User profiles for Jose Antonio Morán
Jose A. Morán-MorenoUniversitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) Verified email at Cited by 812 |
[PDF][PDF] Programa para mejorar marcadores de riesgo cardiovascular en escolares mexicanos
…, V Ortiz-Rodríguez, JA Morán-Zenteno… - Salud pública de …, 2008 - SciELO Public Health
OBJETIVO: Evaluar el efecto de un programa de actividad física sobre los marcadores de
riesgo cardiovascular en escolares mexicanos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Escolares de dos …
riesgo cardiovascular en escolares mexicanos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Escolares de dos …
Remote laboratory for online engineering education: The rlab-uoc-fpga case study
Practical experiments are essential for engineering studies. Regarding the acquisition of
practical and professional competences in a completely online scenario, the use of technology …
practical and professional competences in a completely online scenario, the use of technology …
Evaluación in vivo mediante microscopia confocal del efecto protector de la película barrera no irritante 3M Cavilon sobre la piel perilesional
T Segovia Gómez, JA Morán, S González - Gerokomos, 2008 - SciELO Espana
Tradicionalmente, el manejo de las úlceras cutáneas incluye medidas que facilitan la
cicatrización, tales como el buen desbridamiento, ya sea médico o quirúrgico, apósitos oclusivos, …
cicatrización, tales como el buen desbridamiento, ya sea médico o quirúrgico, apósitos oclusivos, …
[PDF][PDF] Efectos del modelo de atención a la salud del programa IMSS-COPLAMAR sobre el estado de salud de la población rural marginada de México
AF Alvarado, JA Morán - Salud pública de México, 1989 -
En 1983 se implantó, dentro del programa lMSS-COPLAMAR (administrado desde 1979
por el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social), un modelo de atención integral a la salud cuyo …
por el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social), un modelo de atención integral a la salud cuyo …
[PDF][PDF] Modeling students' activity in online discussion forums: a strategy based on time series and agglomerative hierarchical clustering
…, E Santamaría, JA Morán… - … data mining 2011, 2010 -
Online discussion forums (or discussion boards) are one of the most common tools in web-based
teachinglearning environments. Students’ activity in discussion threads can be a …
teachinglearning environments. Students’ activity in discussion threads can be a …
Using agglomerative hierarchical clustering to model learner participation profiles in online discussion forums
G Cobo, D García-Solórzano, JA Morán… - Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2012 -
Online discussion forums are a key element in virtual learning environments. The way learners
participate in discussion boards can be a very useful source of indicators for teachers to …
participate in discussion boards can be a very useful source of indicators for teachers to …
A program to improve some cardiovascular risk factors in Mexican school age children
…, V Ortiz-Rodriguez, JA Moran-Zenteno… - Salud Pública de …, 2008 -
Objective. To assess the effect of a physical activity intervention on cardiovascular risk factors
in Mexican school-age children. Material and Methods. Children from two public schools in …
in Mexican school-age children. Material and Methods. Children from two public schools in …
[HTML][HTML] Lab@ Home: The Open University of Catalonia hands-on electronics laboratory for online engineering education
Practical experimentation is essential for electronics learning. As the acquisition of practical
and professional competences in full online scenario is concerned, it is very relevant the use …
and professional competences in full online scenario is concerned, it is very relevant the use …
Educational monitoring tool based on faceted browsing and data portraits
…, G Cobo, E Santamaría, JA Morán… - Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2012 -
Due to the idiosyncrasy of online education, students may become disoriented, frustrated or
confused if they do not receive the support, feedback or guidance needed to be successful. …
confused if they do not receive the support, feedback or guidance needed to be successful. …
Fuzzy logic system for students' evaluation
A fuzzy evaluation system to decide critical students’ final marks is presented. The marks of
the assessment tests made by students along the academic year are transformed into …
the assessment tests made by students along the academic year are transformed into …