Known for
Ikue Ôtani
Pikachu / Roselia / Glameow / Starmie / Pichu / …
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Pikachu / Roselia / Glameow / Starmie / Pichu / Zoey's Glameow / Meganium / Minami / PIkachu / Pikachû / Togepi / Tosakinto
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Rodger Parsons
Narrator / Enta / Mayor / Butler / Cowboy 1 / …
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Narrator / Enta / Mayor / Butler / Cowboy 1 / Fat Man / Flint / J's Client / Jamero / King of Pokélantis / Man in Black 1 / Man in Crowd 2 / Miner / Mr. Saridakis / Old Man / Policemen / Pop-Pop / Red Lightning / Reporter 2 / Tokichi
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Shin'ichirô Miki
Kojiro / Staryu / James / Charizard / Hawlucha / …
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Kojiro / Staryu / James / Charizard / Hawlucha / Golbat / Beedrill / Arcanine / Zubat / Crobat / Dino / Elekid / Flygon / Growlithe / Isitsubute / Kingler / Lickilicky / Lizardon / Pokédex / Poliwhirl / Spear / Weedle / Windie
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Megumi Hayashibara
Musashi / Skitty / Pidgeotto / Ash's Rowlet / Pidgey / …
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Musashi / Skitty / Pidgeotto / Ash's Rowlet / Pidgey / Fushigidane / Dragonair / Raichu / Miltank / Espeon / Girafarig / Glaceon / Iwanko / Rockruff / Tangela / Braixen / Gardevoir / Illumise / Jessie / Mokurô / Pidgeot / Porygon Zero / Rabbifuto / Rugarugan / Satoshi's Mokuroh
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Sarah Natochenny
Ash Ketchum / Buneary / Staravia / Ash / Staraptor / …
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Ash Ketchum / Buneary / Staravia / Ash / Staraptor / Johanna / Starly / Delia Ketchum / Additional Voices / Roserade / Roselia / Diglett / Mismagius / Burmy / Meowstic / Wingull / Chansey / Cheryl / Holly / Luxray / Misdreavus / Shellos / Solidad / Blissey / Budew / Delia / Espurr / Girl 1 / Lumineon / Luxio / Skyla / Audience / Baby Kangaskhan / Cassie / Cindy / Clamperl / Clefable / Corina / Female Customer / Female Customer 1 / Female Galactic Grunts / Female Trainer / Girl 2 / Girl Two Buns / Host / Kiri / Lab Assistant 3 / Larvitar / Leona / Lopunny / Luna / Male Trainer 2 / Medicham / Mirror Ash Ketchum / Referee / Reporter 2 / Reporter 3 / Rhonda Burmy / Rich Lady / Seller 3 / Surskit / Team Flare Grunt / Trainer 1 / Woman / Woman 1 / Woman 2
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Kayzie Rogers
Wobbuffet / Axew / Mime Jr. / Totodile / Cyndaquil / …
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Wobbuffet / Axew / Mime Jr. / Totodile / Cyndaquil / Max / Taillow / Marill / Eevee / Bellossom / Azurill / Corsola / Mimey / Bellsprout / Flareon / Lotad / Shroomish / Vileplume / Marshtomp / Sunflora / Snorunt / Skiploom / Frillish / Gloom / Hoppip / Jolteon / Jumpluff / Lilian / Vaporeon / Wingull / Swinub / Umbreon / Azumarill / Smoochum / Mr. Mime / Wooper / Wynaut / Furret / Pelipper / Seedot / Sewaddle / Clefable / Additional Voices / Boy / Cottonee / Elder / Espeon / Misdreavus / Oliver / Spheal / Townswomen / Venipede / Audience / Brutella / Chinchou / Cleffa / Fraxure / Girl / Jellicent / Lillipup / Masquerain / Meditite / Old Woman / Peeko / Reporter 1 / Sheila / Skiddo / Sunkern / Teddiursa / Timmy / Trainer 3 / Whismur / Abra / Angie's Mother / Anne / Annie / Announcer / Arnold's Mother / Baby Psyduck / Baltoy / Beachgoers / Beauty Class Instructor / Benny / Boy 1 / Boy 4 / Boy 6 / Boy 8 / Castform / Charity / Child 2 / Chuck's Wife / Clefairy / Customer / Dance Class Instructor / Delcatty / Ein / Ephraim's Mother / Faith / Female Balloonists / Female Customer / Female Customer 1 / Female Fan / Female Muk / Female Spectators / Female Speech Class Students / Female Student / Female Students / Female Trainer / Female Trainer 2 / Female Trainer 3 / Female Villagers / Festivalgoers / Flames / Fortune Teller / Galea / Girl 5 / Hannah / Haruno / Hope / Joe / Jynx / Katie / Kirlia / Leona's Mother / Little Girl / Lizzy / Luana / Lulu / Luvdisc / Mahri / Mama / Mawile / McKenzie / Mecha Chingling / Meowzie's Trainer / Mickey / Mikey / Mrs. Bellows / Mrs. Shellby / Nastina / Oddish / Old Lady / Phanpy / Professor Ivy / Receptionist / Rocket Scout / Salvadore / Schoolchildren / Senta / Show Announcer / Shuppet / Spinda / Spoink / Students / Su / Suzie / Sylvester / Thatcher / Tirtouga / Townswoman / Trader 14 / Traders in Crowd / Trainer / Trainer 2 / Trainer 4 / Ub / Vicky Winstrate / Woman 1 / Women / Young Mrs. Grimm / Young Saridakis
