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luthius Basic Wizard

  Number of posts : 165 Age : 38 Location : Void I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2013-08-04Character sheet Creature: Beast of the Beyond Class: Eater of Demon Souls Element: Void
 | Subject: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:34 am | | | [This walkthrough is the work of Luthius, the Beast of the Beyond] 1. Intro and Walkthrough Status Hello, anyone and everyone who still comes here! Sorry, a long post is incoming! Before we begin, I would like to mention the current status of my walkthrough: I had been working on a walkthrough for the whole game that would hopefully be as complete as possible, but due to the crazy amount of optional content on Day 13 and beyond, and various life issues, AND my very annoying habit of getting interested in other games before I can even finish the one I'm currently on, I kind of just lost interest and motivation to finish it. However, this game DOES deserve a full walkthrough, which it still doesn't have, so I WILL try to resume it and finish it as soon as I can. If not very soon, then once I get moved and get my life back on track! I have a little time before I start getting moved, so I might try to do a little bit of minor work on it in the meantime! Anyway, I HAVE finished the walkthrough all the way up until Day 13, and I've even finished most of it afterwards, too! Really, all that's left is sorting out the best order in which to cover the post-3Dazer optional content (as some bosses are much weaker and easier than others, among other things), and a few of the later quests and other things, such as covering the Coliseum and Drembacher Tournaments. 2. 3Dazer Walkthrough Preamble Ramble and Recommendations for Full Playthrough Enjoyment Grogor's walkthrough unfortunately ended right before the Ancient Pyramid in Luciana's 3Dazer, and didn't even get around to Luba's and Random's quests. It also didn't quite cover everything. I know that at least a few people would like a full walkthrough of all the 3Dazer quests, so I will go ahead and post those now! Also, I strongly recommend that you have ALL of the game's patches implemented and that you play on an imported file, as this walkthrough is for an imported and patched file! If you don't have an import file or the patches, they are available in my locker on RMN, at the following link: http://rpgmaker.net/users/Proffessor_Buglean/locker/ <---- The import file is "Save10.lsd", and I believe that it is Sorgin's file, if I remember correctly, and I also uploaded the add-ons to LP1 if anyone is interested! I'm a bit scatter-brained, so this walkthrough is probably not written in an extremely professional or consistent manner. If anyone notices any kinds of mistakes, or something that I left out or didn't notice, please let me know, and I will correct it and give you credit in the full walkthrough! Thanks! If anyone has any other questions about any part of the game, just post a new topic on the board, or message me, and I will do my best to help! American-English is my native (and so far only) language, so if any non-native English speakers find something worded in an unfamiliar way, don't hesitate to ask me about it, and I will do my best to clarify! Hope this helps at least a few people! Also, in my walkthrough, I put a series of symbols right after items and equipments that are rare (limited) or unique, in order to help those completionists track them down more easily, so before I begin the walkthrough posts, here is the table for what those symbols indicate! @: Rare ores and alchemy ingredients $: Rare equipment #: Unique equipment %: Rare scrolls, unique spell-relics, and rare or unique spell-books ^: Rare stat-upgrading items *: Key items So, if you imported with the same file I did, and completed most of the optional content so far, you should be more than ready to take on the 3Dazer, even if you only used around 5 or 6 characters the whole time. Make an alternate save file, and return to Aglae-Terra to talk to Luba. After the lengthy conversation and the scene with the Cenodemons, Luba will join your band of warriors. Now, it's time to choose and equip your party members. For Luciana's quest, I would strongly recommend Sandy, Baretta, and Nash, as they will all help you accomplish optional things at various parts of the quest. Sandy can open the locked doors in the story quest's first dungeon without having to activate the switches, and one room with 4 treasure chests can only be reached with her help, Baretta can help you find secret paths to some cool stuff, and Nash is the only character that can reach a high-up chest in the final dungeon of Luciana's 3Dazer quest that contains a unique and great-quality shield, and also a unique spellbook that teaches an awesome spell to Luciana. Speaking of her, I'll start with her quest. 3. Luciana's 3Dazer Quest Luciana's Late Day 10 The two current bounty hunting quests at the Fighter's Guild and the Coliseum must be completed before the end of the 3Dazer. If you haven't yet gotten to rank 3 in the Mage Guild, Luciana's team will be the only one that is able to complete the Fighter Guild's bounty item quest. Start off by searching the woods just southwest of Aglae-Terra. Marcio Carol Bogda's shop is sometimes hidden here, in the westernmost part. If you can't find it there, then check in the other spot southeast of the Giants' Fortress. For some reason, he won't have anything new for you before you talk to Luba if you already bought his Day 8 deal. But after the 3Dazer starts, he will sell a Dabaki Pepper@ and a Reign of Blood spellbook% for 14,000pp. Next, you will want to return to Metrolia. If you brought Baretta with you for this quest, you won't be able to get her 3-Dazer items until the next 3Dazer quest. I first mention her items in Luba's 3Dazer walkthrough, so refer to that part if you didn't bring her along for this one and want to get them now. For some reason, you can't get the Fighter's Guild's bounty quest for today until after the 3Dazer starts, so go there and get it. The Elephanpottame Red Toe can only be found on "Potamos Island", which can only be reached via either the airship, or the teleport mage when you get to Rank 3 in the Mage Guild. But if you are not already rank 3 in the Mage Guild before you start the 3Dazer quest, then the only way you can complete this one in time is to fly there with the Airship as Luciana's team, as the Ore Lab is inaccessible on the 3Dazer quest. Now proceed to the throne room. Oh dear, who could have seen this coming? As soon as Random and his party start discussing with Luba on how to destroy Rixian, King Duncan suddenly and "mysteriously" gets stricken with an unknown disease, and is now bedridden in crucial condition! The game has already pretty much revealed who is responsible for this before it even happens. Anyway, talk to Olga, and she will tell you that Harvey is living in Berkillast Manor. After that, the gates to that manor will have finally opened, so go in there now. To the north are cabinets full of administrative papers. The right one hides a Savior Page^. Now go north and talk to Harvey. This is the point in the story where you must complete the Prison of Desa quest, as he wants you to get to rank 2 in the Mage Guild. If you chose to skip the Comrade Entry and completed it already, then he will join you now, and you may skip to the next section, the Airport, which is that small building right outside of Metrolia and just to the left. If you chose to wait, then it's time to do it now. This is actually the "proper" way to complete this quest. First, return to that locked door in the prison that was guarded by an Eye Smasher way back in Day 2. Examine it, and Luciana and Seether will comment on it. Return to Berkillast Manor and speak to Harvey, and he will tell you that Damon has been wasting his days away in the Fighter's Guild. So now, return to the Fighter's Guild and go to the bounty hunting and rank quests area. Damon Druz is the purple-haired fruitcake standing next to the bounty hunting quest counter. Talk to him, and he will join you, finally giving you that missable Comrade entry in your Quest Book. Return to the prison's locked door, and he will unlock it for you. Grab the potion to the south to get a +200 XP quest completion. Return to the rank quest master in the Mage Guild to get to Rank 2, and Damon will then leave. Talk to Urvalz again to get your next rank quest. With that, the Ore Lab finally appears on the map (or at least it is supposed to). But you still can't access it until the 3Dazer is over. Up the left stairs is a woman who will give you a training quest to kill the leader of the Centaur Fortress. Again, "not available while in seperated teams!". The guy at the entrance will give you a small quest to escort an old archmage. Return to Berkillast Manor and speak to Harvey to have him join you as a comrade. As for the old archmage, he is waiting in the southwest corner of the Inn of the Golden Falcon. Talk to the old man in the green robe there, and Vincent Oymredal will join you as a Comrade. Continue to the Modern Sciences Institute without incident. Talk to Minaa in the center room to complete this tiny sidequest and to get a measely little 1000pp. Yep, not even a quest completion. Now head back and enter that building just left of the Metrolian wall... The Old Metrolian Airport Harvey will unlock the first door to the south. To the left are 2 Eye Smashers, and then a lone Stardom XR-11. Be mindful of the robotic enemies in this dungeon, as most of them will explode and damage your party when you defeat them. Inside of the chest in this room is a Crusher ring. To the right are 2 Grazers. Sandy can open these locked doors. A Droid AK2000 is guarding the right one, and the room has an Eye Smasher. Flip both of the switches here and return to the entrance and go south this time. To the left is an Eye Smasher and a Stardom XR-11, and also a switch to flip, and to the right is a chest containing 3 N-Bombs. Further down is an Eye Smasher and a Bio-Cell. There is a switch on either side of this hallway, but the right one opens up that small room to the northeast that only had a lever, so you should have already unlocked it with Sandy. To the south is a lone Bio-Cell. To the left are 2 Eye Smashers. To the south are 2 Grazers and a Stardom XR-11. Go downstairs first. The nearby chest contains a Chainsaw Lance. There is a large area to the south. In this section is a small room with a save point and a