About A.D.E.E.A, an AD Software Solution
An E/E Architecture Design Solution
For Software-Defined Vehicles (SDV)
What A.D.E.E.A Provides
Custom Development For Automakers
A.D.E.E.A (Autonomous Driving Electric and Electronic Architecture) offers flexible services that enable automakers to satisfy their specification to realize autonomous vehicles(AV). A.D.E.E.A enables automaker partners to accelerate the development of SDVs with AD functionality.

From Design To Evaluation

  • Autonomous Driving System

    A pre-validated AD software that operates within a defined Operational Design Domain (ODD), covering Level 2 to Level 4 functions. In case where the ODD conditions are not met, a Minimum Risk Maneuver (MRM) is activated, transitioning the vehicle to an emergency stop or low-speed operation to minimize risks.​

  • Vehicle Control Unit

    A system architecture that ensures real-time performance across various levels of AD functions, diverse sensor configurations, and wide-ranging ODDs. In addition to conventional multi-core CPUs, the Scalable EEA supports GPUs, FPGAs, and dedicated accelerators.​

  • Redundant Drive By Wire

    A redundant DBW system with steering and braking functionalities, tailored to meet the requirements of Level 4 AD function. This system aims to prevent any single-point failure that could lead to a loss of braking or steering control.

  • Interactive In-Vehicle Infotainment

    A sophisticated cockpit system that establishes bidirectional connectivity between vehicle occupants and the vehicle itself. Through touch panels and conversational agents, the IVI provides not only vehicle control but also an immersive in-car entertainment experience.

Utilize Our Assets
A.D.E.E.A provides the following services and a DevOps tool kit.Services: Customization/Integration/Adaptation/UpdateThe DevOps tool kit is provided by Web.Auto, a DevOps Platform. The tool kit contains, such as simulator, CI/CD pipeline, evaluator, fleet management system and etc.