Symbolic universal composability

F Böhl, D Unruh - Journal of Computer Security, 2016 -
F Böhl, D Unruh
Journal of Computer Security,
We introduce a variant of the Universal Composability framework (UC; Canetti, FOCS 2001)
that uses symbolic cryptography. Two salient properties of the UC framework are secure
composition and the possibility of easily defining security by giving an ideal functionality as
specification. These advantages are now also available in a symbolic modeling of
cryptography, allowing for a modular analysis of complex protocols.
We introduce a variant of the Universal Composability framework (UC; Canetti, FOCS 2001) that uses symbolic cryptography. Two salient properties of the UC framework are secure composition and the possibility of easily defining security by giving an ideal functionality as specification. These advantages are now also available in a symbolic modeling of cryptography, allowing for a modular analysis of complex protocols.