Explaining scientific networking with b2b network theories: the cases from the EU and Russia
The purpose of this paper is to extend existing theories of b2b networks over non-proft networks.
The paper sheds light on the network organisational forms recently implanted in the academic community. The analytic induction method is used to extend b2b network concepts to a non-profit context. The concepts of b2b networks are critically analysed and applied to explorative case studies of networks in academia. The paradox of open knowledge exchange in these networks is revealed and an attempt is made to elucidate it. B2b network concepts should be modifed before being extended to non-profits. Propositions are suggested to adapt b2b network concepts to explain non-profit networks. Questions to address in further research are developed. The main conclusions are only applicable to speciec types of networks. Only academic networks are reviewed. The case study approach does not allow for generalizing the findings and deriving a set of concepts for non-profit networks, and thus, calls for further research. There may be space for achieving excellence in research by facilitating interpersonal rather than interorganisational research networks. This is important, since by facilitating interpersonal networks one can escape from organisational bureaucracy. The study reports networking between the non-profits, an issue largely neglected by marketing researchers, and contributes to its understanding in the frame of existing b2b network concepts.