[PDF][PDF] On axiomatizing multivalued dependencies in relational databases

AO Mendelzon - Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1979 - dl.acm.org
AO Mendelzon
Journal of the ACM (JACM), 1979dl.acm.org
ABSTRACT A complete set of inference rules for deriving multlvalued dependencies ma
relational database has recently been presented. The questtons of independence and
redundancy of these rules are mvesttgated and all mmunal complete subsets of the
proposed set are determmed gEY WORDS ANn PaRAS~ S multwalued dependency,
complete ax~ ornatlzatlon, reference rule, functional dependency, relational database,
database, semanUcs of data ca CATEGORmS'4.33, 4 34, 5 21
ABSTRACT A complete set of inference rules for deriving multlvalued dependencies ma relational database has recently been presented. The questtons of independence and redundancy of these rules are mvesttgated and all mmunal complete subsets of the proposed set are determmed gEY WORDS ANn PaRAS~ S multwalued dependency, complete ax~ ornatlzatlon, reference rule, functional dependency, relational database, database, semanUcs of data ca CATEGORmS'4.33, 4 34, 5 21
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