[BOOK][B] Modeling and simulation for RF system design

R Frevert, J Haase, R Jancke, U Knochel, P Schwarz… - 2006 - books.google.com
Modern telecommunication systems are highly complex from an algorithmic point of view.
The complexity continues to increase due to advanced modulation schemes, multiple …

System level modeling

R Frevert, J Haase, R Jancke, U Knöchel… - … and Simulation for RF …, 2005 - Springer
The functionality of telecommunication systems has increased dramatically during recent
years. The systems may support multiple standards and high data rates. Due to the cost …

Use of HDL code checkers to support the IP entrance check-a requirement analysis

R Frevert, S Rulke, T Schafer… - … Euromicro Symposium on …, 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Systems for coding style analysis, so called hardware description languages (HDL) code
checkers, can accomplish an important contribution for the IP entrance check, that means …

Automatische Generierung templatebasierter HF-Basisband-Modelle

R Frevert, I Harasymiv, W Hartong, J Hartung… - … , Analog 2005, S. 205 …, 2005 - vde-verlag.de
Frevert, Ronny; Knöchel, Uwe (Fraunhofer Institut IIS EAS, Dresden, Deutschland) …

Simulation Tools in System Design

R Frevert, J Haase, R Jancke, U Knöchel… - … and Simulation for RF …, 2005 - Springer
The application of simulation tools is very important to improve the efficiency in system and
circuit design. Various simulation tools exist on the market to support the design process. This …

Characterization for Bottom-Up Verification

R Frevert, J Haase, R Jancke, U Knöchel… - … and Simulation for RF …, 2005 - Springer
Characterization can be considered as the manual or automated determination of characteristics
and parameters of a component. A component which is characterized is referred to as a …

VHDL-AMS for Block Level Simulation

R Frevert, J Haase, R Jancke, U Knöchel… - … and Simulation for RF …, 2005 - Springer
5.4 Summary This chapter provided a short overview of the features of the VHDL-AMS
behavioral description language, which can be used for modeling of digital, analog, and mixed-…

Modeling of Analog Blocks in Verilog-A

R Frevert, J Haase, R Jancke, U Knöchel… - … and Simulation for RF …, 2005 - Springer
(ADE). Verilog-A is a high-level hardware description language standard which is a subset
of the mixed-signal modeling language Verilog-AMS. It is used to describe the structure and …

Advanced Methods for Overall System Specification and Validation

R Frevert, J Haase, R Jancke, U Knöchel… - … and Simulation for RF …, 2005 - Springer
Current electronic systems consist of analog and digital parts in most cases. Typical analog
subsystems are sensors and actuators in the automation area and analog front-ends to …

Macromodeling in VHDL-AMS

R Frevert, J Haase, R Jancke, U Knöchel… - … and Simulation for RF …, 2005 - Springer
VHDL-AMS 8. MACROMODELING IN VHDL-AMS 8.1 Introduction The term macromodeling …