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Unshô Ishizuka
Narrator / Dr. Okido / Onix / Ursaring / Gyarados / …
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Narrator / Dr. Okido / Onix / Ursaring / Gyarados / Steelix / Kingler / Forretress / Iwark / Drapion / Nariya Okido / Red Gyarados / Metagross / Gogoat / Gurkinn / Nosepass / Octillery / Professor Samuel Oak / Fushigibana / Kunugidama / Lord Shabboneau / Mantine / Matadogas / Pineco / Professor Oak / Professor Orchid / Rhydon / Samson Oak / Turner
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James Carter Cathcart
James / Meowth / Carnivine / Turtwig / Gary Oak / …
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James / Meowth / Carnivine / Turtwig / Gary Oak / Professor Oak / Munchlax / Additional Voices / Swellow / Grotle / Raticate / Rattata / Torterra / Blaziken / Snorlax / Palpitoad / Announcer / Aggron / Referee / Snubbull / Todd Snap / Dr. Namba / Muk / Quagsire / Sneasel / Armaldo / Bagon / Banette / Crawdaunt / Kaburagi / Lairon / Ninjask / Cacturne / Croconaw / Pryce / Aron / Bronzong / Butch / Charles Goodshow / Cleavon Schpielbunk / Cubone / Kurt / Mr. Briney / Seaking / Shellder / Slowpoke / Spearow / Tommy / Torkoal / Archaeologist / Austin's Dustox / Battle Tower Guard 2 / Boss Bot / Boy 2 / Cal / Captain Marius / Carny / Carter / Carvanha / Cassandra's Grandmother / Chef / Cloyster / Coordinator / Dewgong / Drowzee / Evian / Fossil Hunter / Gan Gogh / Garbodor / Grimer / Guard C / Hagatha / Hippowdon / Infernando / Jack Pollockson / Kabutops / Kenzo / Kid 2 / Koga / MC / Magikarp / Male Customer / Male Villagers / Man 1 / Marowak / Master Stonecutter / Mayor / Men in crowd / Mentor Mareanie / Mirror James / Mirror Meowth / Moe / Move Class Student / Movie Presenter / Mr. Sukizo / Myron / Nagatha / Old Man Shuckle / Old Woman / Oriba / Phony salesman / Pidgey / Police Officer / Professor OAk / Professor Rowan / Race Contestant / Restaurant Owner / Russet / Samurai / Seismitoad / Shieldon / Shimajio / Sigourney / Sky Trainer / Snover / Station Employee 2 / Student 3 / Taillow / Timothy / Totem Raticate / Town Councilman 1 / Toxapex / Trainer / Trainer 4 / Villagers / Wings Alexander / Winthrop / Zeus
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Yûji Ueda
Takeshi / Jessie's Wobbuffet / Noctowl / Sonans / Victreebel / …
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Takeshi / Jessie's Wobbuffet / Noctowl / Sonans / Victreebel / Pidgey / Hoothoot / Barrierd / Treecko / Wobbufett / Ash's Froakie / Elekid / Froakie / Mâmane's father / Naetle / Pidgeot / Poppo / Utsubot / Yorunozuku
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Michele Knotz
Jessie / Piplup / Pokédex / Nurse Joy / May / …
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Jessie / Piplup / Pokédex / Nurse Joy / May / Additional Voices / Snivy / Cacnea / Mime Jr. / Dustox / Woobat / Bewear / Wigglytuff / Bulbasaur / Misty / Squirtle / Minccino / Psyduck / Mr. Mime / Sneasel / Stufful / Gardevoir / Bidoof / Combee / Corsola / Swoobat / Beautifly / Lilligant / Chimecho / Jigglypuff / Milotic / Mime Jr / Seedot / Cinccino / Furfrou / Oddish / Poliwag / Boy / Cherubi / Chingling / Drifloon / Gorebyss / Igglybuff / Kirlia / Marshtomp / Masquerain / Medicham / Mimey / Mudkip / Pawniard / Skwovet / Venonat / Whimsicott / Abigail / Audience / Baltoy / Billy / Booth Operator 2 / Boy 3 / Carrie / Commercial Girl / Computer / Cradily / Dewpider / Female Galactic Grunt / Female Trainer / Finneon / Flaaffy / Ghost Girl / Girl 1 / Girl 3 / Goldeen / Gothitelle / Head Nurse / Horsea / Jessiebelle / Kid Blue Tee / Landis / Latios / Lopunny / May look-alike / Mirror Jessie / Morelull / Mudbray / Petilil / Pokédex( / Prinplup / Ralts / Shinx / Spinarak / Spoink / Swablu / Tilly / Trainers / Villager 2 / Vulpix / Woman 2 / Woman 3 / Woman A / Women / Wormadam
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Erica Schroeder
Wobbuffet / Additional Voices / Goh's Rotom Phone / Pancham / Chimecho / …
