 1.7.1 update does not show icon overlays Sau Wen (2011-11-07 20:51:56 CET)
- "Revert changes from this revision" with needs-lock files Craig McQueen (2011-11-08 00:17:37 CET)
- TortoiseSVN 1.7.1 - Cleanup fail/Missing icons Arkaitz Gaztelu (2011-11-08 08:43:10 CET)
- "Ignore ancestry" checked by default in "Switch" dialog Jens Bannmann (2011-11-08 11:40:00 CET)
- revision graph crash Oscar Bach (2011-11-08 11:35:20 CET)
- revision history graph collapse Dmitri Chubarov (2011-11-08 15:13:37 CET)
- UpdateCheckURL not working as expected (2011-11-08 16:42:41 CET)
- Running TSV 1.7.1 on Win XP sp2 Zibetti Paolo (2011-11-08 17:16:44 CET)
- TortoiseSVN - Issues when working in a sub-dir within a WC - "svn: warning: W155007: '.' is not a working copy" (2011-11-08 18:42:00 CET)
- Properties and svn:ignore Gerald Britton (2011-11-08 19:17:13 CET)
- Bugreport: Detection of new unversioned files in workingcopy fails Andreas Soderer (2011-11-08 19:54:07 CET)
- AW: Bugreport: Detection of new unversioned files in workingcopy fails (current version) Andreas Soderer (2011-11-08 19:56:37 CET)
- Merge dialog shows old location after relocate Jean-Marc van Leerdam (2011-11-08 21:54:46 CET)
- Merge Log text for single revision should look the same as for multiple revisions Jean-Marc van Leerdam (2011-11-08 22:21:42 CET)
- Crash of TSVN_Cache.exe on Win7 after returning from hibernation (1.7.1) bugreport (2011-11-09 08:46:20 CET)
- 1.7.1 repo browser exception when typing invalid url parameter Kan (2011-11-09 05:43:55 CET)
- commit externals with -rxxx possible with 1.7.1 Olivier Baillard (2011-11-09 11:17:05 CET)
- Syntax of svn:externals / Unexpected behaviour Mads Grønfeldt (2011-11-09 13:22:43 CET)
- RE: Unable to perform Tortoise shell extension commands on single files since 1.7.x Fabio Franco (2011-11-09 14:23:29 CET)
- Windows 7, all folders appear svn Ryan Hamm (2011-11-09 14:43:50 CET)
- Feature change request / question: Commit dialog - how to quickly go from commit message to file list field using only keyboard. Dawid Krysiak (2011-11-09 14:52:46 CET)
- Icon Overlays Missing Marshall (2011-11-09 16:20:02 CET)
- When does TSVN update icons? Gerald Britton (2011-11-09 21:35:38 CET)
- files in externals cannot be checked in david m chinn (2011-11-09 22:53:13 CET)
- Installation attempt fails with message "Please uninstall all 32-bit..." Vadim Marushevsky (2011-11-10 05:04:12 CET)
- How to use TortoiseProc 1.7.1 recursively from command line. woomla (2011-11-10 10:22:43 CET)
- Issue in Repo Browser - TortoiseSVN 1.7.1, Build 22161 Balaji, Bathalagovindasamy (2011-11-10 13:43:32 CET)
- How to merge renamed files Echlin, Jamie (2011-11-10 14:08:23 CET)
- Shared SSH public key authentication w/ TortoisePlink and Pageant not working in 1.7.1 Jason K. Carter (2011-11-10 16:00:33 CET)
- TurtleSift beta - issue tracking plugin for Sifter Mark Mikofski (2011-11-10 19:44:28 CET)
- TSVN 1.7.1 lockup during merge operation Gavin Lambert (2011-11-11 03:46:01 CET)
- Re: 1.7 - The POST request returned invalid XML in the response Cristian Lorand (2011-11-12 10:41:17 CET)
- RE: Re: TSVN 1.7 event log errors Panu Outinen (2011-11-13 14:33:34 CET)
- SubWCRev path/case issue since v 1.71 Christophe De Wagter (2011-11-14 10:06:47 CET)
- [TSVN1.7] Fails to create a tag from folder with externals. Jensen Somers (2011-11-14 10:36:07 CET)
- Export Tortoise < 1.7 versus Tortoise 1.7.X Schrand, Volker (2011-11-14 12:21:20 CET)
- TortoiseSVN translation status report for r22269 Lübbe Onken (2011-11-14 13:08:54 CET)
- RE: Re: msvcp90.dll is missing rahat hossain mitul (2011-11-14 16:19:49 CET)
- How to merge from a deleted branch? Valentijn Scholten (2011-11-15 09:52:46 CET)
- Downloading Link for Ankh SVN 1.7.x for 64 Bit Waseem Shahzad (2011-11-15 17:08:44 CET)
- What is the true Link for TSVN Waseem Shahzad (2011-11-15 17:36:59 CET)
- RE: Re: TSVN 1.7 Icon Overlays Missing (Win 7 x64) Ryan Godwin (2011-11-15 18:31:49 CET)
- Visual Studio Error on build with 1.7 Mike Aversa (2011-11-16 01:40:04 CET)
- hook scripts line endings ujr (2011-11-16 10:30:56 CET)
- Lock status of working copy was not been released when connection failed. Dennis Wang (2011-11-16 04:21:24 CET)
- Where does tSVN save the per repository recent log messages? eRiC Werner (2011-11-16 13:40:41 CET)
- RE: Downloading Link for SVN 1.7.1 Server Waseem Shahzad (2011-11-17 08:25:39 CET)
- Totoise SVN and non-public certificate Frank Breedijk (2011-11-17 09:07:51 CET)
