A conversation with Don Norman

J Rheinfrank - interactions, 1995 - dl.acm.org
J Rheinfrank
interactions, 1995dl.acm.org
JohtE&heinfrank t- Page 1 er i& exciting work that I’m sting to do, but I can’t quite tell you about
it yet. In addition, my views have been changing, v- and very rapidly. When 1 wrote The Design
of’ Evegdzy Thin& it was partly out of frustrati& with products and partly out of a recognition
that there really were some design principles that could be applied. I still think my initial
analysis was valid but my diagnosis of the cause was wrong. The book went through about six
or seven draf& -it changed radically In the first draft I said, “It’s the designers who’re wrong …
The 2021 Shape Modeling International Tosiyasu Kunii Achievement Award is presented to Dr. Bianca Falcidieno for her outstanding career achievements in shape modelling research. We are also pleased to honour her valuable service to the...
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