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Ruby 2.0 on Rails

Ruby 2.0 on Rails

Slides for RubyConf 2012 talk "Ruby 2.0 on Rails" http://rubyconf.org/

Akira Matsuda

November 01, 2012

More Decks by Akira Matsuda

Other Decks in Programming


  1. What are Re nements? A mechanism to extend Classes and

    Modules locally Lexically scoped Safer and cleaner than open-class monkey patching
  2. Monkey patching affects all instances class Person; attr_accessor :name; end

    matz = Person.new matz.name = 'matz' matz.age #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `age' class Person; attr_accessor :age; end shugo = Person.new shugo.name = 'shugo' shugo.age = 34 matz.age #=> nil
  3. Module#re ne module Foo refine String do def say puts

    "#{self}!!" end end 'hello'.say end #=> hello!!
  4. Module#re ne module Foo refine String do def say; puts

    "#{self}!!"; end end 'hello'.say end #=> hello!! 'world'.say #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `say' for "world":String
  5. using Kernel#using module Foo refine String do def say; puts

    "#{self}!!"; end end end class Bar using Foo def hello 'hello'.say end end Bar.new.hello #=> hello!!
  6. using using in Module module Foo refine String do def

    say; puts "#{self}!!"; end end end module Bar using Foo end Bar.module_eval { 'hello'.say } #=> hello!!
  7. using anonymous Module module Foo refine String do def say;

    puts "#{self}!!"; end end end Module.new { using Foo }.module_eval { 'hello'.say } #=> hello!! 'world'.say #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `say' for "world":String
  8. using lambda / Proc? module Foo refine String do def

    say; puts "#{self}!!"; end end; end -> { using Foo 'hello'.say }.call #=> hello!! 'world'.say #=> world!!
  9. using lambda + Module module Foo refine String do def

    say; puts "#{self}!!"; end end; end Module.new { using Foo }.module_eval { -> { 'hello'.say } }.call #=> hello!! 'world'.say #=> undefined method `say' for "world":String
  10. rspec-expectations/lib/rspec/ expectations/syntax.rb (edited) module RSpec::Expectations::Syntax def enable_should(syntax_host = default_should_host) BasicObject.module_eval

    do def should(matcher=nil, message=nil, &block) ::RSpec::Expectations::PositiveExpectationHand ler.handle_matcher(self, matcher, message, &block) end def should_not(matcher=nil, message=nil, &block) ::RSpec::Expectations::NegativeExpectationHand ler.handle_matcher(self, matcher, message, &block) end end end end
  11. global pollution Object.new.should #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `should' require 'rspec'

    Object.new.should => #<RSpec::Matchers::BuiltIn::Positiv eOperatorMatcher:0x007fd8910c0528 @actual=#<Object:0x007fd8910c0550>>
  12. rspec-re nements.rb require 'rspec' BasicObject.class_eval do undef :should undef :should_not

    end module RSpec::Refinements::ExampleMethods refine BasicObject do def should(matcher=nil, message=nil, &block) ::RSpec::Expectations::PositiveExpectationHandler.handle_matcher(self, matcher, message, &block) end def should_not(matcher=nil, message=nil, &block) ::RSpec::Expectations::NegativeExpectationHandler.handle_matcher(self, matcher, message, &block) ennnd RSpec.configure do |c| c.before :all do RSpec.world.example_groups.each do |eg| eg.send :using, RSpec::Refinements::ExampleMethods ennnd # copied from rspec-expectation/ expectations/syntax.rb # ugly but works...
  13. rspec-re nements/spec/ foo_spec.rb class Foo def tes self.should end end

    describe Foo do # make sure the `should` method actually works inside an Example it { should be_a Foo } specify { expect { Foo.new.tes }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, / \Aundefined method `should' for #<Foo:/) } end
  14. activerecord-re nements/lib/ active_record/re nements.rb (1) module ActiveRecord::Refinements module WhereBlockSyntax refine

    Symbol do %i[== != =~ > >= < <=].each do |op| define_method(op) {|val| [self, op, val] } ennnnd
  15. activerecord-re nements/lib/ active_record/re nements.rb (2) module ActiveRecord::Refinements module QueryMethods def

    where(opts = nil, *rest, &block) if block col, op, val = Module.new { using ActiveRecord::Refinements::WhereBlockSyntax }.module_eval &block arel_node = case op when :!= table[col].not_eq val when :=~ table[col].matches val when :> table[col].gt val when ... # (snip) end clone.tap do |relation| relation.where_values += build_where(arel_node) end else super ennnnd
  16. activerecord-re nements/ spec/where_spec.rb describe 'Symbol enhancements' do describe '#!=' do

    subject { User.where { :name != 'nobu' }.to_sql } it { should =~ /WHERE \("users"."name" != 'nobu'\)/ } end describe '#>=' do subject { User.where { :age >= 18 }.to_sql } it { should =~ /WHERE \("users"."age" >= 18\)/ } end describe '#=~' do subject { User.where { :name =~ 'tender%' }.to_sql } it { should =~ /WHERE \("users"."name" LIKE 'tender%'\)/ } end context 'outside of where block' do specify { expect { :omg > 1 }.to raise_error ArgumentError } end end
  17. core_ext class Numeric def days ActiveSupport::Duration.new(self * 24.hours, [[:days, self]])

    end end p 3.days #=> 259200 class String def blank? self !~ /[^[:space:]]/ end end p ' '.blank? #=> true
  18. "No more free lunch" https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/ ab32126 "require 'active_support' no longer

    or ders the whole menu of core extension s. Ask for just what you need: e.g. requ ire 'active_support/core/ time' to use timezones, durations, and stdlib date/ time extensions. [Jeremy Kemper]"
  19. The AS 3 way require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/ object/try' p