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Wobbuffet / Additional Voices / Goh's Rotom Phone / Pancham / Chimecho / Eevee / Nurse Joy / Pidove / Bianca / Sylveon / Tranquill / Grace / Sobble / Leavanny / Tapu Koko / Swadloon / Unfezant / Garbodor / Fantina / Liepard / Meloetta / Sandy / Shelly / Ducklett / Mawile / Sentret / Wobbufett / Ditto / Drizzile / Espeon / Froslass / Kenny / Mandibuzz / Oricorio / Purrloin / Reuniclus / Savannah / Scatterbug / Tapu-Koko / Trainer 1 / Vullaby / Woman / Zoroark / Amaura / Aurorus / Bellossom / Boy 3 / Chloe's Eevee / Clefairy / Clerk / Connaisseuse / Drifblim / Dugtrio / Duosion / Elgyem / Female Magma Grunt / Female Yellow Shirt Customer / Flareon / Future Calista / Future Nurse Joy / Girl / Gothita / Isis / Jangmo-o / Jessie's Wobbuffet / Juliet / Keith / Kid Yellow Tee / Kylie / Lady / MC / Mabel / Marilyn / Martha / Morana / Mrs. Ripple / Ms. Chandler / Noah / Old Woman / Pangoro / Paris / Performers / Princess Salvia / Rhonda / Sandy (Eevee) / Spewpa / Steveland / Sunnyshore Gym Computer / Team Flare Grunt / Teddiursa / Thatcher / Tommy / Uxie / Vivillon / Woman 3
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Bill Rogers
Brock / Croagunk / Seviper / Chimchar / Sudowoodo / …
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Brock / Croagunk / Seviper / Chimchar / Sudowoodo / Additional Voices / Lucario / Sceptile / Bonsly / Corphish / Pokédex / Combusken / Stunfisk / Infernape / Scott / Empoleon / Hariyama / Zigzagoon / Absol / Electivire / Magnemite / Monferno / Weavile / Magneton / Toxicroak / Conkeldurr / Lotad / Alakazam / Bouffalant / Drew / Grovyle / Hydreigon / Ludicolo / Magnezone / Quilava / Ghetsis / Linoone / Sharpedo / Shiftry / Makuhita / Sableye / Timburr / Treecko / Battle Judge / Dusclops / Gurdurr / Koffing / Murkrow / Boldore / Cranidos / Duskull / Flygon / Honchkrow / Nuzleaf / Pansear / Pineco / Rillaboom / Scizor / Slaking / Trainer / Vigoroth / Zweilous / Abomasnow / Boy 1 / Boy 2 / Breloom / Carvanha / Coordinator 3 / Corviknight / Electrike / Fisherman / J's Henchman 2 / Lombre / Magikarp / Psyduck / Referee / Urshifu / Abra / Advisor / Bidoof / Boy 4 / Braviary / Carbink / Claydol / Contest Announcer / Coordinator / Coordinator 1 / Corvikinght / Cowboy 2 / Dusknoir / Electabuzz / Escavalier / Exploud / Farfetch'd / Farmer / Farrell's Dusknoir / Francois / Geodude / Glalie / Gliscor / Henchman 2 / Howie / Huntail / J's Henchmen / Jeffrey / Kendall / Kid A / Lab Worker / Magikarp Salesman / Magnemites / Male Customer 2 / Male Hitchhiker / Male Staffer / Male Student 1 / Male Trainer / Man in Black 2 / Man in Black 3 / Man in Crowd 1 / Mr. Norris / Nicholas / Obstagoon / Old Man / Omega / Pharmacist / Pokedex / Policemen / Prinplup / Real Estate Agent / Reporter 4 / Robert's grandfather / Salvia's Butler / Sawk / Security Guard / Shedinja / Slakoth / Station Employee 1 / Student / Subordinate / Sudowoodo Trainer / TV Announcer / Tauros Trainer #2 / Taylor / Teacher / Townspeople / Trainer 1 / Trainer 2 / Trainer A / Tucker / Villager 1 / Voltorb / Walrein / Young Man
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Marc Thompson
Additional Voices / Pokédex / Tepig / Turtonator / Pignite / …
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Additional Voices / Pokédex / Tepig / Turtonator / Pignite / Gliscor / Samson Oak / Mamoswine / Noivern / Dr. Zager / Noibat / Don George / Krokorok / Gengar / Saturn / Scolipede / Zebstrika / Druddigon / Krookodile / Pangoro / Referee / Stoutland / Exeggutor / Abomasnow / Emboar / Sandile / Cacturne / Dugtrio / Galarian Farfetch'd / Malamar / Panpour / Diggersby / Farfetch'd / Jessie's Helper 1 / Simipour / Ash's Sirfetch'd / Bastiodon / Boy 1 / Colonel Hansen / Cubone / Gallade / Gastly / Geodude / Haunter / Herdier / Horatio / Ken / Kenny / Mankey / McGinty / Mikael / Moltres / Mr. Honcho / Primeape / Rhyperior / Team Flare Admin / Team Flare Grunt / Trainer 3 / Whirlipede / Additional voices / Agent Tedesco / Alolan Exeggutor / Ampharos Train Conductor / Angie's Father / Antonio / Ash's Gengar / Booth Operator 1 / Brad Van Darn / Captain / Chef / Chester / Client's Henchman 2 / Croagunk Trainer / Customer 1 / Dusknoir / Farrell / Fisherman / Galactic Grunt 2 / Galar Farfetch'd / Gavin / Gengar Trainer / Goh's Camerupt / Goh's Murkrow / Goh's Panpour / Gourgeist / Huntail / J's Henchmen / James' father / Jaye / Jump / Kail / Kent / Kid 1 / Landorus / Machoke / Male Crowd Members / Male Customer 1 / Male Galactic Grunt / Male Galactic Grunts / Male spectator / Man / Man 2 / Man 3 / Man A / Man C / Masseur / Maxie / Miner / Mitch Mitchum / Mitchell / Mr. Big / Mr. Gold / Murkrow / Ninja Group / Palace Guards / Pansear / Pilot / Policeman 1 / Referee 2 / Remo / Revenger / Rico / Rowan's Aide 1 / Royce / Sandshrew / Scizor / Seller 2 / Seller 4 / Shepherd / Shop Owner / Sigilyph / Sirfetch'd / Spectator 1 / Steve / TV Commentator / Team Plasma Grunt / Team Skull Grunt #6 / Team Skull Grunt G / Tentacruel / Toby / Townsperson 1 / Trainer / Trainer 2 / Trainers / Travon / Veofum / Villager 1
