The Heterogeneous Tool Set, Hets

T Mossakowski, C Maeder, K Lüttich - … on Tools and Algorithms for the …, 2007 - Springer
Heterogeneous specification becomes more and more important because complex systems
are often specified using multiple viewpoints, involving multiple formalisms (see Fig. 1). …

Cells with osteoblastic phenotypes can be explanted from human gingiva and periodontal ligament

DL Carnes, CL Maeder, DT Graves - Journal of periodontology, 1997 - Wiley Online Library
Considerable phenotypic heterogeneity has been reported in gingival fibroblasts. Similarly,
cells from the periodontal ligament (PDL) can be isolated with different phenotypes. Although …

Integrating maude into hets

…, T Mossakowski, A Riesco, C Maeder - … Conference on Algebraic …, 2010 - Springer
Maude modules can be understood as models that can be formally analyzed and verified
with respect to different properties expressing various formal requirements. However, Maude …

[PDF][PDF] Ontology-based Cybersecurity and Resilience Framework.

H Hutschenreuter, SD Çakmakçi, C Maeder… - ICISSP, 2021 -
In the digital age, almost all organizations have become dependent on Information
Technology (IT) systems at different levels of their individual and collective activities. Physical …

A framework for intelligent DDoS attack detection and response using SIEM and ontology

…, H Hutschenreuter, C Maeder… - 2021 IEEE …, 2021 -
In this paper, we propose an intelligent DDoS detection and response framework. It employs
a Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) tool to detect different types of DDoS …

[PDF][PDF] Hets user guide-version 0.99

T Mossakowski, C Maeder… - DKFI GmbH …, 2013 -
The central idea of the Heterogeneous Tool Set (HETS) is to provide an open source general
framework for formal methods integration and proof management. One can think of HETS …

[BOOK][B] Forging a new Heimat: expellees in post-war West Germany and Canada

P Maeder - 2011 -
Rund zwölf Millionen Deutsche verloren nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg ihr Heim in Mittel-und
Osteuropa. Der größte Teil davon kam ins besetzte Deutschland. Meist bleibt in Forschung …

[PDF][PDF] Morpho-Syntax von deutschen und französischen Bewegungsausdrücken im Fremdspracherwerb des Deutschen bei französischsprachigen Lernern

C MAEDER - 2015 -
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Bewegungsausdrücken im Deutschen und im
Französischen. Unter Bewegung wird im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine Ortsveränderung durch einen …

Towards effective verification of multi-model access control properties

BJ Berger, C Maeder, R Wete Nguempnang… - Proceedings of the 24th …, 2019 -
Many existing software systems like logistics systems or enterprise applications employ data
security in a more or less ad hoc fashion. Our approach focuses on access control such as …

Modeling and Validating Role-Based Authorization Policies for a Port Communication System with UML and OCL.

C Maeder, K Sohr, RW Nguempnang, N Meyer-Larsen… - J. Object Technol., 2020 -
Modern sea or inland ports rely on digital communication and systems to boost rapid
turnover of trade. Stakeholders like shippers, shipping lines, container terminals and port …