    1234.try :to_s #=> "1234" p 1234.days #=> undefined method `days' for 1234:Fixnum (NoMethodError)
  20. activesupport-re nements/ spec/try_spec.rb require 'active_support/refinements/core_ext/object/try' describe 'Object#try' do context 'when

    using ObjectExt::Try' do it 'an Object has #try method' do Module.new { using ObjectExt::Try }.module_eval { 'hello'.try(:reverse) }.should == 'olleh' end end context 'when not using ObjectExt::Try' do it 'has no #try method' do expect { 'hello'.try(:reverse) }.to raise_error NoMethodError end end end
  21. A safer controller require 'active_support/refinements/ core_ext/numeric/time' class FooController < ApplicationController

    using NumericExt::Time def index @foos = Foo.where { :created_at > 3.days.ago } end end
  22. AMC class A def foo; puts 'foo'; end end class

    A def foo_with_bar foo_without_bar puts 'bar' end alias_method_chain :foo, :bar end A.new.foo A.new.foo_without_bar
  23. simple pagination ActiveRecord::FinderMethods.module_eval do def all_with_page(*args) if args.any? && (page

    = args.first.delete(:page)) limit(10). offset(10 * (page - 1)). all_without_page(*args) else all_without_page(*args) end end alias_method_chain :all, :page end
  24. adding `baz` and calling foo "without_bar" class A def foo;

    puts 'foo'; end def foo_with_bar foo_without_bar puts 'bar' end alias_method_chain :foo, :bar def foo_with_baz foo_without_baz puts 'baz' end alias_method_chain :foo, :baz end A.new.foo_without_bar
  25. "without_bar" skips "baz" class A def foo; puts 'foo'; end

    def foo_with_bar foo_without_bar puts 'bar' end alias_method_chain :foo, :bar def foo_with_baz foo_without_baz puts 'baz' end alias_method_chain :foo, :baz end A.new.foo_without_bar #=> foo
  26. an actual example gem 'activerecord', '<2.3' require 'active_record' ActiveRecord::Base.configurations =

    {'test' => {:adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => ':memory:'}} ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection('test') class User < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :name end class CreateAllTables < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table(:users) {|t| t.column :name, :string} end end CreateAllTables.up # p User.new.save_without_validation p User.new.save_without_dirty p User.new.save
  27. excerpt from d916c62 included do - alias_method_chain :save, :dirty ...

    end - def save_with_dirty(*args) - if status = save_without_dirty(*args) + def save(*) #:nodoc: + if status = super ...
  28. @wycats style module Bar def foo puts 'bar' super end;

    end module Baz def foo puts 'baz' end; end class A include Baz include Bar def foo puts 'foo' super end end A.new.foo #=> foo bar baz
  29. how can we extend methods that are not calling super?

    class A def foo puts 'foo' end end (do something...) A.new.foo #=> foo bar
  30. AMC? class A def foo puts 'foo' end end class

    A def foo_with_bar foo_without_bar puts ‘bar’ end alias_method_chain :foo, :bar end A.new.foo #=> foo bar
  31. The Patch Monster % git clone git://github.com/ruby/ruby % git shortlog

    -ns | grep -v svn | head -10 7049" nobu 3470" akr 2553" matz 1492" naruse 1464" usa 1412" eban 746" ko1 580" knu 531" mame 513" drbrain
  32. AMC class A def foo puts 'foo' end end class

    A def foo_with_bar foo_without_bar puts ‘bar’ end alias_method_chain :foo, :bar end A.new.foo #=> foo bar
  33. Module#prepend class A def foo; puts 'foo'; end end module

    Bar def foo super puts 'bar' end end class A prepend Bar end A.new.foo #=> foo bar
  34. Module#prepend class A; def foo; puts 'foo'; end; end module

    Bar def foo super puts 'bar' end end module Baz def foo super puts 'baz' end end class A prepend Bar prepend Baz end A.new.foo #=> foo bar baz
  35. simple pagination with Module#prepend module PrependPaginator def all(*args) if args.any?

