Moscow Mathematical Journal. 2017. Vol. 17. No. 4. P. 565–600.
Okounkov A., Aganagic M.
We associate an explicit equivalent descendent insertion to any relative insertion in quantum K-theory of Nakajima varieties.
This also serves as an explicit formula for off-shell Bethe eigenfunctions for general quantum loop algebras associated to quivers and gives the general integral solution to the corresponding quantum Knizhnik Zamolodchikov and dynamical q-difference equations.
Publication based on the results of:
Zabrodin A., Zotov A., Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2017 Vol. 50 No. 20 P. 1–12
We discuss the correspondence between the Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equations associated with GL(N) and the n-particle quantum Calogero model in the case when n is not necessarily equal to N. This can be viewed as a natural 'quantization' of the quantum-classical correspondence between quantum Gaudin and classical Calogero models. ...
Added: June 7, 2017
Babetskaia-Kukharchuk O., / NRU Higher School of Economics. Series WP2 "Количественный анализ в экономике". 2005. No. 01.
Institutional development tends to converge to several equilibriums differentiating by the level of development. Institutions external to a country, can help this country to find a “right” equilibrium. CEECs countries on average have institutional performance and economic development below the EU15 average. By choosing the Acquis Communautaire as external anchor CEECs may further improve their ...
Added: April 1, 2013
Maslov V. P., Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 2019 Vol. 26 No. 2 P. 168–173
The parameters of unstable short-living isotopes are studied from
the mathematical point of view. The values of the chemical potential
and activity parameters that determine the neutron halo arising when
the neutron separates from the nucleus of an unstable isotope are
calculated. The analogy between nuclear physics and economics is
considered from the point of view of such parameters as ...
Added: August 25, 2019
Akopov A. S., Beklaryan L. A., Saghatelyan A. K., Environmental Modelling and Software 2019 Vol. 116 P. 7–25
Urban greenery such as trees can effectively reduce air pollution in a natural and eco-friendly way. However, how to spatially locate and arrange greenery in an optimal way remains as a challenging task. We developed an agent-based model of air pollution dynamics to support the optimal allocation and configuration of tree clusters in a city. The Pareto ...
Added: February 24, 2019
Zhukovskiy V. I., Molostvov V.S., Topchishvili A. L., International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management 2014 Vol. 20 No. 1 P. 1–14
The paper investigates possible ways to take into account risks, caused by uncertain factors, using the problem of optimal deposit diversification as an applied example. It is assumed that the investor (Decision Maker - DM) does not know future exchange rates at the end of the deposit period, and focuses only on some limits of ...
Added: February 18, 2014
Krichever I. M., Lando S., Skripchenko A., Letters in Mathematical Physics 2021 Vol. 111 No. 2 Article 36
A meromorphic differential on a Riemann surface is said to be real-normalized if all its periods are real. Real-normalized differentials on Riemann surfaces of given genus with prescribed orders of their poles form real orbifolds whose topology is closely related to that of moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces with marked points. Our goal is to ...
Added: March 12, 2021
Kotelnikova M. V., Aistov A., Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского. Серия: Социальные науки 2019 Т. 55 № 3 С. 183–189
The article describes a method that allows to improve the content of disciplines of the mathematical cycle by dividing them into invariant (general) and variable parts. The invariants were identified for such disciplines as «Linear algebra», «Mathematical analysis», «Probability theory and mathematical statistics» delivered to Bachelors program students of economics at several universities. Based on ...
Added: January 28, 2020
Palamarchuk E. S., Автоматика и телемеханика 2018 № 3 С. 61–75
Рассматривается задача стохастического линейного регулятора на бесконечном интервале времени с суперэкспоненциально устойчивой матрицей в уравнении динамики состояния. Находится вид оптимального управления по критерию, содержащему информацию о параметрах шумовых воздействий и темпе устойчивости матрицы. Результат применяется при анализе модели системы со сверхнетерпеливыми агентами, в которой целевой функционал включает дисконтирование по асимптотически неограниченной ставке. ...
Added: June 1, 2018
Musaev E., Berman D. S., Thompson D. C., Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 Vol. 1210
The reduction of the duality invariant approach to M-theory by a U-duality group valued
Scherk-Schwarz twist is considered. We show that all gaugings of SUGRA can be obtained
by dimensional reduction of the extended space. ...
Added: October 20, 2014
V.V.Chistyakov, Rychlewicz A., Studia Mathematica 2002 Vol. 153 No. 3 P. 235–247
We study set-valued mappings of bounded variation of one real variable. First we prove the existence of an extension of a metric space valued mapping from a subset of the reals to the whole set of reals with preservation of properties of the initial mapping: total variation, Lipschitz constant or absolute continuity. Then we show ...
Added: November 10, 2009
Grines V., Gurevich E., Pochinka O., Russian Mathematical Surveys 2017 Vol. 71 No. 6 P. 1146–1148
In the paper a Palis problem on finding sufficient conditions on embedding of Morse-Smale diffeomorphisms in topological flow is discussed. ...
Added: May 17, 2017
Gafarov E., Lazarev A. A., Information Processing Letters 2012 Т. 112 № 3 С. 72–76
In this note, we consider a single machine scheduling problem with generalized total tardiness objective function.
