Quantum Kronecker fractions

SJ Evans, AP Veselov, B Winn - arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.15666, 2024 - arxiv.org
SJ Evans, AP Veselov, B Winn
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.15666, 2024arxiv.org
A few years ago Morier-Genoud and Ovsienko introduced an interesting quantization of the
real numbers as certain power series in a quantization parameter $ q. $ It is known now that
the golden ratio has minimal radius among all these series. We study the rational numbers
having maximal radius of convergence equal to 1, which we call Kronecker fractions. We
prove that the corresponding continued fraction expansions must be palindromic and
describe all Kronecker fractions with prime denominators. We found several infinite families …
A few years ago Morier-Genoud and Ovsienko introduced an interesting quantization of the real numbers as certain power series in a quantization parameter It is known now that the golden ratio has minimal radius among all these series. We study the rational numbers having maximal radius of convergence equal to 1, which we call Kronecker fractions. We prove that the corresponding continued fraction expansions must be palindromic and describe all Kronecker fractions with prime denominators. We found several infinite families of Kronecker fractions and all Kronecker fractions with denominator less than 5000. We also comment on the irrational case and on the relation with braids, rational knots and links.