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  • 2014/01/24
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Yukari San's baguette quiche

みんなの投稿 (20)
バゲットキッシュ with きのこ、ほうれん草、唐辛子とチーズ。
Already made famous in SD,I could see many versions of this.Really good news for me,because I am a fan of quiche but I always worry about eating to much butter from the crust,that's why I haven't been making any.So this is perfect for me using baguette to replace the
crust,still delicious but healthier!This is my typical vegetarian filling,mushroom,spinach,chili and cheese.
なまら、yummy :D
Good idea and yum!
ゆかりさんのバゲットキッシュは私も作りましたが少し失敗したので、またトライします( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Good morning rick san☀☀
Oh, that's what you meant!!
I thought that you made sandwiches since i heard Baguette topics from you😁💦
What a pleasant posts! You make me happy repeatedly!
I know how your baguette quiche has special meaning,cuz you made it from scratch,baguette too! So this is homemade comp
completely✨i appreciate such your posts.Needless to say,it's faultless condition,it's so you👏✨
Luckily I could see everyone's quiche,but there were somewhat dried filling.(cuz lucked my mention🙇) Yours has moist feeling,looks soooooo tasty😋
Also nice mood and scene in this shot,lovely wooden board t
board too💘
Thanks for this post! Have a good day good time 😊
rick chan から miyako
Glad you like this,thanks!
rick chan から kazuko Tsuji
Thank you,it's an excellent idea from Yukari San,she is a genius!
rick chan から 麻紀子
I am sorry to hear,I wonder what went wrong...Mine was just ok,I didn't gave enough egg mixture...
Please try again,I'm sure it will succeed next time!
rick chan から ゆかり
I feel terrible to disappoint you,but this is not the baguette I made.My mediocre one was saved for breakfast,and I wanted to get good baguette for your very great idea,I wanted to enjoy this fully because this is most special for me!Thank you for your compliment,I am glad to get your approve,I love
quiche so much,and I have explain when I rarely make them,and this is just perfect for me,I wish I made enough egg and cream liquid so that it come up to top,but the bread adsorbed most of it,luckily I got the timing right,it turned out nice and moist,so tasty to eat!Regardless I was eating so many
baguette this week!
On behalf of the SD community,I thank you for sharing this,a lot of us have benefit from your excellent post!
Also thanks for the compliment of the board too,this is local made,I love the grain of it so I bought it,but it's been a while now...
To: rikk
No,I'm sorry too, It seems that was me jumping to conclusions🙈💦 cuz your baguette done well like bakery one! Thank you so much for made it politely! I also received memorable posts from you!
You are the best👍✨thanks!
This photo is sooooo nice!
You really have a good sense!!👍
rick chan から mikachi
Thank you so much again,I am just trying my best...You also have nice photo these days,they give me great pleasure to look!
rick chan から 😳陳承仁
這個Yukari San 介紹的,用麵包代替酥皮,健康得多了,我也很喜歡!謝謝resnaps!
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