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Issue 21, 2010

Properties of core–shell structured nanopowders of molecular crystals fabricated by dry grinding


A generic way to prepare nano-sized molecular crystals in large scale is described. The dry mechanical grinding of a mixture of molecular crystals with surface-modified Stöber silica nanoparticles gave voluminous hybridised powders with core–shell nanostructures, which were revealed by TEM and EFTEM measurements. Fluorescence spectra of the hybrids of emissive crystals suggested that crystal structures of the bulk are preserved even after the milling. Calorimetric measurements disclosed that melting points of crystals are lowered as a result of the nanohybridisation and that the depression of melting point and heat of fusion are reversibly proportional to shell thickness.

Graphical abstract: Properties of core–shell structured nanopowders of molecular crystals fabricated by dry grinding

Article information

Article type
01 Dec 2009
04 Mar 2010
First published
14 Apr 2010

J. Mater. Chem., 2010,20, 4312-4320

Properties of core–shell structured nanopowders of molecular crystals fabricated by dry grinding

K. Ichimura, K. Aoki, H. Akiyama, S. Horiuchi, S. Nagano and S. Horie, J. Mater. Chem., 2010, 20, 4312 DOI: 10.1039/B925120K

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