    && (page = args.first.delete(:page)) self.limit_value = 10 self.offset_value = 10 * (page - 1) end super end end ActiveRecord::FinderMethods.send :prepend, PrependPaginator
  36. activerecord-re nements/lib/ activerecord-re nements.rb module ActiveRecord::Refinements module QueryMethods def where(opts

    = nil, *rest, &block) if block ... # (snip) else super ennnnd module ActiveRecord::QueryMethods prepend ActiveRecord::Refinements::QueryMethods end
  37. lazy evaluation (1..Float::INFINITY).lazy .select(&:even?) .take(20) .force #=> [2, 4, 6,

    8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40]
  38. Friday the 13th (until ETERNITY) require 'date' ETERNITY = Float::INFINITY

    puts (Date.today..ETERNITY). lazy. select {|d| (d.day == 13) && d.friday?}. take(5).force #=> 2013-09-13 2013-12-13 2014-06-13 2015-02-13 2015-03-13
  39. Ruby implementation of UNIX wc command (ARGV.length == 0 ?

    [["", STDIN]] : ARGV.lazy.map { |filename| [filename, File.open(filename)] }).map { |filename, file| "%4d %4d %4d %s\n" % [*file.lines.lazy.map { |line| [1, line.split.length, line.length] }.inject([0, 0, 0]) { |(lc, wc, cc), (l, w, c)| [wc + w, lc + l, cc + c] }, filename] }.each(&:display) by @shugomaeda http://shugomaeda.blogspot.com/2012/03/ enumerablelazy-and-its-benefits.html
  40. def foo(args = {}) puts "a is #{args[:a]}, b is

    #{args[:b]}" end foo a: 1, b: 2 #=> a is 1, b is 2 Well known idiom using Hash
  41. merge def foo(args = {}) values = {a: 1, b:

    2}.merge args puts "a is #{values[:a]}, b is #{values[:b]}" end foo b: 4 #=> a is 1, b is 4
  42. reverse_merge (ActiveSupport) def foo(args = {}) values = args.reverse_merge a:

    1, b: 2 puts "a is #{values[:a]}, b is #{values[:b]}" end foo b: 4 #=> a is 1, b is 4
  43. def create(attributes = {}, options = {}, &block) AR/associations/collection_association.rb def

    form_tag(url_for_options = {}, options = {}, &block) AV/helpers/form_tag_helper.rb def render(options = {}, locals = {}, &block) AV/helpers/rendering_helper.rb def button_to(name, options = {}, html_options = {}) AV/helpers/url_helper.rb def date_select(method, options = {}, html_options = {}) AV/helpers/date_helper.rb multiple Hashes
  44. Passing values into the latter keywords Hash def button_to(name, options

    = {}, html_options = {}) <%= button_to 'New!', action: 'new', method: 'get' %> #=> options: {action: 'new', method: 'get'}, html_options: {} <%= button_to 'New!', {action: 'new'}, {method: 'get'} %> #=> options: {action: 'new'}, html_options: {method: 'get'}
  45. Splat Operator def define_model_callbacks(*callbacks) options = callbacks.extract_options! options = {

    :terminator => "result == false", :scope => [:kind, :name], : [:before, :around, :after] }.merge(options) ... AMo/callbacks.rb
  46. assert_valid_keys VALID_FIND_OPTIONS = [:conditions, :include, :joins, :limit, :offset, :extend, :order,

    :select, :readonly, :group, :having, :from, :lock ] def apply_finder_options(options) ... options.assert_valid_keys(VALID_FIND_OPTIONS) AR/relation/spawn_methods.rb
  47. Implementation of assert_valid_keys def assert_valid_keys(*valid_keys) valid_keys.flatten! each_key do |k| raise

    ArgumentError.new("Unknown key: #{k}") unless valid_keys.include?(k) end end AS/core_ext/hash/keys.rb
  48. No need to merge or reverse_merge anymore! def foo(a: 1,

    b: 2) puts "a is #{a}, b is #{b}" end foo() #=> a is 1, b is 2 foo a: 3, b: 2 #=> a is 3, b is 2
  49. The "rest" argument def button_to(name, controller: nil, action: nil, **html_options)

    puts "controller: #{controller}" puts "action: #{action}" puts "html_options: #{html_options}" end button_to 'a', action: 'new', method: 'get' #=> controller: (nil) action: new html_options: {:method=>"get"}
  50. We don't need assert_valid_keys anymore! def apply_finder_options(conditions: nil, include: nil,

    joins: nil, limit: nil, offset: nil, extend: nil, order: nil, select: nil, readonly: nil, group: nil, having: nil, from: nil, lock: nil) puts "order: #{order}" puts "limit: #{limit}" end apply_finder_options order: 'id', limit: 3, omg: 999 #=> unknown keyword: omg (ArgumentError)
  51. try 2.0 if your_app.ruby_version == 1.9.3 you.should upgrade {|ruby| your_app

    << ruby.new_features! raise Issue.new unless ruby.compatible? } end
  52. try 2.0 if your_app.ruby_version == 1.9.3 you.should upgrade {|ruby| your_app

    << ruby.new_features! raise Issue.new unless ruby.compatible? } else die end
  53. Use the new features Because it's useful In order to

    speed up transition And let's deprecate 1.9.3 ASAP!
  54. end