If key-repeat speed is set to max in System Preferences > Keyboard, cursor movement becomes choppy/jumpy.
I made a short screencast demonstrating the issue: http://youtu.be/t-xs_Mk5yMY
- System details: MacBook Air 13" 2013 running OSX 10.8.5
- iTerm version: iTerm2 Build (I had same problem with iTerm2 1.0.0)
- Steps to reproduce: Go to System Preferences > Keyboard, and set "Key Repeat" slider all the way to the right. Open an iTerm window and hold down a letter key, letting it repeat. Also try holding down Backspace to delete a long line of characters.
- What happened: Characters are typed/deleted in a choppy manner
- What you expected to happen: Expected smooth key repeat as in Terminal.app
I realize this is a small issue, but it's frustrating because everything else about iTerm2 is so awesome.