- Undo add of folder containing files that are scheduled for addition, too (2011-11-17 13:46:54 CET)
- Installing 32-bit TortoiseSVN on 64-bit Windows Scooby (2011-11-17 15:16:24 CET)
- Tortoise 64Bit ( Not Seeing Commands in Windows Explorer Gregson, Terry (2011-11-17 15:54:16 CET)
- Re: Not able to checkout code using TortoiseSVN Erik Aronesty (2011-11-18 04:00:51 CET)
- Getting error while accessing SVN repo through tortoise SVN Amul (2011-11-18 06:42:56 CET)
- Subversion win7 library missing it Shaoqian Qin (2011-11-18 14:11:56 CET)
- RE: Re: Icons overlay does not work for svn:needs-lock property (1.6.99) Yannick Peyrotau (2011-11-18 14:53:12 CET)
- issue after renaming a folder Serbis Ilya (2011-11-18 15:07:27 CET)
- TSVNCache and TGitCache using 100% CPU Jean-Pierre Bergamin (2011-11-18 15:30:02 CET)
- FAQ update request: Disable indexing service Fredrik Orderud (2011-11-20 14:47:02 CET)
- subscribe Jean-Pierre Bergamin (2011-11-18 15:04:42 CET)
- TortoiseSVN translation status report for r22291 Lübbe Onken (2011-11-21 08:18:24 CET)
- Question about Eugeny Shchelkanov (2011-11-21 14:11:19 CET)
- Export to SVN Waseem Shahzad (2011-11-21 14:33:13 CET)
- Crash occuring in Repo Browser on 1.7.1 Shaun Hayward (2011-11-21 14:48:22 CET)
- TortoiseSVN regression ( 1.6.7 -> 1.7.1 ) wrgt GSSAPI/Active Directory (2011-11-21 15:19:44 CET)
- RE: Re: [1.7.1] Unexpected: Tagging working copy with externals modify the tag. Markus Einsle (2011-11-21 15:35:35 CET)
- RE: Export to Excel from TSVN Show Logs Waseem Shahzad (2011-11-21 16:53:53 CET)
- TortoiseMerge 1.7.1. Ignore all white spaces error Mario Santos (2011-11-21 18:16:53 CET)
- New to Branching/Best Practices Waseem Shahzad (2011-11-21 18:17:43 CET)
- tortoise commit freezing Daniel Pekar (2011-11-21 20:07:58 CET)
- Bug? - Naming a folder "working-directory" prevents icon overlays Andy B (2011-11-21 21:17:27 CET)
- Certificate asked when trying to use Tortoise with Microsoft Sharepoint Teemu Suomela (2011-11-22 08:01:30 CET)
- Translator alert! Lübbe Onken (2011-11-22 11:38:31 CET)
- symlinks to checkout make folder ignored Kappaluppa (2011-11-23 09:36:46 CET)
- Bug/feature missing on v export dialog Wayland Young (2011-11-23 17:05:50 CET)
- TortoiseMerge 1.7.1 crash Vasil Nemkov (2011-11-23 17:42:27 CET)
- RSS Feed for the TortoiseSVN news Sergiy Kheylyk (2011-11-24 03:58:29 CET)
- FSFS or BDB ?? Waseem Shahzad (2011-11-24 08:18:52 CET)
- Tree conflict for directory - insufficient information provided by TSVN? Aviel, Gal (2011-11-24 09:38:03 CET)
- Add folder to repository problem 1.7.1 Simone Riess (2011-11-24 10:18:20 CET)
- Keep the copy of a folder versioned Felix Saphir (2011-11-24 14:32:14 CET)
- Moving files Gerald Britton (2011-11-24 16:59:22 CET)
- Stealing locks while getting lock from commit window fails Alejandro (2011-11-24 17:34:34 CET)
- Enhancement in commit dialog/context menu Martin Kukura (2011-11-25 23:53:00 CET)
- Suggestion for Upgrade Working Copy Robert Schor (2011-11-26 22:00:28 CET)
- Feature: Make images "open with" TortoiseIDiff Robert Pollak (2011-11-26 21:47:49 CET)
- Testing Subversion for mechanical CAD-files. Ulf Persson (2011-11-27 16:46:05 CET)
- Changed Config and Global Settings simone86 (2011-11-28 08:13:07 CET)
- TortoiseSVN translation status report for r22321 Lübbe Onken (2011-11-28 11:08:55 CET)
- A serious bug Zhiyao Ma (2011-11-28 20:25:36 CET)
- Repo browser won't show a directory whose parent directory cannot be read (2011-11-29 15:17:17 CET)
- don't see trunk log in branch Serbis Ilya (2011-11-29 15:24:46 CET)
- Externals are not found when creating a tag anymore Johan Lantz (2011-11-29 16:27:01 CET)
- Keeping a reintegrated feature branch alive Woinoski, Michael (2011-11-29 19:34:35 CET)
- .svn directories missing after upgrade to 1.7 and then launching in eclip ehm djii (2011-11-30 11:27:24 CET)
- Method not allowed after updating CAL Swe (2011-11-30 14:41:59 CET)
- RE: Re: Set the author of commits radoslav savov (2011-11-30 15:33:34 CET)
- Skipped obstructing working copy Paul van der Hulst (2011-11-30 17:02:40 CET)
- Make depth sticky isn't sticky Paul van der Hulst (2011-11-30 17:09:20 CET)
- email on crash does not work Paul van der Hulst (2011-11-30 17:32:06 CET)
- Tortoise SVN - Time Stamp issue tescatlipoca (2011-11-30 21:04:51 CET)
- Tortoise SVN - Time Stamp issue tescatlipoca (2011-11-30 21:04:54 CET)
- commit in a folder scans files outside that folder Matt Carter (2011-11-30 22:46:46 CET)
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