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Rachael Lillis
Jessie / Misty / Pokédex / Beautifly / Torchic / …
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Jessie / Misty / Pokédex / Beautifly / Torchic / Chansey / Jigglypuff / Goldeen / Poliwag / Vulpix / Venonat / Gary's Cheerleaders / Spinarak / Ditto / Horsea / Jynx / Pikachu / Silcoon / Maylene / Spoink / Castform / Clamperl / Girafarig / Masquerain / Ninetales / Swablu / Blissey / Cleffa / Igglybuff / Jessie's Mother / Jessiebelle / Old Woman / Surskit / Violet / Woman / Alyssa / Assistant / Beach Girls / Boy / Butterfree trainer / Child 2 / Child 4 / Dancer 1 / Dream Girls / Dugtrio Trio (Woman) / Erika's Assistant 3 / Female Spectators / Female Townspeople / Female Trainer / Female Villagers / Festivalgoers / Flame 4 / Gary's cheerleaders / Gigglybiff / Gigglybuff / Girl / Girl 2 / Girl 3 / Girls on Bikes / Jessie's Friends / Jigglypuff mike / Keanu / Kenny / Kid 2 / Kids / Lapras / Mary's Grandmother / Mini-Dit / Missing Girl 1 / Operator / PA Announcer / Passengers / Ralts / Shoppers / Tommy / Torch Runner / Townspeople / Townswoman / Trainers / Unown / Victreebel / Whismur / Wigglytuff / Woman in Audience / Women in Crowd / Yolanda / Young Girl
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Eric Stuart
James / Brock / Pokédex / Weezing / Squirtle / …
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James / Brock / Pokédex / Weezing / Squirtle / Forretress / Poliwhirl / Machoke / Scyther / Lickitung / Politoed / Ekans / Pineco / Magnemite / Voltorb / Hitmonlee / Wartortle / Electrode / Hitmonchan / Ludicolo / Butch / Dugtrio / Golem / Machamp / Poliwrath / Weepinbell / Blastoise / Exeggutor / Magikarp Salesman / Muk / Scizor / Tentacruel / Magmar / Magneton / Venusaur / Feraligatr / Gastly / Magby / Marowak / Metapod / Nuzleaf / Slowbro / Slowpoke / Venomoth / Breloom / Dusclops / Duskull / Electabuzz / Electrike / Hypno / Sandshrew / Shiftry / Tentacool / Xatu / Beldum / Charmeleon / Chef / Claydol / Cloyster / Cruise / Drowzee / Geodude / Mag / Magcargo / Man / Man 1 / Man 2 / Men in Crowd / Omanyte / Parasect / Professor Sebastian / Quilava / Salesman 2 / Seaking / Slugma / Townsman 2 / Whiscash / Zippo / Absol / Angry Crowd Member 1 / Announcer / Arthur / Attendent / Battle Class Instructor / Battle Tower Guard 1 / Blade / Booth Operator / Boss / Butlers / Bystander / Captain / Chefs / Clown / Computer / Cubone / Digatron / Exeggcute / Expedition Crew Member 2 / Expedition Team Members / Film Narrator / Graveler / Guide / Gym Assistants / Kabutops / Kid / Koffing / Linoone / Lombre / Machop / Male Camper / Male Coordinator / Male Magma Grunt 2 / Male Speech Class Students / Male Students / Male Trainer / Male Trainers 1-3 / Male Victreebel / Male Villagers / Man 5 / Manectric / Marcello / Masamune / Master Hamm / Meg / Mewtwo ('Who's That Pokémon?' Segment) / Move Class Instructor / Nero / Number 6 / Numel / Officer / Officiant / Old Man 1 / Omastar / Operator 2 / Paras / Passengers / Patient 1 / Patient 2 / Performer 4 / Pokedex / Pupitar / Quagsire / Qwilfish / Receptionist / S.W.A.T. Officers / Sandslash / Shelton / Ship Captain / Slowking / Snorlax / Solrock / Stantler / Student 2 / Student 3 / Torch Runner / Town Councilman 2 / Townsmen / Townspeople / Trader 13 / Trader 5 / Trainer / Trainer 1 / Trainer 2 / Trainer 4 / Trainers / Volbeat / Young Man
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Veronica Taylor
Ash Ketchum / May / Delia Ketchum / Gary's Cheerleaders / Sentret / …
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Ash Ketchum / May / Delia Ketchum / Gary's Cheerleaders / Sentret / Diglett / Goldeen / Townswoman / Woman / Girl / Large Woman / Townswomen / Angry Crowd Member 2 / Audience / Boy 1 / Boy 2 / Boy 3 / Cheerleaders / Child 5 / Cindy / Computer Voice / Contestants / Dancer 2 / Erika's Assistants 3-5 / Female Announcer / Female Audience Member / Female Campers / Female Crowd Members / Female Customer 2 / Female Magma Grunt / Female Students / Female Trainer 4 / Festivalgoers / Girl 1 / Hotel Manager 1 / Hotel Manager 2 / Hotel Manager 5 / Intercom Voice / Judge 2 / Lady / Little Boy 2 / Mariah / Meteorologist / Missing Boy 4 / Mother / Queen / Race Contestant / Red / Reporter 2 / Schoolchildren / Schoolteacher / Sophia / Students / Sunkern / Suzie / Teddiursa / Tourists / Townspeople / Trainer 10 / Trainer 2 / Trainer 4 / Waitress / Wife / Winthrop's Trainer / Woman 3 / Young Woman