chest containing the artifact, the Laser Mouth Fists#. Around this southern area are a Stardom XR-11 and a Droid AK2000. To the east, there is a lone Droid AK2000 in a large area. Further east is an otherwise empty area that has an Eye Smasher and a Bio-Cell. To the southeast is a chest containing an Astrobalt ore@. Back at the split, there are two paths to the north. To the northeast is another empty dead end with an Eye Smasher and a Bio-Cell. To the northwest is another split. Left leads to a chest containing 337pp. Back at the split, up and right leads to a tiny room with a lone Bio-Cell. There are another 2 lone Bio-Cells to the north, and further ahead is a large area. The southeastern part has two smalls rooms, one with a save point, and the other with a chest containing a Phoenix Feather. Push the switch in the northeast corner. This unlocks one of the locked doors on the west path from the staircase you took down to get here. On this path, there are two lone Droid AK2000's patrolling empty areas. The first two doors on either path can only be opened with Sandy. Enter the right room and step on the switch to unlock the door to the other room with the 4 chests containing 5 N-Bombs, 3 Laser Guns, a Metal Circle shield, and the Steel Coat#. Going back upstairs, further to the south are a save point, and four splits. To the northwest is a chest containing a Tonic Tea. The doors on this path just lead to empty dead-ends. To the northeast is a chest with 2,555pp and a door. Unlock the door and open the chest for 2 Medicates and 2 Phoenix Feathers. To the southeast, there are 2 Grazers. Further southeast is a chest containing an N-Bomb, and northeast leads to yet another split. Go right first for a chest containing 16 Spheres and 5 MP Replenishes, then go left. There is another save point up ahead. Further ahead, there is a small, otherwise empty room on either side of the hallway. The left one has a lone Eye Smasher, whilst the right one has a lone Bio-Cell. Further up ahead is a staircase being guarded by 2 Grazers and a Stardom XR-11. Downstairs, the path is once again guarded by 2 Grazers and a Stardom XR-11. Further down is a Droid AK2000, and a room to the left with a chest containing an N-Bomb. The rest of this area is just an otherwise-empty dead-end with an Eye Smasher and a Stardom XR-11. Back at the split, it's time to explore the final sector of this dungeon, so take the southwest path now. To the left are 2 Grazers, 2 switches, and a chest containing the Beta-Halo shield#. Further up, there are some oil canisters that will explode when you pass them, so be sure to heal up before and after this event. Behind the radar dish is a chest containing a Heart of the Town ore. Further ahead are 2 lone Droid AK2000s. Further ahead is another split. Right leads to an otherwise-empty area with a save point. Left leads to a chest containing 6 Laser Guns and a staircase guarded by a Droid AK2000 and a Stardom XR-11. Downstairs, 2 Eye Smashers will head your way. Further down is a Stardom XR-11 and a chest containing the Hi-Jacker spell relic%. Further to the south is a Stardom XR-11 and a chest containing a Tonic Tea. Keep going south to a large area. Flip the switch to the southwest. The chest to the northeast contains a Phoenix Feather. Further east, northeast leads to a save point. Southeast leads to a chest containing the accessory artifact, the Zero-Don Ring#. South leads to another staircase going down. Downstairs, an Eye Smasher and a Bio-Cell will head right for you. Keep going south to another staircase. Down these stairs, you will be approached by a Droid AK2000. Upstairs, there are two chests further ahead containing 2 N-Bombs and 3 Laser Guns. Check the central computer unit to advance the story. Now, just Egress, and Harvey will leave and return to his manor. The Tyrano Lands You will now have to go to the small town of Palambo, which is far to the south. That rock south of Tongo-Boga was finally removed. Just to the south, the Nenula Village of Amabranda is currently inaccessible. Further south is Darguur's Salcerium Shop, which sells a few weapons. To the northwest is the Witch Shack, where nothing can be done yet, and the Kriir Gymnasium, so save it for later. Southwest leads to the town of Riga, which can only be entered during Luba's 3Dazer quest and after the 3Dazer event. Slightly northwest of Riga is a cave that is the home to Vaarkis, the Ancient Lich. Talk to him, and he will offer to make a custom-made helmet for your character of choice for 5000pp. If you say "No." to all of your characters, he will simply make a random one. It should be ready by the end of the 3Dazer quest. You basically have a choice between 4 unique helmets with this event. If you chose either Sarah, Sandy, Luciana, Luba, Leanda, or Wendala, he will make the Laura Crown#. If you chose Random, Chaz, Lisa, or Jezzie, he will make the Vaarkis Helmet#. If you chose Guanidia, Herasia, or Guld, he will make the Bone Hat#. And if you chose Baretta, Batabog, or Coryool, he will make the Zirkis Circlet#. Slightly to the northeast are two houses. The north one is a pet shop. The lady to the left is selling pets for your HQ. She is selling a Rat for 550pp, a Sheep for 1820pp, and a "Soulsower" (whatever the hell that is) for 2790pp. The Soulsower is like... some kind of "toadoise" (a cross between a toad and a tortoise) or something. Anyway, the south building is the Flower Shop. Inside is a chest containing a Love Ring$. Talk to the lady, and buy the Red Roses for 6000pp. Have Random take them, and have him give them to Sarah, and she will get a boost of HP+2. Buy the Golden Lilas for 4800pp, and have Coryool give them to Leanda for another HP+2 boost. Finally, buy the Pearl Petunias for 3700pp, and have Chaz give them to Luciana for another HP+2 boost. The other flower can be used later on to get a boost for Luba after clearing Bazizka Tower. Further east is a tiny village called... Babo'Komo This is kind of too small to even be called a village. It's more like a very small settlement, as there is only one house and an inn here. In the one house in here, there is a guy who will give you a hint about the existence of the Buried Treasure of Mangaron that was lost long ago in the Dragon's Spine region. Though, you may have already gotten that. The inn costs only 25pp, and it also has a chest containing one of the two Korago Collars$. Outside, the woman to the east will sell you the Dark Order Shrine Key* for 25,000pp, so go ahead and grab it while you're here. Note that you MUST get this key during the 3Dazer quest, because the woman mysteriously disappears on Day 13, preventing you from ever being able to enter the Dark Order Shrine, which in turn prevents you from completing four sidequests. The creature to the north is Maetulan, the being you are looking for to complete the Guild of the Unknown's first rank quest. Talk to him to update that quest. And that is pretty much it for this place, so move on. The "Coliseum" This is the large building to the southeast of the village. Before participating in either of the tournaments, I would recommend waiting until Day 13 after doing a few other quests to build up your allies some more. For now, you can go into the eastern section and talk to the woman to the east for another bounty item sidequest. Golden Claws are gotten from Dragon Kings, encounterable in the forests of the Dragon Spine region. The reward for returning one is the usual +1 HP to all and 200pp, as well as 6 bounty points. This quest can be completed at pretty much any point during the 3Dazer quests. To the left of the main counter in the lobby is a guy selling two new Kaleidos Walls for only 500pp each, so buy the "Dark Chocolate" and "Tavern Atmosphere" Walls from him. Also, if you haven't yet gotten the Buried Treasure of Mangaron, it is located three spaces north and eight spaces right of the House of Pain. You will find it when you examine that space. It contains 155,772pp, and you also get a Quest Book entry for such an accomplishment! Southern Checkpoint and Lupantha Woods In order to proceed to the Southern Lands, you must first go through the Southern Checkpoint to the south of Darguur's Shop. Outside of the gates, the weird jester guy will teach certain characters the "Shooting Stars" spell for 11,600pp each. Eligible characters are Luciana, Sandy, Random, and Rosa. I think that is all, but I'll have to test it again someday to see if there are any more. In order to pass through the checkpoint, you must pay the guard 1600pp, so cough it up and enter the building to the left. Inside is a guy who will sell you the Miranda helmet# for 13,600pp. After leaving the checkpoint, the massive Lupantha Woods will be to the south, and it will be colored differently than the normal woods. It is also harmful terrain. From the space left of the sign, head straight to the south all the way. To the east will be a large mushroom creature called Muzzil, who will sell you a teleport point to this region for a whopping 89,000pp. At the northern region of the woods, there is a small bridge. Walk over it to get to the Broken Bridge of Lupantha, where there are two Dragon Mushrooms@. South of that is a spot with a few trees that looks different than the rest. This is the Legendary Place of Vinyuando, where there are 3 sets of 2 Slaughterers guarding a supposedly sacred treasure. There is a way around all of them, though. At the center of the area is a barrel that contains 13 Oranges, 21 Coconuts, and 37 Ananas. Be prepared to run before opening the chest. It contains 2 Mayuca's Winters and the 2 Predator Gloves#, but once you open it, the Slaughterers will come after you, so maneuver around them to the exit. From there, head directly east. You will see a small town to the south, a large castle southeast of it, and a house southeast of that. The house is Aldzarun's Glorious Shop, which sells some more equipments. The rest of the optional areas should be left alone until after the 3Dazer. The town is the one you are looking for... Palambo In the northeast corner is a sword that can be pulled out with Random later on. In the house right next to it, the middle of the three left barrels hides 868pp. At the base of the stairs, James can be recruited to your HQ. The vegetable to the southeast hides a Talysma Roots^. In the northwest house, one of the northern barrels hides a Tartan Helmet. Speak to the red-haired woman, and she will give you the entry code to the Crystal Palace, 15510, and also the transition to... Luciana's Day 11 The Crystal Palace