User profiles for Alexander Krassovitskiy

Alexander Krassovitskiy

Leading Researcher at the Laboratory of Analysis and Modeling of Information Processes …
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Cited by 287

Computational power of insertion–deletion (P) systems with rules of size two

A Krassovitskiy, Y Rogozhin, S Verlan - Natural Computing, 2011 - Springer
This article investigates insertion–deletion systems of small size, where at most two symbols
can be used in the description of insertion or deletion rules in a context-free or contextual …

Further results on insertion-deletion systems with one-sided contexts

A Krassovitskiy, Y Rogozhin, S Verlan - … 13-19, 2008. Revised Papers 2, 2008 - Springer
In this article we continue the investigation of insertion-deletion systems having a context only
on one side of insertion or deletion rules. We show a counterpart of the results obtained in (…

P systems with minimal insertion and deletion

A Alhazov, A Krassovitskiy, Y Rogozhin… - Theoretical Computer …, 2011 - Elsevier
In this paper, we consider insertion–deletion P systems with priority of deletion over insertion.
We show that such systems with one-symbol context-free insertion and deletion rules are …

A clustering-based approach for topic modeling via word network analysis

…, R Mussabayev, A Krassovitskiy - 2022 7th International …, 2022 -
This paper presents a clustering-based approach to topic modeling via analyzing word
networks based on the adaptation of a community detection algorithm. Word networks are …

Computational power of P systems with small size insertion and deletion rules

A Krassovitskiy, Y Rogozhin, S Verlan - arXiv preprint arXiv:0906.3119, 2009 -
Recent investigations show insertion-deletion systems of small size that are not complete
and cannot generate all recursively enumerable languages. However, if additional …

Computing by observing insertion

A Krassovitskiy, P Leupold - … on Language and Automata Theory and …, 2012 - Springer
Computing by Observing is a theoretical model for computation that tries to formalize the
standard setup of experiments in natural sciences. We establish that insertion systems with …

Small Size Insertion and Deletion Systems.

A Alhazov, A Krassovitskiy, Y Rogozhin… - … of Language Methods, 2010 - World Scientific
Alexander Krassovitskiy 2Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics, Rovira i Virgili
University, Av. Catalunya, 35, Tarragona 43002 Spain, E-mail: alexander. … Krassovitskiy, Y …

[HTML][HTML] Data-driven approach for spellchecking and autocorrection

A Toleu, G Tolegen, R Mussabayev, A Krassovitskiy… - Symmetry, 2022 -
This article presents an approach for spellchecking and autocorrection using web data for
morphologically complex languages (in the case of Kazakh language), which can be …

[PDF][PDF] One-sided insertion and deletion: Traditional and P systems case

A Krassovitskiy, Y Rogozhin, S Verlan - Proceedings of CBM, 2008 -
In this article we continue the investigation of insertion-deletion systems having a context
only on one side of insertion or deletion rules. We investigate the combination of systems …

Circular Post machines and P systems with exo-insertion and deletion

A Alhazov, A Krassovitskiy, Y Rogozhin - Membrane Computing: 12th …, 2012 - Springer
This paper focuses on P systems with one-symbol insertion and deletion without contexts.
The main aim of this paper is to consider the operations applied at the ends of the string, and …