Fully Automated Process in One Tool: From Purchase Orders to Budget Control and Reporting.
For minor company expenses, you might utilize a spend management solution or track everything in spreadsheets. For everything more, you'll need Precoro. We help companies achieve procurement excellence and budget efficiency by building transparent, predictable, automated spending workflows.
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StarTree: Real-Time Analytics for User-Facing Applications
Let us turn your data into one of your greatest assets
StarTree Cloud, powered by Apache Pinot, is our fully-managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS). StarTree Cloud frees you from administrative burdens, letting you focus on gaining insights from your data, developing your applications, and meeting the needs of your users. StarTree Cloud is deployable as either public SaaS or private SaaS — which we call Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) — and is available on AWS, Azure Cloud, and Google Cloud.