Start by entering the palace after entering the code. Start off by going down the staircase to the north. Down here, an Ice Golem will head your way. Down and to the left is another Ice Golem and another staircase. Down this one, another Ice Golem and another staircase. After going down this one, a Doom Skull, a Blood Skull, and a Sand Skull will start heading your way. The chest contains an Ebony Lance. Back up the two flights of stairs, take the right south path. The first staircase leads to an empty dead-end, and the next south path leads to a dead-end with an Ice Golem. To the east is another lone Ice Golem, 2 lone Crystal Hounds, and 2 sets of 2 Crystal Hounds. In the northeast corner is an optional boss that will be covered later. In the center of the area is a chest containing 4 Medicates, and a staircase. Downstairs, to the west are 4 lone Glass Serpentors on the dead-end paths, and a set of 5 Glass Serpentors further down the left path. The chest at the end of the path contains 3655pp and a Phoenix Feather. Egress, and go around the black area to reach a new area to the north. There will be a chest to the left containing 2 Sharks, and a staircase. Downstairs, there is a trap to the east, so you will need to skim the southern wall in order to avoid it. After going south, ignore the first left path, it's a dead-end. Further down the path is a Purple Gargoyle standing all up in your way. Upstairs is a Crystal Hound. Further down, the first left leads to an otherwise-empty dead-end with 2 sets of a Doom Skull, a Blood Skull, and a Sand Skull. Further down, the next left leads to 2 Purple Gargoyles running around near a chest containing a Cryzalis@. Continuing down and left, further ahead are 2 Crystal Hounds. Finally, the stairs are guarded by 3 Purple Gargoyles. Upstairs, the first left leads to a Crystal Hound and a Glass Serpentor guarding... 2 empty chests. The next left leads to 2 Crystal Hounds, and then 5 Glass Serpentors, and they are all guarding ANOTHER empty chest. That is just plain twisted. Anyway, continuing on, the next staircase is guarded by 3 Purple Gargoyles. Upstairs, a Doom Skull and an Ice Golem will head your way. The room to the south is guarded by another duo of a Doom Skull and an Ice Golem. The room has a save point and a chest containing the Xanthou axe#. Further down the path is another duo of a Doom Skull and an Ice Golem. On the south side of the room, the room to the north has a Doom Skull and an Ice Golem, and yet another empty chest. Further ahead is a... Sub-boss fight!: Lord Rusham (Current Chief of the Crystal Palace) This pathetic weakling doesn't even have 1000 HP. For defeating him, you get 175 XP, 255pp, an Yveen's Kiss, Lord Rusham's entry into "Noticeable Victories", and the way forward. There is actually an optional conversation to be had with him before you fight him, that is, if you were to fight your way to him BEFORE checking the central unit in the airport. He will just turn you away and claim that you need Harvey's permission in order to proceed. I think it was originally intended that you were actually supposed to do this first before talking to Harvey and entering the airport, but DZK/Indinera ended up cutting this part short to avoid further needless backtracking. Upstairs and further ahead are a Glass Serpentor and a Purple Gargoyle. The first chest to the left contains a Diamond Shield and a Lycose Pearl@. Going all the way south and then left, the first north path leads to a chest containing the other Hammer of Nature$, and the next one has nothing. Take the next north path, as the two left paths are empty dead-ends. There are 2 Purple Gargoyles around 3 chests. When you open the first one to get the first Crystal Stone, you get a +200 XP quest completion and a brief scene with Evander and Orghandi. Grab the other two Crystal Stones* and Egress out of here. Return to the central unit in the Airport and check it three times... Boss fight!: XR-Giga 999 (Giant robot) (Head, Body, 2 Swords, 2 Hands, 2 Lasers, and 2 Cannons) It seems that this defense system has been corrupted by a certain mysterious "Virus 999". Anyway, just slam them with your strongest all-hitting attacks, they're not that tough. After defeating all of those parts, you will get 533 XP, 489pp, a Raw Scaloide@, XR-Giga 999's entry into "Prestigious Victories", and access to the airship. Check the unit one more time, then proceed to the next screen and examine the central unit in there, too, and you will finally be flying the airship! And with that event complete, the new Kaleidos Wall, "Airport Connection", is now available. There isn't a whole lot of exploring to do just yet, as most of the places are either closed off until after the 3Dazer, or contain either fights that should be left alone until after the 3D, or certain events that can't be done until after the 3D. Here are a few things you can go ahead and do now. ISLANDS! Ore Island, Pirahna Island, Ants' Nest Island, Kulha Island, Potamos Island, and another small cave Fly east of Lucida Tower, and you will see a strange, circular island with a large hole in the middle. Land and search around the inner coastline, and you will find 2 Astrobalts@, a Cryzalis@, and a Lava Obsidianite@. Next, fly all the way south, then start flying east, and you will see a small island with a house on it. This leads to a remote grove called "The Best Fishes From the Ocean", which is the only shop in the game where you can buy Royal Pirahnas. East of that, you will see a small island with a cave to the north. This is the Other Ants' Nest. If you have Nash (OR Coryool, as it turns out!) with you, enter it and start smashing up these little shits. For every "Horde of Ants" that Nash (or Coryool) smashes, they get 5 XP, and everyone else will just get 1 XP per horde. In the northeast corner is an Azura@. That's it, so move on. Directly to the southeast is a tiny, two-tiled island. You can't land on the northern space, so land on the southern one and go north to reach the interior of "Kulha Island". The chest directly ahead contains 4686pp. In the water to the north, you should see a path in the water that continues north, so follow it to reach a semi-secret area that has the relic, the Dirai Kulha claws#. That is it for this place. Fly directly west all of the way, then fly north until you see a cave inside of a mountain range, completely closed off by mountains and with three snow tiles in front of it. Land there and go inside. There is a Heart of the Town ore in the northwest area. Fly far, far to the east of the Guild of Fire, and you will come across a five-tiled island, with three harmful swamp tiles, and two grasslands tiles. This is Potamos Island, the only place in the game where you can encounter Elephanpottames. There is a somewhat-rare Elephanpottame that has a red toe. I have only encountered it in the group of 3, and it was always the one on the right. Try to Numb, Shock, or Paralyze it to keep it from running away. It will usually (maybe always? I don't remember NOT getting one) drop an Elephanpottame Red Toe, which you can return to the Fighter's Guild for +1 HP to all, 200pp, and 15 bounty points. That's about it for the exploring for now. In the mountain range northeast of Metrolia is the Secret Muller's Glade. Zoo is standing there in front of the lone grave of "Harriett Muller". He is too confused, grief-stricken, and internally conflicted to join you right now, but as stated before, his mind will have cleared up after you clear Bazizka Tower. So for now, fly down to the "Coliseum", and then fly directly east until you see an island with a large pyramid on it. You should witness a small scene as you approach it. Land here, and enter the cave in front of the pyramid... The Unknown Cavern's exterior and Sandronista To the north will be an unreadable sign. Up here, you will be approached by 2 lone Zombies, though they are a bit different than the ones fought before. Continue north, and when you get to an open area with a west-and-east split, another 2 lone Zombies will head your way from the east side. Go down the west path, defeat 3 Ancient Trolls, and check the remains of the raft to get the transition to... Luciana's Day 12 Going east, the first two north paths have a lone Crenel. The path directly south of the second north one has 2 lone Zombies, 2 Simselias and a Crenel, and 3 Ancient Trolls. The cart to the east contains the 28 Nails.* You have to get these before the event to get the ropes will activate. Further east, there are 3 Ancient Trolls around a chest containing 976pp. The north path just has 2 lone Zombies. The next south path just has 8 lone Zombies. Further east are a few lone Zombies and 7 Kokois. South leads to a save point, and east leads to a chest containing the Meteor Bracelet#. Egress and leave. The mountain at the one space left of the cave entrance leads to a secret area with a building. Inside of this building is the 4th of the 8 kids. The small settlement to the right of the cave is the remains of the ancient civilization of Sandronista. And there's not much left. But you must go there now to proceed. So, enter it. There is a fairy here named Minako who seems to be sick of being stuck on this island. Talk to her and let her join your HQ. In the left house, a Red Bone^ is hidden in one of the pots, and the skeleton man is running an "inn" for only 5pp per stay. In the right house, a Trout is hidden in a pot. Talk to the old man to get the 7 Ropes*. Before proceeding, make sure you have at least 100,000pp with you, or else you will not be able to proceed to the last part of the pyramid where the final Charamko Pendant resides. Now return to the raft in the cave to repair it and get going. When you do so, you will get a +200 XP quest completion. Directly to the east are 3 sets of 3 Simselias. Further to the east is another set of 3 Simselias. Directly south of that is a set of a Simselia and 2 Sirens of Djelal. For beating this team, you get an Ocean Love! Southeast of that is another team of 3 Simselias. North of that is a save point, and that's pretty much it for this screen. The entrance to the next screen is to the northwest. The Unknown Cavern's Interior Keep sailing west, and you will be ambushed by 3 Sirens of Djelal. Further west, there will be a path going south, and you will be approached by 3 sets of 3 Simsileas, and 4 sets of 3 Sirens of Djelal. But these 7 teams all regenerate, so you might want to avoid them if at all possible. Start moving counter-clockwise around the southern area. There is a set of a Simselia