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Calibration and validation of APSIM maize simulation model for different date of sowing JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 August 2023 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Co-elevation of atmospheric CO2 and temperature affect instantaneous and intrinsic water use efficiency of rice varieties JOURNAL ARTICLE published 31 August 2023 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Stochastic modeling of evapotranspiration JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2004 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Rainfall analysis in relation to rice crop for Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2008 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Effect of meteorological parameters on severity of storage rot of ginger JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2007 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Understanding the relationship between groundnut canopy level weather and observatory weather for leafspot disease prediction JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2013 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
JOURNAL ISSUE published 1 December 2012 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Agrometeorological indices of white clover (Trifolium repens) in western Himalayas JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2012 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Influence of weather factors on the development of leaf spot of betel vine caused by colletotrichum capsici JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2012 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Thermal time requirement and energy use efficiency for single cross hybrid maize in south Telangana agro climatic zone of Andhra Pradesh JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2012 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Estimation of maximum evaptranspiration for cotton by modified Penman method and its validation with Lysimetric data JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2012 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Applied Agrometeorology - JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2012 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Cotton yield prediction for Punjab using weather based statistical models JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2012 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Relevance of thermal units in deciding sowing time and yield prediction of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) under irrigated condition of western Rajasthan JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2004 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Effect of sowing dates on growth and yield of pearlmillet during summer season JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2003 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Variations in heat and radiation use efficiency of green gram as influenced by sowing dates and chemical sprays JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2003 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Pearl millet production over western Haryana in relation to monsoon rainfall JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2004 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Monitoring of water requirement satisfaction index for pearl millet JOURNAL ARTICLE published 19 December 2021 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Estimation of variability in wheat production levels in middle Gujarat using simulation model JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 December 2005 in Journal of Agrometeorology |
Effect of weather variables on sugarcane yield JOURNAL ARTICLE published 1 June 2005 in Journal of Agrometeorology |