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Madeleine Blaustein
Meowth / Corphish / Torkoal / Magikarp / Growlithe / …
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Meowth / Corphish / Torkoal / Magikarp / Growlithe / Referee / Alakazam / Murkrow / Quagsire / Hariyama / Camerupt / Walrein / Drowzee / Electabuzz / Farfetch'd / Kadabra / Abra / Audience / Cameraman / Captain / Gentleman / King / Man / Sabrina's Father / Trainer 1 / A.J. / Announcer / Anthony / Bill / Bruno / Damian / Dario / Doctor / Dr. Wiseman / Earl Dervish / Expedition Crew Member 1 / Farmer / Growlie / Guards / Gulpin / Hippie / Husband / James' Father / Kaz / Lookout / Lt. Surge / Male Trainer 4 / Man 2 / Man 3 / Man 4 / Man in Crowd / Mayor / Melvin / Meowth Bubblegum Bot / Milton / Mr. Douglas / Mr. Mime / Old Man 2 / Oswald / Otoshi / Patient 3 / Pete Pebbleman / Professor Jacuzzi / Punk 2 / Rainer / Roderick / Roger / Sailor / Salesman 1 / Scuz / Sealeo / Seymour / Smeargle / Tad / Tetsuya / Tourists / Trade Conductor / Trader 15 / Trainer / Trainer School Principal / Trainers / Trapinch / Vendor 1 / Volbeat / Worker 1
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Tyler Bunch
Additional Voices / Hawlucha / Father / Golurk / Incineroar / …
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Additional Voices / Hawlucha / Father / Golurk / Incineroar / Lord Shabboneau / Relay Worker / Scone Man
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Emily Bauer
Dawn / Additional Voices / Happiny / Snowy / Cynthia / …
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Dawn / Additional Voices / Happiny / Snowy / Cynthia / Ambipom / Officer Jenny / Alolan Vulpix / Deerling / Matori / Chansey / Luxio / Shinx / Anna / Cutiefly / Giovanni's Secretary / Gothita / Gothitelle / Gothorita / Vanillish / Vanillite / Announcer / Cheerleader / Commercial Voice / Coordinator 2 / Coordinator 4 / Eevee Evolution Laboratory Staff Assistant #1 / Getty / Girl 1 / Harry / Kazalie / Mecha Voice / Newscaster / Pippy / Receptionist / Ribombee / Secretary / Shulin / Trainer / Trainers / Éclairisse
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Lisa Ortiz
Additional Voices / Oshawott / Fletchinder / Litten / Fletchling / …
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Additional Voices / Oshawott / Fletchinder / Litten / Fletchling / Korrina / Torracat / Poipole / Team Rocket's Rotom Phone / Alomomola / Mars / Talia / Daisy / Dewott / Luka / Spritzee / Chewtle / Liza / Samurott / Aromatisse / Deerling / Flannery / Luvdisc / MFP Member 2 / Maractus / Ninetales / Phantump / Rachel / Sabrina / Sandra / Satsuki / Shauna / Totodile / Trainer / Wishiwashi / Additional voices / Alexa / Ash's Litten / Aya / Boy 2 / Cassandra / Charmaine / Chigusa / Chris / Clarice / Deino / Delilah / Dewpider / Falinks / Flora / Girl 2 / Girl 3 / Gloom / Kanto Fair Host / Kimmy Shoney / Lara Laramie / Larvitar / Lily / Madeleine / Manager / Marina / Marra / Miki / Molly / Mona / Monica / Naganadel / Narissa / Otane / Pink Coat Girl / Racca / Receptionist / Referee / Reporter / Sabrina's Mother / Spectator 5 / Tapu Fini / Team Skull Grunt #1 / Team Skull Grunt I / Teddiursa / Terri / Tiara's Friend's Mother / Tussy / Vaporeon / Vileplume / Wendy / Woman
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Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld
Bonnie / Sophocles / Bunnelby / Steenee / Nurse Joy / …
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Bonnie / Sophocles / Bunnelby / Steenee / Nurse Joy / Tsareena / Additional Voices / Audino / Bounsweet / Tynamo / Karrablast / Roxie / Bea's Rotom Phone / Cubchoo / Girl / Hibana / Kathi Lee / Deino Trainer / Diggersby / Eevee Evolution Laboratory Staff Member / Eva / Female Reporter / Gizmo Bilt / Goh's Taillow / Jasmine / Kid 3 / Kindergartener / Kricketot / Maid / Mallow's Steenee / Mick / Mimi / Mirror Bonnie / Pikarla / Pinery / Snorunt / Staff Woman / Trainer / Village Boy Child / Village Crowd
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Chinami Nishimura