and 2 Sirens of Djelal, and 2 sets of 3 Simsileas. On the southeastern shore is a chest containing a Bromium ore@. The part to the north has 3 lone Zombies, 3 Ancient Trolls, and a chest containing an Obsidion Armor. Going back up and continuing west, there are 3 Simselias. Further to the southwest are 3 sets of 3 Simselias. To the southeast is a tiny piece of land with a chest containing 2 Trouts. On the land nearby are 10 lone Zombies, a set of 8 Zombies, and 3 Ancient Trolls. Flip the switch to the south, and then enter the cave to the northwest. In the center area are 3 lone Zombies. Northeast leads only to 8 Zombies and a couple of corpses. Southwest leads to a lone Zombie, 7 Kokois, and an Astrobalt ore@. Northwest leads to 3 Ancient Trolls, 2 lone Zombies, and a chest containing the Alchemy Recipe #5*. Northwest of that large piece of land are 2 sets of 3 Simselias, one of which drops a Zapoo Diamond upon defeat. To the northeast is a set of 3 Sirens of Djelal, and to the northwest of that is another set of 3 Simsileas, and this one give you an Ocean Conch upon defeat. Now go through the only unexplored part, the northeastern path... At the exit to the next screen, the path is blocked off by a barricade. However, you can go around it at the bottom. But when you try to do so... Sub-boss fight!: Zarejag (Large Fish Monster) It has around 3429 HP, and it drops 171 XP and a Royal Pirahna. On the next screen, to the east is a set of 3 Simselias. Further east are 5 sets of 3 Sirens of Djelal. East and then south, there is a cave to the southeast. If you want to slaughter some more monsters before proceeding, there is a set of 2 Simselias and a Crenel on the small island to the southeast. East of the cave entrance are 3 sets of 3 Sirens of Djelal. In the remote northeastern corner are another 2 sets of 3 Sirens of Djelal. Enter the cave entrance when you're done killing creatures. To the north are 3 lone Zombies. To the north of that is the entrance to... The Ancient Pyramid Directly to the north is a chest containing an Azura ore@. East and north of that is a lone Ancient Nautilus. These guys have a rather small chance of dropping a rare Fruit of the Mist@. Unfortunately, I've never seen one in a random encounter, so it looks like Fruits of the Mist are still limited, and making every single Ancient Nautilus you encounter drop one is the only way to get the max possible amount of them, as far as I know. If anyone knows of a way to farm Fruit of the Mist, please let me know and I will credit you! Thanks! Continue east to the next screen. Slightly southeast is a save point. North of that are 4 chests containing 2000pp each. Southeast of that is a chest containing 3 Pink Apricots. Northeast of that is a chest containing 2 Arabian Jewels. South of that is a chest containing 2000pp and an Ocean Love. The pyramid has a few tricky looping pathways, so I'll do my best to describe it. There are 3 sets of stairs in this main area. Take the one to the southwest first. Ahead of you are 2 Nereids of Aguada and an Ancient Nautilus, who are guarding a door that leads to a completely empty dead-end. Wonderful. To the southwest is a set of 3 Black Ants. To the northeast of that is a chest containing 2000pp. Take the southern path until you reach 2 staircases, and a tall pillar in front of them with a chest on top. This is the chest that only Nash can reach. Examine it from behind, and Nash will fly up and knock it down. Attempt to open it, and you will be attacked by 10 Black Ants. After the battle, you get the Omba Square shield#, and the Ancient Pyramid spellbook%, which teaches to Luciana the rather powerful and very useful spell, Saito Mage. This spell does powerful damage to both HP AND the Mind stat, and its elements are Lance, Earth, Mind, and Legend. A LOT of the more powerful enemies and bosses are weak against either Mind or Legend, so this is a VERY handy spell! The two staircases lead to the same area. To the southeast is a left-and-right split. Go right first and go through the north door, and you will be approached by a lone Luun, and 2 Nereids of Aguada and an Ancient Nautilus. To the north is a save point and a chest containing 3 Krieger Horns^. Back at the split, the nearby staircase leads to a large, completely empty area. Hey, DZK never said he was a good guy. Or at least, he probably didn't, I don't know. Either way, continue going left past the door, and you will reach an area with a chest being guarded by 2 Nereids of Aguada, an Ancient Nautilus, a Nautilea, a Black Ant, and a Luun. The chest contains the Heart of Benevolence spell relic. % Go back to the door and go through it, opening the chest to the north for 3 Ananas and 3 Apricots. To the left are 10 sets of 3 Black Ants wandering around a chest containing an Ancient Sand@. The path to the right leads to 3 sets of 3 Black Ants wandering around some vases. One of these vases hides 3 Coconuts. Follow a path west (they all lead to the same general area), until you see a small room to the south with 2 chests inside. These chests contain 2000pp and a Moskaa Apple^. Northeast of that is a staircase going up. Inside of the small room with the mesh roof to the north is a chest containing 2 Al' Azayer scrolls. Nothing else is in here, so go back down, and go down the staircase southwest of the small room. The chest nearby contains 5 O' Donnell Skulls, 2 Zapoo Diamonds, and an Ancient Sand@. The path to the right leads to 2 chests. The left one contains an Arabian Jewel and a Black and Golden spellbook%. Do not open the right one, not only is it empty, but it will seal off the door ahead. If you did open it, you can check it again to close it back up and unlock the door again. Go through the door ahead, and you will encounter a Nautilea and 5 Nereids of Aguada. The four chests ahead contain 78,707pp, an Yveen's Tear, an Yveen's Tear, and a Tiog helmet$. When you take the left path, you will turn north, and then east. When you reach a staircase and a southern path, take the southern path first. It's guarded by 2 Nautileas and a Nereid of Aguada. There is a path leading to a chest containing 3 Ananas. The staircase going down is actually the southeast staircase of the main area! The path east of the stairs leads to a small room with a bunch of vases inside. The room is being guarded by a Nautilea and an Ancient Nautilus. One of the vases hides a Paprika Balm and an Ancient Sand@. Back at the split, there are no items to be found up the staircase. It just has two paths, the south one leading to a small room full of Fire Ants and nothing else, and the west path leading to a dead-end with 2 Luuns and an Ancient Nautilus wandering around. The only reason to come here is if you're trying to get max Fruits of the Mist. So go down that staircase to the south to wind back up in the main area. The only place left to go now is up the northeast staircase. This one has an unavoidable boulder trap, though, so be sure to heal up beforewards and afterwards. Going up, there is another staircase to go up. At the top of that one, left is being guarded by a Nautilea and a Nereid of Aguada, and there are 3 sets of 3 Fire Ants on the way to a staircase going down. The first room has a trapped chest containing 2000pp, the second room has nothing, and the chest to the east has an Inferno scroll. Back at the stairs, go right. At the split, northeast has a Nautilea and a Nereid of Aguada, and then a lone Nereid of Aguada at a dead-end. So go south at that split and enter the room to the southwest to get to a chest containing an Yveen's Nectar. The southeast path leads to a chest containing an Yveen's Kiss. South of that is an empty room, so continue east. When you get to a save point, there will be 5 lone Nereids of Aguada wandering around the general area. Enter the room south of the save point. In this room, you will encounter 5 sets of 3 Black Ants, 2 sets of a Nautilea and a Nereid of Aguada, and a set of 2 Nautileas and a Nereid of Aguada. At the north end of the small room is a trapped golden chest containing the first of the four Charamko Pendants$. The door to the east can only be opened if you pay the toll of 10,000pp, and you need to go through there to proceed, so cough it up and enter the room. But when you attempt to proceed... Boss fight!: Grom (Giant Ogre Beast) It has around 9100-9900 HP, and for defeating it, you get 786 XP. Further ahead is a set of 2 Luuns and an Ancient Nautilus, and further ahead is a set of 3 Black Ants. The chest in the left north room contains 2000pp and an Ancient Sand@. The right room has 2 sets of 3 Black Ants, a Nautilea and an Ancient Nautilus, and 2 Luuns and an Ancient Nautilus. One of the vases ahead hides 5 Oranges. Proceed down the staircase when ready. Down the stairs, you will end up in a large area. There is a chest to the southeast containing a Mayuca's Winter. The northern west path has naught but a lone Ancient Nautilus, and the southern west path only has 2 Luuns and an Ancient Nautilus. In the southwest corner of the large room is a switch. Flip it, and the northwest door will be unlocked. To the north, behind the twin serpent statue north of the stairs is a cleverly-hidden chest containing the other Valancia spear relic. $ In the northwest room is a lone Luun, a lone Ancient Nautilus, and two sets of a Nautilea and an Ancient Nautilus. There is also a save point, a switch to flip, and a trapped chest containing an Ocean Love. The switch unlocked the northeast room, so enter it now. The path is guarded by a Nautilea and a Nereid of Aguada. Further ahead is a staircase. Going down, the path is guarded by 2 Luuns and an Ancient Nautilus. Further down, there is a long hallway full of traps. You will get attacked by a bunch of explosive arrows as you run down the hall, but you can enter the second-to-last southern alcove to avoid the one that will hit you from behind. There is a save point to the north. To the south are a bunch of lone, regenerating Nereids of Aguada, and a trapped chest that is locked with no keys to open it. Sickening. There is a hidden path in this area that Baretta can detect, and it leads to an optional trio-boss fight, the 3 Pyramid Cores, but they're pretty powerful, so it's recommended to wait until Day 13. If you really want to fight them now, keep in mind that they ARE weak against Legend, so the recently-acquired Saito Mage will do some good damage. To the west, there are 2 sets of 3 Fire Ants, a chest containing the Sun Chaser spell relic,% and a staircase going down. When you go down the southwest stairs, 2 