CloudRCA: A root cause analysis framework for cloud computing platforms
As business of Alibaba expands across the world among various industries, higher standards
are imposed on the service quality and reliability of big data cloud computing platforms …
are imposed on the service quality and reliability of big data cloud computing platforms …
Relations Between Several Ideals of a Ring and Its Quotient Ring
G Zhengxiong, W Yao - Mathematical Theory and Applications, 2016 -
Abstract: In this note, we investigate the relationships between ideals of a ring Rand its quotient
ring R/I. We show that if I⊆ K⊆ Rand I△ R, then Kis a 2-primal ideal (strongly prime ideal…
ring R/I. We show that if I⊆ K⊆ Rand I△ R, then Kis a 2-primal ideal (strongly prime ideal…
Improving the UV resistance of aromatic poly (1, 3, 4‐oxadiazole) fiber using the disperse dye modified with octavinyl POSS. Part 2: Fixing form of dye and UV …
Y Mao, X Zheng, Y Guan - Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Disperse Red 60 modified with octavinyl polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) was
used to color poly(p‐phenylene‐1,3,4‐oxadiazoles) (p‐POD) fiber. The dyed p‐POD fiber …
used to color poly(p‐phenylene‐1,3,4‐oxadiazoles) (p‐POD) fiber. The dyed p‐POD fiber …
EGFR L858R mutation as a possible target for individual-independent immunotherapy in Chinese population.
…, L Chen, J Yu, G Chen, X Zheng, Y Yi, YF Guan… - 2019 -
8538 Background: Neoantigens arise from tumor-specific mutations and potentially provoke
immune responses. General vaccines targeting these peptides could be beneficial for …
immune responses. General vaccines targeting these peptides could be beneficial for …
Design of movable skyline hoisting cableway used in unusually large bridge.
…, GYS Guan YinSheng, ZZX Zhang ZhengXiong… - 2010 -
As one of the most convenient and economical tools of transportation and crane, ropeway
begin to use in a variety of building and construction. According to the characteristic and …
begin to use in a variety of building and construction. According to the characteristic and …
A fiber-based sandwich evaporator for effective solar evaporation and salt-rejection performance
Solar steam generation technology is one of the promising ways for freshwater production,
while there is still a long way for the scalable application of current solar evaporators due to …
while there is still a long way for the scalable application of current solar evaporators due to …
A study on theory and application of strop ropeway.
…, ZZX Zhang ZhengXiong, GYS Guan YinSheng… - 2006 -
Based on the standard curve of the catenary, the strop ropeway was designed and calculated.
Many factors influencing sliding speed were analyzed from the viewpoint of energy, and …
Many factors influencing sliding speed were analyzed from the viewpoint of energy, and …
Design study of special hoisting cableway in Wudang Mountain.
…, GYS Guan YinSheng, ZZX Zhang ZhengXiong… - 2007 -
This paper describes and illustrates the design of hoisting cableways in Wudang Mountain,
China, according to the characteristics and requirements of cableways and in line with the …
China, according to the characteristics and requirements of cableways and in line with the …
不同水肥一体化方式和施肥量对烤烟生长, 氮磷钾利用及烟叶产质量的影响
…, MA Erdeng, JIN Yan, Z Zhengxiong - Guan'gai Paishui …, 2019 -
[目的] 寻找烤烟适宜的水肥一体化方式.[方法] 通过田间试验研究了2 种水肥一体化方式(滴灌施肥
和浇灌施肥) 和2 种氮肥用量(100% 推荐量和80% 推荐量) 对烤烟生长, 氮磷钾利用及烟叶产量…
和浇灌施肥) 和2 种氮肥用量(100% 推荐量和80% 推荐量) 对烤烟生长, 氮磷钾利用及烟叶产量…
[CITATION][C] Data augmentation method based on conditional generative adversarial net model
W Chen, Z Guan, Y Chen - J. Comput. Appl, 2018