[PDF][PDF] 3D urban GIS from laser altimeter and 2D map data

N Haala, C Brenner, KH Anders - International Archives of …, 1998 - Citeseer
Virtual reality applications in the context of urban planning presume the acquisition of 3D
urban models. Photo realism can only be achieved, if the geometry of buildings is represented …

Grid typification

KH Anders - Progress in Spatial Data Handling: 12th International …, 2006 - Springer
In this paper the detection and typification of grid structures in building groups is described.
Typification is a generalization operation that replaces a large number of similar objects by a …

[HTML][HTML] Drone-based optical measurements of heterogeneous surface velocity fields around fish passages at hydropower dams

D Strelnikova, G Paulus, S Käfer, KH Anders, P Mayr… - Remote Sensing, 2020 - mdpi.com
In Austria, more than a half of all electricity is produced with the help of hydropower plants.
To reduce their ecological impact, dams are being equipped with fish passages that support …

[PDF][PDF] A hierarchical graph-clustering approach to find groups of objects

KH Anders - Proceedings 5th workshop on …, 2003 - kartographie.geo.tu-dresden.de
Karl-Heinrich Anders Institute of Cartography and Geoinformatics University of Hannover
Appelstraße 9a, 30167 Hannover, Germany karl-heinrich.anders@ikg.uni-hannover.de … In …

Pattern recognition in road networks on the example of circular road detection

F Heinzle, KH Anders, M Sester - … , September 20-23, 2006. Proceedings 4, 2006 - Springer
The paper will introduce into the subject of recognition of typical patterns in road networks.
Especially we will describe the search for ring structures and its implementation in detail. …

[PDF][PDF] Level of detail generation of 3D building groups by aggregation and typification

KH Anders - International Cartographic Conference, 2005 - Citeseer
The real-time visualisation of 3D city models requires the representation of the buildings in
different levels of detail (LoD). This LoDs should be generated automatically by specific …

[PDF][PDF] Graph based approaches for recognition of patterns and implicit information in road networks

F Heinzle, KH Anders, M Sester - Proc. 22nd International …, 2005 - ikg.uni-hannover.de
The paper will introduce into the subject of recognition of typical patterns in road networks.
We will first describe the design and lay-out of roads. Applications to detect patterns and to …

Linking objects of different spatial data sets by integration and aggregation

M Sester, KH Anders, V Walter - GeoInformatica, 1998 - Springer
In order to solve spatial analysis problems, nowadays a huge amount of digital data sets can
be accessed: cadastral, topographic, geologic, and environmental data, in addition to all …

Characterising space via pattern recognition techniques: identifying patterns in road networks

F Heinzle, KH Anders - Generalisation of geographic information, 2007 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary The chapter introduces the subject of pattern recognition in road
networks. It describes the concepts of random and scale-free graphs, since scale-free graphs …

[PDF][PDF] Parameter-free cluster detection in spatial databases and its application to typification

KH Anders, M Sester - … Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2000 - Citeseer
Karl-Heinrich Anders … Z/I Imaging GmbH Oberkochen, Germany k.anders@ziimaging.de
。 Institute for Photogrammetry University of Stuttgart, Germany monika.sester@ifp.uni-stuttgart.de …