sets of 3 Black Ants will head your way. Go southeast first. The other paths are empty dead-ends, one with a set of 3 Black Ants. Enter the small room to the south, check the vase for a Pine Apple^, and open the two golden chests for the second and third Charamko Pendants$. Now go left from the stairs. When you start going south, ignore all of the empty dead-ends and go all the way south. In the left wall is a hidden path that Baretta detects. Go through it to reach a chest containing a Ghandiis staff$. The first north room only has a set of 3 Black Ants, and the second room only has... nothing at all. Further east, there is another Baretta-detectable path to the south that leads to a chest containing the Shrine of Yveen spellbook. % In the second northern path, there is yet another Baretta-path to the east, which leads to a chest containing a Milk of the Brave^. At the next split to the east, quickly go south to avoid two explosive trap-arrows. Make sure you don't get hit by either of these, as they can easily cause a freeze bug. There is a save point down in this little hallway. Continue east and then go north past all of the massacred corpses. Talk to the bloody guy to the north to activate a... Boss fight!: The Assassin (Orghandi in a "human" disguise) All of your allies start off Shocked, so he gets a free turn in. He has around 7000 HP, and for defeating him, you will get 490 XP, and the transition to... Luciana's Early Day 13 Ahead is the door that you must give 100,000pp to. Seriously, what's the deal with these doors demanding payments? I mean, really, who in this place is still alive to use all of this money? Well anyway, the four chests to the east have been looted, so continue west and go up the stairs. You will encounter 2 Nereids of Aguada and an Ancient Nautilus. If you have your greatest equipment equipped to these 4 characters, you might want to equip them with something a bit weaker so that the next two parties will be able to use the good stuff. The chest is trapped, and also has monsters inside. Defeat a Nautilea and 5 Nereids of Aguada to get the fourth and final Charamko Pendant$ and a +200 XP quest completion, and also to complete Luciana's 3Dazer quest. Last edited by luthius on Fri Feb 05, 2016 6:26 am; edited 2 times in total | |
| | | luthius Basic Wizard

  Number of posts : 165 Age : 38 Location : Void I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2013-08-04Character sheet Creature: Beast of the Beyond Class: Eater of Demon Souls Element: Void
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:42 am | | | 4. Luba's 3Dazer Quest Luba's Late Day 10 With Luba, you can find Ancient Gems^ scattered around in various places. I've only managed to find 6 so far. 3 are in Aglae-Terra (2 outside, and 1 in Rigaldo's house), two in the Aglae Mountain Path, and one behind the waterfall in Aglae Dracosphere's lair. If you brought Baretta with you in the last quest, return to Baretta's in Metrolia and buy a Minotaur Royal Gloves and a Salaamka Spear $$ from her. She is also selling the Chesterwark Seal* for 88,500pp, but I haven't found a use for it yet. If anyone discovers its use, please let me know and I will credit you! Thanks! You can also access the deepest part of the Ancient Dwarven Cave with Luba in your party, so return to that entrance that you couldn't enter before. Being a foremost expert on ancient languages, Luba knows the dwarven code, so continue until you are blocked off once again. This time, you must touch those 5 brown statues in the cave. One of them is right next to you, and another is right outside the entrance that required the dwarven code. Another is right next to the save point in the northeast corner of the large pond area where The O was encountered way back in Day 6. The fourth one is on the north path in the multi-path split on the next screen. The last one is near the ladder that leads up to the final area where you encountered Bari and his lackeys. When you go through the statue-cave, you will get a +200 XP quest completion. Now you will finally have access to the blacksmith, and he will charge 30,000pp per try. If you imported with that Brosaline Petal and that Heart of the Forest, combine the two now in that order and choose "Weapon" to get the awesome Brosaline Whip$. This weapon hits all targets and inflicts Numb, Shock, Paralysis, Clash, Madness, Berserk, and Death! Unfortunately, only Wendala and Zoo can equip it, but that's understandable, being so overpowered! Unfortunately, a bug prevents you from getting the kid in the basement until after the 3Dazer. The "Missing Dwarf" quest is now technically completed, but you can never get any monetary reward from the Fighter's Guild for this quest, because you promised not to tell anyone where you found him. So, your actual rewards for clearing this quest are a quest completion and access to the blacksmith (and with it, access to one of the 8 kids later on). So anyway, go ahead and return to that dreaded place when you're ready... The Giants' Fortress, Part 3 When you get to the second floor, Luba will reveal that she brought 2 Legendary Scrolls % with her. Return to Lady Darlene and talk to her to recruit her to your HQ. Continue to that locked gate with all the giants that you should have already cleared out earlier if you had been doing most of the optional stuff before the 3Dazer. You definitely should have cleared the quest to rescue Sandy as soon as possible, but if you didn't clear out the rest of the tower so far yet, then refer to the section "Giants' Fortress, Part 2" at the end of this post. After clearing out everything, return to that area with the gate. There will be something new guarding the gate... Sub-boss fight!: 1 Five Men Slain, 1 Cuisinart, and the Bolom (Apparition) The Bolom is a unique enemy, but he's about as strong as the Giants, so it's nothing too special. For defeating them, you will get 938 XP, 1021pp, and the Apartments Key*. That unlocks the gate right behind them. Continue north past the first left-and-right split, and go left all the way at the second one. On the way, you will encounter 2 Rhinoterops and a lone Rhinoterops. The chest in this room has a Whale inside. Go back to the right and then north. There is another lone Rhinoterops on this path. The cabinet contains 1128pp, and the chest contains a Nature Diamond and a Rainbow Diamond. Go back right a bit more, and take the path up. There is a Bull Skull^ hidden in the barrel before the stairs. Up the stairs, there is a lone Head Cutter wandering around to the east. In the northeast corner is a chest containing an Oak Slayer axe. There is a lone Cuisinart wandering around a few empty dead-ends to the south. Back downstairs, go right this time, and enter the room north of the northeast stairs. Open the chest in this room for a Moon Fish, a Platinum Staff, and 5 Jungle Jump Scrolls. Now go down the stairs. A Head Cutter and a Cuisinart are down here. The chest down here contains an Yveen's Nectar and an Yveen's Tear. Now return to the previous area and take that first left this time. There will be 3 Rhinoterops encountered on the way to the large open area. There is a save point here, and also a chest containing an Armored Helmet. Continue southwest, past a lone, regenerating Rhinoterops and down the stairs. The southeast path is an empty dead-end, so take the southwest one. The path leads to a room with 2 Cuisinarts wandering around, and a chest containing the Ovobom shield relic#. The other path leads to a staircase, and a Man 'N Potato is wandering around that hallway. Downstairs, the small room will have a Cuisinart and a chest containing the Anxu Spear#. Now return to the area with that Armored Helmet chest and the save point. Enter the room to the south and flip the switch. One of the many barrels in here hides an Yveen's Nectar. Now the gate to the northwest will be unlocked, so defeat a Head Cutter that is guarding the path, and then continue on up to the... Boss fight!: Lord Sainberle Simply have Luba cast Snore on the first round, and it will be pretty much in the bag already, because he is vulnerable to the Weak status. Like most of the other Giants, he is also weak against the Laser element. He has around 7587 HP, and for defeating him, you get 616 XP, 677pp, the Anxu's Key*, and Sainberle's entry into "Noticeable Victories". Go back to the first left-and-right split of the area and go right this time. The Anxu Key unlocks the gate ahead. Continue south to encounter another... Boss fight!: General Garsp Again, he is weak against Weak, so Snore is the way to go. He has around 9415 HP, and for defeating him, you will get 889 XP, 1255pp, Garsp's entry into "Prestigious Victories", and a trap door opening to plummet you down into... The Giants' Sewers The chest nearby contains a measly 12pp. Examine the skeleton to get a Phoenix Feather and a Flower of Aquapanga. Continue to the south, and you will quickly be attacked by yet another... Boss fight!: The Living Horror (Grotesque Sewer Bug Monster) It's immune to Weak, but I would say it's no tougher than Sainberle. It has around 5500 to 6000 or so HP, and for defeating it, you will get 275 XP, 31pp, a Heart of the Forest Ore@, Living Horror's entry into "Prestigious Victories", and the way forward. There is a lone Rubbish Rat on the next screen. Check the skeleton near where it was, and you will get an Yveen's Tear and an Ocean Love! Check the rest of the 4 skeletons here to get 3 Tonic Teas and an Yveen's Nectar, a Flower of Aquapanga, a 666 Scroll and an Yveen's Kiss, and a Jungle Jump scroll and a Mayuca's Winter. Take the left path first. It will lead up to an open area with quite a few enemies. There will be a lone Tortured Corpse, a lone Pile of Rubbish, 3 lone Damned Snakes, and 3 sets of 3 Damned Snakes. To the north is a dead-end with a Pile of Rubbish. The next north is a dead-end with a Tortured Corpse. There are 3 skeletons in this room that were here before you started slaughtering these enemies, and 2 of them contain rewards, one has 115pp and 2 MP Replenishes, and the other one has 2 Fierce Cards and a Flower of Aquapanga. To the northwest is a Giant Centipede, a Damned Snake, and an Eye Gloom. Further ahead, to the west is a dead-end with a lone Giant Centipede and a lone Pile of Rubbish. Blocking the way forward is a Tortured Corpse and a Hungry Werewolf. Further down the path are 2 lone Tortured Corpses, 3 lone Giant Centipedes, and a switch to flip. This switch unlocks a gate on the southwest path. 3 Damned Snakes were guarding this locked gate, but sadly, the