Welcome to my website!
I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the Aix-Marseille School of Economics.
My research focuses on macroeconomics and development economics. I developed two unique cross-country micro-datasets, the Harmonized World Labor Force Survey (HWLFS) and the Harmonized World Time Use Survey (HWTUS). I combine these data with state-of-the-art macroeconomic models to progress our understanding of the global disparities in income.
Prior to this work, I studied the redistributive effects of fiscal and monetary policies in high-income countries and the life-cycle patterns of household stock market participation.
Before joining Marseille, I was a (non-TT) Assistant Professor at the University of St. Gallen (2015-2023). I earned my Ph.D. from the European University Institute in 2012.
Here is my CV.
Contact details :
gottlieb.charles'at'gmail.com OR charles.gottlieb'at'univ-amu.fr
July 2024: An updated version of The Gender Division of Work Across Countries is now online.
May 2024: The first version of Skill Supply, Firm Size and Economic Development is now online. It is a Background paper for the World Bank's 2024 World Development Report.
April 2024: The first version of Occupational Choices, Human Capital and Cross-Country Income Differences is now online.
Are you interested in cross-country data on working from home? Check out my short paper on Working from Home in Developing Countries in the European Economic Review and the accompanying simulator to explore the data.