The state of phishing attacks
J Hong - Communications of the ACM, 2012 -
Communications of the ACM, 2012•
The state of phishing attacks Page 1 74 CoMMuniCations of the aCM | jAnUARY 2012 | VOL.
55 | nO. 1 contributed articles PHIsHInG Is a kind of social-engineering attack in which
criminals use spoofed email messages to trick people into sharing sensitive information or
installing malware on their computers. Victims perceive these messages as being associated
with a trusted brand, while in reality they are only the work of con artists. Rather than directly
target the systems people use, phishing attacks target the people using the systems. Phishing …
55 | nO. 1 contributed articles PHIsHInG Is a kind of social-engineering attack in which
criminals use spoofed email messages to trick people into sharing sensitive information or
installing malware on their computers. Victims perceive these messages as being associated
with a trusted brand, while in reality they are only the work of con artists. Rather than directly
target the systems people use, phishing attacks target the people using the systems. Phishing …
Looking past the systems people use, they target the people using the systems.
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