only things in this southern area are 2 lone Tortured Corpses, a lone Giant Centipede, and a lone Pile of Rubbish, which is a fitting description of this empty-ass area. Continuing west, north leads to another locked gate that will be opened in just a bit, and south is a dead-end with a lone Eye Gloom, a lone Damned Snake, and a lone Giant Centipede. Back at the entrance to the sewers, take the right path this time. On this path, you will encounter a lone Pile of Rubbish, 2 Cave Dolphins, and 3 Cave Dolphins. Ahead, the way will split into 3 paths, west, east, and north. West leads to a small room with 3 lone Tortured Corpses, and a skeleton that has 2 Royal Pirahnas and 4 Heaven Cries scrolls. The north path is guarded by a Tortured Corpse, and leads to an unlocked gate to the north. Just east of the gate is a small room with a Tortured Corpse and a skeleton that has 772pp. Go through the gate now. To the east is another lone Tortured Corpse. Further ahead is a lone Pile of Rubbish, another lone Tortured Corpse, and a switch to flip. Return to the split and go east now. There are a couple of permanently-locked teaser cells to the south, and you will encounter a lone Eye Gloom and a lone Giant Centipede on the way to the next split. Here, go north to reach a Tortured Corpse and another switch to flip. Southeast is a dead-end with a lone Pile of Rubbish, and northeast is a dead-end with a lone Tortured Corpse, a lone Hungry Werewolf, and 4 lone Giant Centipedes. The path south of the last switch is guarded by 3 Blood Horses. Through the gate, there is a lone Tortured Corpse, and a... Boss fight!: The Moat Legend (Sea Serpent Creature) It's technically optional, since it can be avoided due to its weird position. However, it's kind of hard to avoid, and I don't think you were meant to be able to avoid it. It's also permanently missable, so I don't see why anyone would skip it. It will inflict Silence on your party as the fight begins. It has around 4200-4500 or so HP, and for defeating it, you will get 215 XP, a Krieger Horn^, and the Moat Legend's entry into "Noticeable Victories". Go down the southwest path. There are 3 Giant Centipedes, a lone Tortured Corpse, a lone Pile of Rubbish, and an undead woman named LeAnn. Talk to her to advance the story. You need to hear her explanation before you can do anything else. Go back to the Moat Legend's chamber, and walk around the gate to the southeast. There is a lone Giant Centipede, a lone Pile of Rubbish, and another split. North is just a dead-end with a Tortured Corpse. East is a dead-end with a pot that you must check. When you do... Boss fight!: Ohenion Rohe'n (Giant Mutant Monster) It has less than 3550 HP, and for defeating it, you get 199 XP, the Potion of Smallness*, and a +200 XP quest completion. Return to the sewer entrance and go left again, taking the northwest path. One of the switches unlocked the gate, so proceed and defeat a Damned Snake and an Eye Gloom that stand in your way. Further ahead is a Giant Centipede, and then the gate that requires the Potion of Smallness to pass through. Check it, and Luba will use the mixture to get to the other side. After this, you can't go back, so proceed forward and defeat a lone Eye Gloom that tries to stop you. Further ahead are 2 lone Piles of Rubbish, and a chain going upward. Climb up it, and you will end up back in the giants' quarters. Return to where you defeated Garsp. There is a save point to the southwest, and southeast is a dead-end. To the east, the drawer hides the Bagdabarom Key*, needed to unlock the gate to the north. Beyond the gate, there are 2 lone Cuisinarts, a lone Man 'N Potato, a drawer hiding an Inferno scroll, a chest containing 17,686pp and another Diamond Jewel%, and the... Boss fight!: 1 Rhinoterops and Anxu Darahj (Current King of the Giants) Like most giants, he is vulnerable to Weak, so slam him with Snore right away. He has around 6500-7500 HP, and for defeating them, you will get 909 XP, 539pp, the Callom Key*, Anxu Darahj's entry into "Prestigious Victories", and with the key, access to the vase. For Anxu's little death scene, Luba finishes him off with Bobokalo. Unlock the first gate with the Callom Key, then simply walk through the false gate (what?) to get to the vault where it's stored. Do NOT approach the chest from the front, or your party will be toast. Go around and open it from the back to get the Vase of Aglae-Terra*, and a +200 XP quest completion. After grabbing the vase, talk to Anxu's wife, and Luba will slaughter her with Lamyent, her level-2 Slayer spell, even if you haven't even learned it yet. Return to the entrance of the fortress, save, and head towards the exit. You will get the honor of having your vase stolen from you by Eliza the Succubus. For some reason, Luba thought she could stop a Cenodemon with a weak spell like Bobokalo. That shows you how much she has to learn. "Doom" would probably have been much more effective, but then, that would mean that a whole filler quest would be made even more unnecessary than it already was! Luba's Day 11 Baretta has no new items; it turns out that the items you got on late Day 10 were actually the Day 11 items. Anyway, you obviously need to head to Riga to find a way to reach that remote castle that you need to enter. And there's not much else to do right now, so, go ahead and head on down there now. Riga In the inn, hidden inside one of the beds downstairs is a... Toad Leg^. Yeah. Seriously, who would put that there? Anyway, the northeast house has a barrel with a Heaven Cries scroll hidden inside. One of the barrels in the house left of the inn hides a Bear Armor. The woman here, Georgie, can be recruited to your HQ. Talk to the mayor to be able to proceed to the mountain peak. So go on up there now. On the way is one of the blank books. Talk to the old man at the top, and he will teleport you to Jerva's castle. When you get there, you get the transition to... Luba's Day 12 Jerva del Slay's Assassin's Castle Short day, huh? Before doing anything else, quickly return to Baretta's shop in Metrolia and buy the Brain Cleaner* for 21,000pp if you were unable to do so due to having her with you in the previous quest. Once you get back to the castle entrance, go forward and talk to "Zalurela", and choose "Die" (for THEM, of course!), then defeat 3 Slayer Ninjas and a Demon Lord. Proceed into the mysterious castle... Proceed forward, and you will get a few lines of dialogue. Go southwest first and open the chest to get the Stunner staff#. Now go back to the two north paths and take the left one first. If you brought Baretta with you on this quest, check the empty chest on this path, and she will make an odd comment that she found a Tonic Tea left inside the chest, and she took it, but she apparently took it for herself, as there is no Tonic Tea added to your inventory. Just yet another one of those weird moments. Go west when you can to get to a small room with 2 Slayer Ninjas and a chest containing 3 Oranges. Further ahead is a disabled teleporter. Further ahead is a staircase. Go left of the stairs first, defeat 3 Slayer Ninjas, open the first blue chest to get the Aquapanga Dress#, and then open the other chest in the northwest corner to get the Erick's Key*. Guarding the stairs are 2 Eldran Centaurs and a Mul' Ogre. Before going upstairs, you should take care of the rest of this floor, which isn't much. Go back to the split and take the right north path this time, and it will be blocked off by a lone Eldran Centaur. Further ahead are an Eldran Centaur and a Mul' Ogre. Further ahead, there will be another split. Southwest and southeast are empty dead-ends, so go north. East is another empty dead-end, so continue north, going past another disabled teleporter, and you will see another staircase. Here, you will be approached by 3 Slayer Ninjas, and a lone Demon Lord. To the northeast, there is a switch to flip, and also a green-flamed torch that completely heals your party. Upstairs, you will quickly be approached by 3 Slayer Ninjas and a Demon Lord. Both of the staircases on the first floor lead to the same area, and the up-going staircase between them leads to yet another empty dead-end. Going right first, the path splits to east and south. To the east are 3 Mul' Ogres and a bunch of vases, one of them hiding a Zapoo Diamond. Further south is another east-and-west split. Take the east path first, and you will run across a lone Demon Lord, and then 3 Slayer Ninjas. There is a vase hiding a Fairy Wings^, a chest containing the Final Blow spellbook%, and a teleporter that teleports you to a small room with an Eldran Centaur and a Mul' Ogre, and also another teleporter in that small room that teleports you back to the healing flame on the east side of the first floor. Back at the previous split, go west this time to get to two paths to the south leading to the same area, with the left one having a lone Eldran Centaur wandering about it. Continue to follow the path to a staircase. Upstairs, the chest ahead contains 3 Tonic Teas. One of the vases to the right contains the Shark Sphere spell relic%. The north path is being guarded by 2 Eldran Centaurs and a Mul' Ogre. Further ahead, there are two traps set up as green dots on the floor, and further ahead of that are 2 sets of 2 Riklirs. Ahead is yet another left-and-right split. Go all the way west to get to a chest containing the first of the three Pandemonia rings$. The north path near that room leads to another left-and-right split. Right leads to a path guarded by an Eldran Centaur and a Mul' Ogre. The chest they are guarding contains the Harold's Key*. Ignore the left path for now, as you haven't enough keys to proceed just yet. Return to the previous left-and-right split, and take the right path this time. The stairs lead to a room with a vase hiding a Necrotear, and a chest containing a Werewolf Howling sword. Back up the stairs, return to the previous stairs and go right of them this time to get to yet another split. Northeast leads to a room with a chest containing a Necroleech. Southwest leads to a room with a chest containing a Shu Shu Pooh spellbook. Southeast leads to a path blocked off by a lone Demon Lord, and then a lone Eldran Centaur further up ahead. At the end of the path is a teleporter that takes you to a tiny room with a chest containing the Lanfest's Key*. The teleporter in here returns you to the entrance. Return to the split from before. From the entrance, that would be up the right stairs, then you would go right, down, and left, then follow the path back up