Resurrecting the future of operational research

RL Ackoff - Journal of the operational research society, 1979 - Taylor & Francis
RL Ackoff
Journal of the operational research society, 1979Taylor & Francis
An alternative paradigm to that currently used in OR is proposed, one based on imbedding
problem solving in planning. The operating principles and content required of an
appropriate type of planning are presented, and the role and advantages of redesigning the
system planned for are considered in some detail. Then the practice of OR is examined with
suggestions made for fundamental changes in the relationship between servers and served,
for returning to interdisciplinarity, and for involvement in the research of all those affected by …
An alternative paradigm to that currently used in OR is proposed, one based on imbedding problem solving in planning. The operating principles and content required of an appropriate type of planning are presented, and the role and advantages of redesigning the system planned for are considered in some detail. Then the practice of OR is examined with suggestions made for fundamental changes in the relationship between servers and served, for returning to interdisciplinarity, and for involvement in the research of all those affected by it. A redesign of the role of professional societies is also proposed. Finally, a radical transformation of the way OR is taught and learned is described.
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