User profiles for Zhigang Cao
Seamless retrievals of chlorophyll-a from Sentinel-2 (MSI) and Sentinel-3 (OLCI) in inland and coastal waters: A machine-learning approach
Consistent, cross-mission retrievals of near-surface concentration of chlorophyll-a (Chla) in
various aquatic ecosystems with broad ranges of trophic levels have long been a complex …
various aquatic ecosystems with broad ranges of trophic levels have long been a complex …
Channel estimation for OFDM transmission in multipath fading channels based on parametric channel modeling
…, KB Letaief, RS Cheng, Z Cao - IEEE transactions on …, 2001 -
We present an improved channel estimation algorithm for orthogonal frequency-division
multiplexing mobile communication systems using pilot subcarriers. This algorithm is based on …
multiplexing mobile communication systems using pilot subcarriers. This algorithm is based on …
A machine learning approach to estimate chlorophyll-a from Landsat-8 measurements in inland lakes
Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) provides an opportunity to map chlorophyll-a (Chla)
in lake waters at spatial scales not feasible with ocean color missions. Although state-of-…
in lake waters at spatial scales not feasible with ocean color missions. Although state-of-…
Climate-and human-induced changes in suspended particulate matter over Lake Hongze on short and long timescales
Abstract Changes in global climate drivers have multiple impacts on lake ecosystems, as
rain and wind conditions control catchment surface runoff and lake mixing regimes. However, …
rain and wind conditions control catchment surface runoff and lake mixing regimes. However, …
Timing recovery for OFDM transmission
…, KB Letaief, RS Cheng, Z Cao - IEEE Journal on Selected …, 2000 -
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is an effective modulation technique for
high-rate and high-speed transmission over frequency selective fading channels. However, …
high-rate and high-speed transmission over frequency selective fading channels. However, …
Analysis of low-complexity windowed DFT-based MMSE channel estimator for OFDM systems
B Yang, Z Cao, KB Letaief - IEEE Transactions on …, 2001 -
Low-complexity windowed discrete Fourier transform (DFT)-based minimum mean square
error (MMSE) channel estimators are proposed and analyzed for both the interpolation and …
error (MMSE) channel estimators are proposed and analyzed for both the interpolation and …
Charging scheduling of electric vehicles with local renewable energy under uncertain electric vehicle arrival and grid power price
In this paper, we consider delay-optimal charging scheduling of the electric vehicles (EVs)
at a charging station with multiple charge points. The charging station is equipped with …
at a charging station with multiple charge points. The charging station is equipped with …
GLORIA - A globally representative hyperspectral in situ dataset for optical sensing of water quality
The development of algorithms for remote sensing of water quality (RSWQ) requires a large
amount of in situ data to account for the bio-geo-optical diversity of inland and coastal waters…
amount of in situ data to account for the bio-geo-optical diversity of inland and coastal waters…
MODIS observations reveal decrease in lake suspended particulate matter across China over the past two decades
Variations in the concentrations and distribution of suspended particulate matter (SPM) of
lakes can be used to show the responses of lake environment to climate and landscape …
lakes can be used to show the responses of lake environment to climate and landscape …
Reconstructing Inorganic‐Rich Interphases by Nonflammable Electrolytes for High‐Voltage and Low‐Temperature LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 Cathodes
XY Fan, M Liu, TL Chen, W Hao, Z Cao… - Advanced Functional …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Cobalt‐free and spinel LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 (LNMO) cathodes commonly suffer from
undesirable solvent decomposition, serious transition‐metal dissolution, and unstable cathode …
undesirable solvent decomposition, serious transition‐metal dissolution, and unstable cathode …