the stairs and then back to the right. This time, go north, and the path will be blocked off by 3 Mul' Ogres. Further ahead on the path are a Riklir and a Mul' Ogre, and beyond them is a staircase. Upstairs, as you proceed forward into the large room, you will be attacked by a lone Demon Lord. To the north is a save point. The area to the south loops around in several pathways. On the left side of the area are 3 Mul' Ogres. On the middle path is a lone Demon Lord. On the southern path, there is a lone Riklir wandering around near a lady on the west side. There is a hole at the southern part of this room that leads to two teleporters, and they both take you back to the entrance, just on both the left and right sides. On the east side is a room with a few lone Riklirs and a trapped chest containing the Claws of Hell#. On the middle path is a hidden, Baretta-detectable path that leads to a secret chest containing the Living Shield#. Return to the entrance, go back upstairs, and go to the left side of the room this time. A lone Demon Lord will quickly rush at you from the south path. On the north path are 2 Eldran Centaurs and a Mul' Ogre, and a teleporter. However, this teleporter only teleports you to an otherwise-empty room with 2 lone Riklirs, and a team of 2 Riklirs, and the teleporter here will teleport you back to the entrance. On the south path, it splits up yet again. Southwest is just a dead-end with a lone Riklir. On the southeast path, you will encounter a lone Riklir and 2 lone Demon Lords. One of the vases before the staircase contains a Tonic Stone. ^ Upstairs, go straight north and up the next set of stairs. This area is almost completely covered in harmful tiles. To the north, you will encounter 2 sets of 2 Riklirs. At the split, there are four paths. Northwest is just a dead-end with a few lone Riklirs. Northeast leads to a few lone Riklirs and a chest containing 5,602pp. Southwest and southeast loop around. On the southwest side are a bunch of lone Riklirs, and on the southeast side are a few traps. They both lead to a path going north that leads to a chest containing a Cat Berry^. Back at the north split of this area, the teleporter to the north teleports you to an area with a lone Demon Lord, a vase containing a Royal Pirahna, and a teleporter that takes you back to the entrance. Back downstairs, there are 3 Slayer Ninjas to the left, as well as a vase hiding a Medicate inside. To the north, there is a large area with a bunch of lone Riklirs. The northeast path is guarded by 2 Eldran Centaurs and a Mul' Ogre. The path leads to a chest containing the Milan's Key*. To the west is just a dead-end with another lady that comments on how Jerva is destroying his castle, his kingdom, and his once-good name. Northwest is a door that is unlocked with the Harold's Key, and just beyond it stands 2 Slayer Ninjas. There is a small room to the northwest of there with a chest containing an Yveen's Tear. Take the staircase down, defeat 2 Slayer Ninjas, and then take another staircase down to reach a chest containing a Pink Apricot. Go back up both staircases and return to the first area of this floor. There is a path to the southwest that leads to yet another split. The west path has a Riklir and a Mul' Ogre, but it just leads to a disabled teleporter with a trap in front of it. Southwest leads to an otherwise-empty room with an Eldran Centaur and a Mul' Ogre. Southeast leads to a door, and a guy next to it who offers to save your game for 2800pp, but there is a free one just ahead now that you have all of the keys. Unlock the door next to him with the Milan's Key, then proceed forward and unlock the next door ahead with the Lanfest's Key. 3 Slayer Ninjas and a Demon Lord will be heading your way. Go around the hole and unlock the next door with the Lanfest's Key again. Proceed further north and defeat 2 sets of 3 Slayer Ninjas ahead. Further ahead is that free save point. Unlock the door ahead with the Erick's Key. This path just leads back to that area with the Harold's Key and whatnot, so save, heal up, and jump down the hole when you're ready... Go forward and defeat "Ahriman", who is no different than any other weak Demon Lord you've slaughtered so far. Proceed forward to get to the... Boss fight!: Jerva Del Slay (The "Assassin King"?) I have no idea why Orghandi would let this guy get away with such a title, what with him being "THE Assassin" and all, unless he is actually Orghandi in disguise, or is possibly one of his disciples. He is susceptible to Weak, and is very weak against Doom and Legend. He has less than 5400 HP, and for defeating him, you will get 346 XP, 681pp, an Abyss Ring$, Jerva Del Slay's entry into "Prestigious Victories", and the transition to... Luba's Early Day 13 Further up ahead is a lone Demon Lord near a staircase. Just above this staircase is the Lahmentia Skull^, a unique item that can only be used on Baretta to give her a boost of HP +11. Proceed downstairs, go around the trap, and you will be at two teleporters. The left one leads back to the entrance, but the right one is the way forward. There is an unavoidable trap to the south, and some unavoidable spikes further down. The room it leads to has a save point, and also the... Boss fight!: Eliza (The Succubus Cenodemon), Round 1 For kicking her ass, you will get 488 XP, 2303pp, the Vase of Aglae-Terra back, a +200 XP quest completion, and the completion of Luba's 3Dazer quest. Giants' Fortress, part 2 If you didn't do this part before Luba's 3Dazer quest, now will be time to do it! This time, we're going to clear all of these idiots out. Return to the grand hall and just start slaughtering all of the lone Cuisinarts, Men N' Potatoes, Five Men Slain, and Head Cutters. There are about 60 or so giants in this hallway, so you can probably gain each of your characters at least a level or two in this room alone. One of the Cuisinarts is sitting at a table on the left side of the hall, and he is designated an individual title and name, as "Marquis Szaskila", but he doesn't seem to be any different from the other Cuisinarts. In the Left Room, there are 3 lone Cuisinarts and a lone Head Cutter. Now head north and kill all of the regular giants in the next room. Now flip the switch in the northwest corner to gain access to the giants' quarters upstairs. Open the chest to the right for a Paralysis Scroll and 2 Jungle Jump Scrolls. Now go talk to the giant standing in the corner to take on... Optional boss: One-Strike (Giant Warlord) He has roughly 6100 HP. When you kill him, you get 494 XP, 405 PP, and a Gigas Axe. He should be a cinch by now. If you can take him out without much trouble, then the other optional boss here shouldn't be too hard, either. So head up either staircase and enter the room to the north. Approach the grey-haired guy to activate an... Optional boss: 2 Rudogar Guards and Endemon Parambo (Evil Mercenary-Sorceror) He will cast Grand Protection on the first turn, greatly raising their physical defense, magic attack and magic defense. But at this point in the game, they shouldn't be too hard. Parambo has roughly 5500 HP or so. When they all go down, you are rewarded with 192 XP, 494 PP, and a Persilea^. You should also be strong enough to defeat the 3 giants to the south in the previous area. This is basically a sub-boss fight. They are 2 Cuisinarts and a Man 'N Potato. You will also have to defeat a lone Cuisinart to the south if you didn't defeat it earlier. Continue south to the giants' quarters. A Cuisinart is guarding the entrance to the area. To the south of him are two Men 'N Potatoes. To the south of them are another two Men 'N Potatoes. On the first "row" in this area here (starting from the north end) are 4 small rooms, and 2 paths leading to the upper floor on either end. The first room from the left end contains an NPC who can only be snapped out of her weird trance by Luba, who joins you on late Day 10, when the 3Dazer quest begins. In other words, you can't do anything with her until Luba's 3Dazer quest. The second room contains a single Head Cutter, and a switch. However, this switch is actually a trick, and it seals off a pathway on one of the upper floors. The third room contains naught but... a bunch of cooked chickens?! Well... the last room contains a single Five Men Slain. On the second row, the first room from the left has a single Cuisinart, and then two Cuisinarts and a Five Men Slain all at once. The second room has a single Cuisinart, and the third room has a single Head Cutter, an insignificant woman, and an N-bomb hidden in the southeastern drawer. Inside of the fourth room is a lady who will tell you about the giants' nicknames. Beneath the bed at the south end is a hidden chest containing a Cat Berry^. In the 5th room, 755pp is hidden in the drawer, and the chest contains 2356pp. The last room has three Five Men Slain. On the third row, inside the first room from the left is a single Cuisinart, and then two Cuisinarts at once. The chest contains a Torpedo Spear and a Divine Armor$$. The second room has a single Man 'N Potato, and a chest containing the Lost Shores spellbook%. Inside of the third room is a save point. The fourth room has a single Head Cutter and a single Man 'N Potato. Inside of the fifth room is a woman who tells you about the trick lever from before. The last room is sealed off for now. The northeast stairs are guarded by a Head Cutter and a Cuisinart. Up the stairs and to the left of the save point here are two Cuisinarts. Down and to the left are another two Cuisinarts, and 325pp. The stairs to the left lead to the northwest staircase of the previous floor, which is being guarded by two Cuisinarts and a Five Men Slain. To the right of the staircase is a path leading to a room to the south, which has a lone Five Men Slain and a lone Cuisinart. The treasure chest on the right side of the room contains 1007pp, while the left chest contains a Ga-R-Gylion Fists. Go back to the split from before and continue south, defeating a Man 'N Potato who is blocking the way. There should be a lone Cuisinart somewhere nearby, as well. To the left are two rooms. The left one has two Cuisinarts and a Man 'N Potato. The chest contains a Sky Diamond. The right room has three paths leading to switches, each guarded by a Five Men Slain. Flip all three levers and then start going back to the split. On the way is a hidden, Baretta-detectable path in the south wall that leads to a hidden chest containing an Antarys Apple^. A Cuisinart is walking around on this side. In the northeast room are three Five