Junsa / Pachirisu / Waninoko / Wakasyamo / Achamo / …
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Junsa / Pachirisu / Waninoko / Wakasyamo / Achamo / Mamepato / Glameow / Litten / Nyabbi / Beroringa / Jupiter / Leafeon / Marill / Camome / Cherubi / Eevee / Fan A / Female reporter / Hishako Shogi / Isana / Johanna's Glameow / Kenhallow / Nyabby / Nyarmar / Nyula / Oriba / Pansear / Pink Butterfree / Riolu / Showers / Sugar / Yuriko
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Katsuyuki Konishi
Sabonea / Gureggru / Heigani / Heracros / Heracross / …
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Sabonea / Gureggru / Heigani / Heracros / Heracross / Kabigon / Gligar / Bursyamo / Delibird / Salamence / Dragonite / Kricketune / Tauros / Yuzo / Articuno / Garchomp / Houndour / Metang / Regirock / Robert / Deoxys / Kairyu / Man A / Skarmory / Akito / Ampharos / Antony / Bannai / Burasuke / Cane / Croagunk / Dragonair / Elekid / Floatzel / Glion / Growlithe / Houndoom / Instructor / Isami's father / Izaki / Jin / Johnny / Kakubee Shogi / Kuroda / Male student / Manyula / Masa / Meganium / Mikaruge / Nidoking / Nidoqueen / Pidgey / Poacher / Porygon / Raiden / Raizou / Rayquaza / Rhydon / Runpappa / Sailor / Snorlax / Stantler / Tamaki / Tetsuya / Zangoose / Zapdos
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Eileen Stevens
Iris / Braixen / Fennekin / Popplio / Helioptile / …
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Iris / Braixen / Fennekin / Popplio / Helioptile / Additional Voices / Palermo / Vivillon / Harper / Cosette / Delphox / Joltik / Aria / Jupiter / Lyra / Surskit / Elesa / James' mother / Referee / Shelmet / Announcement / Announcement Female / Brionne / Lana's Popplio / Litwick / Lulu / Mother / Myron / Ribombee / Selma / Spring / Villagers / Woman C
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Mike Liscio
Clemont / Inkay / Additional Voices / Lycanroc / Komala / …
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Clemont / Inkay / Additional Voices / Lycanroc / Komala / Clembot / Magikarp / Illima / Trumbeak / Ash's Lycanroc / Corviknight Trainer / Devi / Gladion's Lycanroc / Halsey / Harry's Dad / Ilima / Kid Red Polo / Litleo / Male Pokeball Shirt Customer / Man / Mirror Clemont / Rufflet / Sailor A / Security B / Shop Keeper Man / Trainer C / Traveler A
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Tom Wayland
Excadrill / Yamask / Freddy O'Martian / Gible / Dwebble / …
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Excadrill / Yamask / Freddy O'Martian / Gible / Dwebble / Crustle / Patrat / Watchog / Beartic / Boldore / Darmanitan / Reggie / Additional Voices / Roggenrola / Skarmory / Virgil / Charmander / Eelektross / Goomy / Machoke / Cress / Flint / Golurk / Haxorus / Magmortar / Pansear / Basculin / Bibarel / Braviary / Bronzor / Dino / Drilbur / Golem / Herdier / Meyer / Mienshao / Mr. Sukizo / Rhyperior / Announcer / Blastoise / Gastrodon / Goodra / Hitmonlee / Jeremiah / Machamp / Magby / Magmar / Man / Manning / Probopass / Simisear / Sliggoo / Slowking / Staff Man / Aerodactyl / Arcanine / Ash's Gible / Berrybaker Kid / Blaziken Mask / Boy / Boy 2 / Bully / Carracosta / Carvanha / Charmeleon / Clown / Countdown Voice / Dewgong / Drowzee / Emmanuel / Engineer B / Exploud / Feraligatr / Galactic Grunt 1 / Gallade / Gigalith / Glalie / Growlie / Growlithe / Grumpig / Halverson / Hippowdon / Informant / Ivysaur / J's Henchmen / Jimmy Ray / Magcargo / Magikarp salesman / Male Galactic Grunt / Male Student 2 / Male Trainer / Man 1 / Man C / Marowak / Muk / Murkrow / Nicky / Nincada / Nosepass / Poacher / Policemen / Poliwrath / Primeape / Relicanth / Rizzo / Robert / Robot / Robot Chingling / Rocket Grunt 1 / Rufflet / Sailor B / Seel / Sharpedo / Shellder / Sho / Slowbro Mech / Spearow / Station Staff Small Nose / Swalot / Tangrowth / Team Plasma Grunt / Villager 2 / Waiter / Wilkinson
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Tara Sands
Bulbasaur / Yamper / Phanpy / Oddish / Chloe's Rotom Phone / …
