A group of Russian scientists led by Professor Natalia Kryzhanovskaya at HSE Campus in St Petersburg has been researching microdisk lasers with an active region based on arsenide quantum dots. For the first time, researchers have successfully developed a microdisk laser coupled with an optical waveguide and a photodetector on a single substrate. This design enables the implementation of a basic photonic circuit on the same substrate as the radiation source (microlaser). In the future, this will help speed up data transfer and reduce equipment weight without compromising quality. The study results have been published in Semiconductors.
Dmitry Koshcheev began his journey in science back in school, but eventually chose economics and tourism over history. In an interview with the Young Scientists of HSE University project, he shared his experiences of researching the Visim neighbourhood in Perm, tourist clusters, and how he mastered analysing 300 sources a day.
During the past year, scientists at HSE University have worked on five strategic projects aimed at advancing key areas essential to the development of modern individuals and society. Each of these projects is unique, yet they share common goals: creating innovative product solutions, generating fresh ideas for the economy, social sector, science, and education, and contributing to the university's research potential.
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