Hello Everyone, I like the nice visuals of this game, but found some issues affecting gameplay, so I created NiceChess 1.0 based on Brutal Chess 0.5.2, changed the game to be more playable and placed it here: https://github.com/BencsikRoland/nicechess Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cbb5-cyIIo I know Brutal Chess is created to be an action game, however I like chess in its original board logic game, that's why I renamed it to NiceChess. I hope you will enjoy this variant as well. Kind regards,...
Hi, I am on fedora 23, and I am seeing missing characters in the menu system of brutalchess;...
Hi, I am on fedora 23, and I am seeing missing characters in the menu system of brutalchess;...
The Threads are very inactive, however the game is still quite popular
utils.cpp:62: bad length
Please create an AppData file for Brutal Chess
White Pawn can't take Black Queen