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Bulbasaur / Yamper / Phanpy / Oddish / Chloe's Rotom Phone / Larvitar / Ritchie / Wurmple / Clefairy / Boy / Chloe's rotom phone / Hoppip / Additional Voices / Chinchou / Girl / Jasmine / Koume / Mother / Mudkip / Princess Sara / Receptionist / Shroomish / Trainer / Waitress / Women in Crowd / Additional voices / Alice Telesu / Andrea / Anita / Apple Vendor / Appletun / Applin / Assunta / Audience / Boy 1 / Bright / Bugsy / Calista / Child 1 / Chloes Rotom Phone / Cissy / Clefable / Crowd / Dayton / Egan / Ephraim / Erika's Assistant 2 / Fans / Female Trainer / Gary's Cheerleaders / Jeanette Fisher / Jeanette's Cheer Squad / Josephine / Katrina / Keegan / Kira / Krystal / Lokoko / Malachi / Mariah / Marissa / Marius / Max / Melanie / Melissa / Museum Guide / Natu / Naughty / Performer 2 / Pokémon Land Tour Guide / Pokémon Park Employees / Ralph / Ranger Mason / Red Team Girl / Rita / Rochelle / Satchel / School Kid / Schoolchildren / Smoochum / Student / Tammy / Thwackey / Toria / Tourist 2 / Trainer 2 / Trainer 3 / Wilhomena / Woman 2 / Worker 1 / Worker 3 / Young Boy / Young Simon / additional voices / bully / spheal trainer / yamper
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Rikako Aikawa
Zenigame / Victreebel / Koduck / Butterfree / Lapras / …
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Zenigame / Victreebel / Koduck / Butterfree / Lapras / Caterpie / Popplio / Golduck / Krabby / Rokon / Ashimari / Bull / Riolu / Charla / Kecleon / Laplace / Tangela / Wakasyamo / Cameron's Lucario / Happy / Ampharos / Casey / Crab / Girafarig / Gothita / Greeny / Jun / Kapu-Kokeko / Kingler / Kongpang / Lana's Popplio / Lisa / Mason / Moltres / Paras / Pinsir / Reddy / Remoraid / Solrock / Starmie / Tamao / Tyranitar / Utsubot
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Kôichi Sakaguchi
Arbok / Contesta / Enishida / Arbo / Houndoom / …
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Arbok / Contesta / Enishida / Arbo / Houndoom / Metagross / Steelix / Boyd / Claydol / Eleboo / Electabuzz / Gangar / Giambi / Harizo / Koji / Male Victreebel / Man B / Miner / Ojisan / Pidgeot / Station employee A / Traveler / Tsuyoshi / Yoshimitsu
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Sam Haft
Additional Voices / Alolan Marowak / Marowak / Hodge / Tapu Bulu / …
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Additional Voices / Alolan Marowak / Marowak / Hodge / Tapu Bulu / Assistant Director / Clerk / Goh's Scyther / Guy 1 / Kagetora / Male Farmer / Male Truck Driver / Revenger / Tapu-Bulu
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Satomi Kôrogi
Togepi / Meganium / Sparky / Blacky / Chikorita / …
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Togepi / Meganium / Sparky / Blacky / Chikorita / Konami / Nidorina / Pichu / Pikachu / Pochama / Togetic
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Suzy Myers Jackson
Pokédex / Chespin / Additional Voices / Nurse Joy / Burgundy / …
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Pokédex / Chespin / Additional Voices / Nurse Joy / Burgundy / Klefki / Sophie / Vulpix / Chespie / Comfey / Linnea / Tapu Lele / Amelia / Berrybaker Kid / Boy 4 / Camper / Chesnaught / Comfey, Nurse Joy / Daniela / Jolteon / Lyn / Normajean / Ribombee / Spinda / Villagers / Woman A
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Jason Griffith
Cilan / Scraggy / Additional Voices / Goodra / Gurkinn / …
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Cilan / Scraggy / Additional Voices / Goodra / Gurkinn / Looker / Sawsbuck / Serperior / Bisharp / Brawly / Scrafty / Servine / Snivy / Tate / Timmy Grimm / Contest Organizer / Drampa / Drampa (Flashback) / Engineer A / Garchomp / Gordon / Guy 2 / Hamilton / Hayden / Hunter D's Crew Member #A / Impidimp / Jules / Male Student 3 / Man A / O / Scraagy / Showcase Organizer / Trainer 3 / Volt / Wylie
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Billy Bob Thompson
Additional Voices / Froakie / Squishy / Frogadier / Greninja / …
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Additional Voices / Froakie / Squishy / Frogadier / Greninja / Luxray / Mimikyu / Z2 / Tupp / Luke / Furfrou / Blastoise / Burgh / Heatmor / Team Skull Grunt (Blue) / Clawitzer / Druddigon / Durant / Geraldo / Gumshoos / Jellicent / Yungoos / Accelgor / Announcer / Barbaracle / Buzzwole / Chapman / Charmander / Charmeleon / Customer / Dhelmise / Doctor / Garchomp Trainer / Geodude's Trainer / Guard / Hitmontop / Kenton / Larvesta / Lefty / Manager / Nico / Paras / Psyduck's Trainer / Righty / Shamus / Team Flare Admin / Teenage Boy / Throh / Totem Gumshoos / Train Station Man / Traveler B / Viren's Henchman (Pink) / Viren's Henchman (Pinkshirt) / Volcarona / Waiter / Wartortle / Zygarde
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Haven Burton Paschall