A pseudo-polynomial time solution algorithm is proposed for a special case of this problem. Moreover, we present a new
graphical algorithm for another special case, which corresponds to the classical problem of minimizing the weighted number
of tardy jobs on a single ...
Added: November 24, 2012
Min Namkung, Younghun K., Scientific Reports 2018 Vol. 8 No. 1 P. 16915-1–16915-18
Sequential state discrimination is a strategy for quantum state discrimination of a sender’s quantum
states when N receivers are separately located. In this report, we propose optical designs that can
perform sequential state discrimination of two coherent states. For this purpose, we consider not
only binary phase-shifting-key (BPSK) signals but also general coherent states, with arbitrary prior
probabilities. Since ...
Added: November 16, 2020
Arzhantsev I., Hausen J., Herppich E. et al., Moscow Mathematical Journal 2014 Vol. 14 No. 3 P. 429–471
Given an action of an affine algebraic group with only trivial characters on a factorial variety, we ask for categorical quotients. We characterize existence in the category of algebraic varieties. Moreover, allowing constructible sets as quotients, we obtain a more general existence result which, for example, settles the case of a finitely generated algebra of ...
Added: November 15, 2013
Malyshev D., Discrete Mathematics 2015 Vol. 338 No. 11 P. 1860–1865
We completely determine the complexity status of the 3-colorability problem for hereditary graph classes defined by two forbidden induced subgraphs with at most five vertices. ...
Added: April 7, 2014
Семин С. В., Kurkina O. E., Kurkin A. A. et al., Труды НГТУ им. Р.Е. Алексеева 2012 № 2(95) С. 48–65
Purpose: Numerical modeling of internal baroclinic disturbances of different shapes in a model lake with variable depth, analysis of velocity field of wave-induced current, especially in the near-bed layer.
Approach: The study is carried out with the use of numerical full nonlinear nonhydrostatic model for stratified fluid.
Findings: The full nonlinear numerical modeling of internal wave dynamics ...
Added: October 6, 2012
Litvin Y. V., Абрамов И. В., Технологии техносферной безопасности 2016 № 66
Advanced approach to the assessment of a random time of arrival fire fighting calculation on the object of protection, the time of their employment and the free combustion. There is some quantitative assessments with the review of analytical methods and simulation ...
Added: August 27, 2016
В. Л. Попов, Математические заметки 2017 Т. 102 № 1 С. 72–80
Мы доказываем, что аффинно-треугольные подгруппы являются борелевскими подгруппами групп Кремоны. ...
Added: May 3, 2017
Buchstaber V., Limonchenko I., / Series math "arxiv.org". 2018. No. 1808.08851.
We introduce the notions of algebraic and geometric direct families of polytopes and develop a theory of such families. The theory is then applied to the problem of existence of nontrivial higher Massey products in cohomology of moment-angle-complexes. ...
Added: September 29, 2019
Zhuzhoma E. V., Medvedev V., Журнал Средневолжского математического общества 2017 Т. 19 № 2 С. 53–61
В статье строится гладкий (бесконечно дифференцируемый) диффеоморфизм произвольной трехмерной линзы (замкнутого трехмерного многообразия, которое конечно-листно накрывается трехмерной сферой), который имеет положительную энтропию и сохраняющий объем в некоторой окрестности своего неблуждающего множества (отметим, что в список трехмерных линз мы включаем трехмерную сферу). При этом, в пространстве диффеоморфизмов, консервативных в некоторых окрестностях своих неблуждающих множеств, имеется окрестность, ...
Added: October 12, 2017
Borzykh D., М.: Издательская группа URSS, 2020.
В предлагаемом пособии содержатся задачи различного уровня сложности. Однако основной акцент сделан на задачах средней сложности. Это сделано намеренно с тем, чтобы побудить студентов к самостоятельному решению задач: слишком простые задачи решать скучно; слишком сложные демотивируют средних и слабых студентов, а у сильных студентов зачастую отнимают неоправданно большое количество времени, которым в реальном учебном процессе они не обладают.
Большинство задач ...
Added: January 7, 2020
Яр.: Ярославский государственный педагогический университет им. К.Д. Ушинского, 2006.
Начиная с юбилея (100-летия со дня рождения академика А.Н. Колмогорова, 2003 г.), на родине выдающегося математика XX столетия в Ярославле проводятся традиционные Колмогоровские чтения. Настоящий сборник статей четвертых Колмогоровских чтений (2006 г.) так или иначе отражает интересы А.Н. Колмогорова во многих областях математики, теории и методики обучения математике, истории математики и математического образования. Воспоминания учеников ...
Added: December 17, 2018
Alexandrov D. E., Galkin V. V., Zobnin A.I. et al., Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2009 Vol. 163 No. 5 P. 469–486
Sequential and parallel implementations of the F4 algorithm for computing Gr¨obner bases of
polynomial ideals are discussed. ...
Added: October 1, 2014
Vladimir L. Popov, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 2014 Vol. 79 P. 185–213
This is an expanded version of my talk at the workshop
``Groups of Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Geometry'',
October 29–November 3, 2012, Levico Terme, Italy.
The first section is focused on Jordan groups in abstract setting,
the second on that in the settings of automorphisms groups and
groups of birational self-maps of algebraic varieties.
The appendix is an expanded version ...
Added: April 28, 2014