Diogo Miguel Cunha
The app has no Dark Mode. Forecasts are often wrong, such as announcing 0% rain for the day and 0% rain for that time, while actually raining intensely. UI is lacking, focusing on looks over functionality, and main information limits choices to 3 (out of 6) important information. All that information should still be present when scrolling down, but some info is only present in hourly view, while others in weekly view.
Gisgeo Information Systems, LDA
April 4, 2024
Olá! Obrigada por utilizar a Meteo@IPMA!
Após analise da sua exposição, aproveitamos para mencionar que já se encontra disponível uma atualização da app com a correção de erros reportados e melhoramentos de performance, para que a experiência dos nossos utilizadores seja a mais positiva possível.
Muito obrigada,
GisGeo Developer Team
Sergey Pozdnyakov
The app design is much better now than before, but there are a few minor things that could be improved: the widgets are oversized, for example even the smallest one is 2x3, while it's square in size and should be 2x2, etc; the English translation is lacking: it should be the "hourly" forecast instead of "daily", and "daily" instead of "weekly"; there's no UV level data for every hour, only a peak value for a day. Otherwise, a decent weather app for Portugal.
1 person found this review helpful
Gisgeo Information Systems, LDA
August 21, 2024
Hello, Thank you for using Meteo@IPMA!
We really appreciate your suggestion. We will consider it and improve our app in the new version.
Thank you very much,
GisGeo Developer Team
Wilson Miguel Ferreira Pontes Cardoso
UX/UI become worse. To many info on the home "page". I don't like the big icons, they don't had valuable information only noise. Wish there was an option to revert to the previous display. Dark mode would be nice too. The only positive difference is that I can change quickly on the home screen between my favourite locations, but the butons too small for this, ironically, everything else ia too big, the only feature I find useful is too small.
15 people found this review helpful