Words ending with s, l, f, or z after a SHORT VOWEL almost always double the final consonant. (Sam loves fried zucchini!) off, fill, pass, jazz Examples: gas, bus, us, this, yes if, chef, pal, has, was Exceptions:
When a suffix BEGINS WITH A VOWEL and is added to a ◦ 1 syllable word with ◦ 1 final consonant preceded by ◦ 1 vowel …double the final consonant Do not double final consonant if suffix BEGINS WITH A CONSONANT.
1 vowel fit + est = fittest Final consonant 1 syllable vowel fit + ful = fitful
When a word has… ◦ more than one syllable, and ◦ if the final syllable is ACCENTED, and ◦ has ONE VOWEL FOLLOWED BY ONE CONSONANT Double the final consonant when adding an ending BEGINNING WITH A VOWEL.
1 vowel followed by 1 consonant remit + ed = remitted Final syllable accented 2+ syllables vowel signal + ing = signaling
When a root word ends in a silent –e, drop the e when adding a suffix beginning with a VOWEL. Keep the -e before a suffix beginning with a CONSONANT.
Ends in silent -e blame + ing = blaming vowel Ends in silent -e extreme + ly = extremely consonant Exceptions: truly, duly, awful, hoeing, fiery, ninth, judgment
When a root ends in a “y” preceded by a consonant, change “y” to “i” before adding a suffix. This rule applies to all suffixes EXCEPT –ing.
Ends in “y” carry + er = carrier Change “y” to “i” Consonant hurry + ing = hurrying All suffixes except “ing”
If the root word ends in a “y” PRECEDED BY A VOWEL (ay, ey, oy, uy), just add the suffix WITHOUT CHANGING ANY LETTERS. Some exceptions: ◦ said, paid, daily, slain
Ends in “y”Vowel buy + er = buyer Exceptions: said, paid, daily, slain