User profiles for Oliver Röhrle

Oliver Röhrle

Cluster of Excellence for Simulation Technology, University of Stuttgart, Germany
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Cited by 2996

Three-dimensional finite element modelling of muscle forces during mastication

O Röhrle, AJ Pullan - Journal of biomechanics, 2007 - Elsevier
This paper presents a three-dimensional finite element model of human mastication. Specifically,
an anatomically realistic model of the masseter muscles and associated bones is used …

Multiscale modeling of the neuromuscular system: coupling neurophysiology and skeletal muscle mechanics

O Röhrle, UŞ Yavuz, T Klotz, F Negro… - … : Systems Biology and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Mathematical models and computer simulations have the great potential to substantially
increase our understanding of the biophysical behavior of the neuromuscular system. This, …

A physiologically based, multi-scale model of skeletal muscle structure and function

O Röhrle, JB Davidson, AJ Pullan - Frontiers in physiology, 2012 -
Models of skeletal muscle can be classified as phenomenological or biophysical. Phenomenological
models predict the muscle’s response to a specified input based on experimental …

Bridging scales: a three-dimensional electromechanical finite element model of skeletal muscle

O Röhrle, JB Davidson, AJ Pullan - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2008 - SIAM
This paper introduces a framework for skeletal muscles that couples outputs from a detailed
biophysically based electrophysiological cell model to a three-dimensional continuum-…

A multi-scale continuum model of skeletal muscle mechanics predicting force enhancement based on actin–titin interaction

…, C Rode, E Altan, C Bleiler, T Siebert, O Röhrle - … and modeling in …, 2016 - Springer
Although recent research emphasises the possible role of titin in skeletal muscle force
enhancement, this property is commonly ignored in current computational models. This work …

OpenCMISS: a multi-physics & multi-scale computational infrastructure for the VPH/Physiome project

…, D Paterson, V Rajagopal, A Reeve, O Röhrle… - Progress in biophysics …, 2011 - Elsevier
The VPH/Physiome Project is developing the model encoding standards CellML (
and FieldML ( as well as web-accessible model repositories based on these …

Occlusal loading during biting from an experimental and simulation point of view

O Röhrle, H Saini, DC Ackland - Dental Materials, 2018 - Elsevier
Objectives Occlusal loading during clenching and biting is achieved by the action of the
masticatory system, and forms the basis for the evaluation of the functional performance of …

A multiscale chemo-electro-mechanical skeletal muscle model to analyze muscle contraction and force generation for different muscle fiber arrangements

T Heidlauf, O Röhrle - Frontiers in physiology, 2014 -
The presented chemo-electro-mechanical skeletal muscle model relies on a continuum-mechanical
formulation describing the muscle's deformation and force generation on the …

Optimizing NV magnetometry for magnetoneurography and magnetomyography applications

…, M Kübler, D Dasari, T Klotz, L Gizzi, O Röhrle… - Frontiers in …, 2023 -
Magnetometers based on color centers in diamond are setting new frontiers for sensing
capabilities due to their combined extraordinary performances in sensitivity, bandwidth, dynamic …

Modeling the chemoelectromechanical behavior of skeletal muscle using the parallel open‐source software library openCMISS

T Heidlauf, O Röhrle - Computational and mathematical …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
An extensible, flexible, multiscale, and multiphysics model for nonisometric skeletal muscle
behavior is presented. The skeletal muscle chemoelectromechanical model is based on a …