Serena / Pumpkaboo / Gourgeist / Additional Voices / Rockruff / …
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Serena / Pumpkaboo / Gourgeist / Additional Voices / Rockruff / Nebby / Slurpuff / Salandit / Nihilego / Aila / Ellie / Florence / Mirror Serena / Staff Woman / Swirlix / Woman
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Ted Lewis
Giovanni / Tracey Sketchit / Announcer / Gengar / Tracey / …
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Giovanni / Tracey Sketchit / Announcer / Gengar / Tracey / Haunter / James / Additional Voices / Crawdaunt / Trainer / Gastly / Men in Crowd / Townsmen / Trainer 1 / Audience / Captain / Chef / Referee / Snorlax / Andreas / Baseball Player / Beachgoer / Blurt / Boss / Boy / Cameraman / Carlos / Coach / Coordinator 1 / Crowd / Crowd Member / Dan's father / Daniel / Director / Drivers / Dugtrio Trio (Man) / Elevator Operator / Eusine / Expedition Team Members / Fernando / Film Crew / Fiorello Cappuccino / Flame 2 / Flint / Foreman / Guards / Hiker / Hopkins / Jenaro / Juggler / Keith / Koji / Limo Driver / Magma Grunt 2 / Mailman / Male Announcer / Male Aqua Grunt 1 / Male Aqua Grunt 2 / Male Campers / Male Crowd Members / Male Trainer / Male Trainer 2 / Male Villagers / Man 1 / Man in Audience / Mandi / Marlon / Mr. Stone / News Reporter / Onlookers X5 / Papa / Performer 1 / Performer 3 / Philip / Port Announcer / Potter / Priest / Proctor / Producer / Punk 1 / Race Contestant / Reporter / Roman / Sableye Trainer / Salesman / Santa Claus / Simon's Father / Spectator 1 / Spectator 2 / Spectator 4 / Speech Class Instructor / Surfers / Thief 1 / Thief 2 / Toku / Tourist 1 / Townsman 1 / Townspeople / Trader 11 / Trader 12 / Trader 6 / Trader 7 / Trainers / Trick Master / Ursaring / Vendor 2 / Woodsman / Worker / Worker 2 / Yaohei / Yas / Young Victor
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Chie Satô
Habunake / Gonbe / Kane / Gabite / Hippopotas / …
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Habunake / Gonbe / Kane / Gabite / Hippopotas / Miltank / Arcanine / Glameow / Ilta / Kiyo / Old woman / Otane / Purugly / Rougela / Sanpei / Victoria
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Laurie Hymes
Lillie / Pelipper / Additional Voices / Popplio / Mable / …
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Lillie / Pelipper / Additional Voices / Popplio / Mable / Primarina / Brionne / Chloe's Homeroom Teacher / Frillish / Moria / Popsicle Seller / Sandygast / Tiara's Mother
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Sean Kenin
Professor Rowan / Abe / Additional Voices / Cameraman / Chatot / …
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Professor Rowan / Abe / Additional Voices / Cameraman / Chatot / Contest Host / Glalie / Kellyn / Machamp Trainer / Man / Matt / Wallace
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Rebecca Soler
Mallow / Alexa / Celosia / Altaria / Additional Voices / …
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Mallow / Alexa / Celosia / Altaria / Additional Voices / Professor Carolina / Female Passerby / Girl / Girl Blue Scarf / Linda / Mamie / Nanette / Rebecca / Rhoda / Rhonda / Teacher
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Amy Birnbaum
Max / Dustox / Cascoon / Madeleine / Boy / …
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Max / Dustox / Cascoon / Madeleine / Boy / DJ Mary / Erica / Kid 3 / MFP Member 1 / Sumomo / Winona / Woman / Alanna / Audience / Battle Class Student 2 / Benji / Bucky / Child / Coordinator / Customers in Line / Emily / Eve / Female Coordinator 1 / Female Coordinators / Florinda Showers / Girl / Girl 1 / Gulzar / Keiko / Latoya Parker / Male Students / Marcellus / Midori / Miss Priscilla / Mrs. Mitchum / Olesia / Reiko / Reporter / Schoolchildren / Spectator 3 / Surfer Girls / Tierra / Trader 1 / Trader 10 / Trader 2 / Trader 3 / Trader 4 / Trader 8 / Trader 9 / Trainer / Trixie / Woman in Audience / Zachary Evans / Zackie
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Rob Morrison
Rotom Pokédex / Rowlet / Additional Voices / Referee / Rotom Pokedex / …
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Rotom Pokédex / Rowlet / Additional Voices / Referee / Rotom Pokedex / Rowlet, Rotom Pokédex / Rowlett / Team Flare Grunt / Tony / Boy A / League Representative / Store Owner / Students / Titus / Worker A
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