Men Slain. Enter the southeast area and defeat a Cuisinart. The barrel to the right of the woman contains 5 Whales. Further down are two Cuisinarts and a Five Men Slain. The throne to the left is a trap. Further south are two Men N' Potatoes. The chest near them contains 3 Whales and an Aurora Diamond. Further down is a save point. The treasure vault to the south is guarded by a lone Head Cutter. The first chest from the right is trapped, and it contains a Destroyer Axe. The next chest to the left is also trapped, and it contains a Wardom Armor$. The next chest contains the Giant Helmet and the Heavy Platinum Ring##. The next chest contains a Mayuca's Winter and a Flower of Aquapanga. The next chest contains the Orb of the Underground spell relic%, and the final one is trapped, and it contains two unique relic accessories, the Ozur Bracelet and the Magdalena Bracelet##. Back at the split, the large room to the south has a lone Head Cutter and two lone Cuisinarts. The chest on the left contains 3 Tonic Teas. To the south are a lone Five Men Slain and a lone Man 'N Potato. In the room to the south, the chest to the right contains an Yveen's Kiss and a Flower of Aquapanga. Flip the lever down here, heal up and save if you need to, and head upstairs... Up here is a locked gate that you can't open until Luba's 3Dazer quest, and it's being guarded by... 29 giants. There are 13 Cuisinarts, 3 Head Cutters, 10 Five Men Slain, and 3 Men 'N Potatoes. The chest up here contains... a measely little ol' Moon Fish. Great reward, huh? Well, this trek will save you a lot of trouble later on, especially if you have to bring characters you rarely use. Anyway, returning 2 floors down, flipping that last switch near the save point unlocked that southeastern room, so head down there now. There are several Rubbish Rats in here. One of the barrels on the second row hides a Vulturion helmet$. One of the barrels to the southwest hides an Yveen's Kiss. And that's pretty much all you can do here until Luba's 3Dazer quest, so return to the entrance and leave. If you ARE on Luba's 3Dazer now, then return to the beginning of "Giants' Fortress, Part 3" for the continuation! Last edited by luthius on Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:55 am; edited 1 time in total | |
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 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests!  | | | |
| | | luthius Basic Wizard

  Number of posts : 165 Age : 38 Location : Void I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2013-08-04Character sheet Creature: Beast of the Beyond Class: Eater of Demon Souls Element: Void
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Fri Feb 05, 2016 1:48 am | | | 5. Random's 3Dazer Quest Random's Late Day 10 There actually isn't really anything new to do besides to maybe snag those items at Baretta's if you haven't already done so, and to have Random and whoever else you might have with you that is capable to learn the "Shooting Stars" spell from the magnetizer jester guy at the Southern Checkpoint. Other than that, there isn't much else to do besides to go straight into the Gargael Mountains, northeast of Palambo. And when you do so, you get the transition to... Random's Day 11 The Gargael Mountains Up ahead is a save point, and a chest containing the July's Blood%. Proceed into the cavern entrance. Defeat an Aspic and a Mountain Worm and proceed forward to a left-and-right split. Left leads to a chest containing a Salcerium Hammer, and right is the way forward. On the next screen, there will be another left-and-right split. Right leads to a chest containing a Milk of the Brave^, and left is the way forward. As you head forward on the next screen, you will be approached by two Ancient Centaurs. The chest ahead contains 5 MP Replenishes. Take the northwest path first. On the next screen are a lone 3-Headed Lion and a lone Ancient Centaur. There is a cave here that leads to a chest containing 2 Jungle Jump Scrolls. Further ahead is an exit that leads to an otherwise-empty dead-end with 2 Ancient Centaurs. Back at the previous screen, there is a chest containing a Royal Pirahna west of the cave entrance. Take the north path next, and you will be in an area with 2 Ancient Centaurs, 2 sets of an Ancient Centaur and a 3-Headed Lion, and 2 sets of 2 Ancient Centaurs and a 3-Headed Lion. They are all guarding a chest containing the Murmur spear#. Returning to the first outside area, northeast is just an empty dead-end, so continue east. There is a lone 3-Headed Lion on the way to the next screen. On this screen, simply run north without incident into yonder cave... At the northern side of this cave are two chests containing an Antidote and a Medicate. Take a close look at the ground here. It just says, "Luba Traitor". Obviously the work of the Cenodemons. And it was probably Evander who wrote that, since he seems like he would be the least literate of the five. Anyway, go left and take the narrow path, defeating two lone Mountain Worms on your way to the next area. In this area, go forward, defeat 2 Ancient Centaurs and a 3-Headed Lion, open the chest ahead to get a Blazing Coat, and proceed to the next screen again. There is a lone Ancient Centaur in this area. Also in this area are 3 humanoids. Heal up and talk to the old man when you're ready, and then accept his challenge... Optional boss fight!: Valuur (Swordsman), Astartes (Archer), and Dogmahr (Dwarven Warrior) They aren't very tough for this far into the game. For beating them, you will get 445 XP, 442pp, a Ceno Blade, a rare Brosaline Petals@, the Shaker spellbook%, a rare Tarush Helmet$, and Dogmahr's entry into "Noticeable Victories". When you are done here, enter the cave to the east. Take the left path first, defeat an Aspic and a Mountain Worm, and open the chest for a Lava Obsidianite ore@. Now take the right path, defeat a lone 3-Headed Lion, and then continue to the outside, defeat 2 Ancient Centaurs, and then open the chest for a Dabaki Pepper@. Return to the split in the cave and take the middle path this time. The chest on this path contains a Fierce Card. Outside, you will be approached by 2 Ancient Centaurs and a 3-Headed Lion. There is a save point to the north. The stairs north of that lead to an empty dead-end, so continue through the cave to the east. There is a chest near the cave entrance containing a Tartan Shield. In the cave, there is a lone Aspic on the way to the mountain range exit. And with that, you have cleared the mountains! Well, that wasn't anywhere near as bad as the Tangar Mountains in LP1, as Random himself points out! To the north is Calambro, but you'll have to go here to progress the story soon after the 3Dazer, anyway, and there are a couple of things you can't do there during the 3D, so it will be skipped for now. Continue north to reach your destination, the odd little old town of Lantin... But first, enter the Angelic Shrine just north of it, and go talk to the bishop here to advance the story. You must do this before you can activate the story quest in Lantin and proceed onwards. Now head back south just a bit and enter... Lantin The inn ahead has 120pp upstairs. Enter the house to the north and speak to the foxman to get his sidequest to (partially) complete in the next dungeon. Back to the south, the lady to the east will sell you the Dancing Flower for your HQ for 1000pp. Enter the house north of her. Talk to the guy here to advance the story again. The glass in question is in a chest in the southern house, but it is locked and thus requires a key. The barrel near him contains 4,951pp. The chest at the back of his house contains a Heart of the Town ore. Outside, if you buy at least one item from him, the middle of the three vendors to the northeast will offer you an Yveen's Nectar for 10,000pp. Also, speak to the green-haired woman walking up and down the street to activate yet another sidequest to complete a bit later on. The pot to the southeast contains 808pp and a Tonic Tea. One of the barrels in the southeast house contains an Elven Magical Shoes. To the right on the floor and semi-hidden by the plant is the Murdoch's Key*. Now enter the southern house and go to the second floor. The southern barrel contains a Moon Fish, and the chest is unlocked with the Murdoch's Key, and it contains the Emerald Glass. * Now return the glass to Archibald, and he will give you the Mulligan's Key*. Return to the north house, and use the key to unlock the cabinet to the left, which contains a Tonic Tea and the Red Key*. Go back outside, go just outside of the town gate, and then go left or right around the walls to reach a hidden area at the north end of town. Open the door with the Red Key, and then grab the Teleportation Pillar* to get a +200 XP quest completion. Return the pillar to the bishop at the Angelic Shrine, give him 1800pp to finance the ritual, and he will teleport you on up to... The Angel Town, or "The Celestian City of Zanutepa" There is a save point to the north. Further north, you will be attacked by an Ol' Or. They introduce this guy like he's some kind of superboss (even going so far as to mockingly use the major boss theme!), but he's really just a stronger enemy. Simply pound him into submission, he will go down quickly. Continue north, and the way will be guarded by 3 Gold Angels. Continue north to the next screen, and a lone Stellar Griffin will head your way. At the split, the left cabinet has an Al' Azayer scroll, and the right one has a War of the Worst scroll. Take the north path first, defeat a lone Angel Assassin, then 3 Angel Assassins, then 2 Stellar Griffins, and finally, a lone Queen of Sarya. Return to the split and go left this time. Also, Angel Assassins will rarely drop an Angel Nut. Though, like Ancient Nautilus and Fruits of the Mist, they seem to be limited! If anyone knows of a way to randomly encounter Angel Assassins, or any other way to farm Angel Nuts, please let me know and I will credit you! Thanks! 3 Angel Assassins will head your way. Further ahead are 2 Stellar Griffins, then an Angel Assassin and a Gold Angel, and then an Ol' Or. On the next screen, head left first, and you will be attacked by another Ol' Or on the next screen. Further ahead, to the southwest is the 5th of the 8 kids, to the north is a chest containing a Cryzalis ore@, and to the south is a teleporter that teleports you to a small room with an angel that hasn't gone mad, but she won't tell you anything of real use, and you can't find any items in there. Return to the split and go north this time. You will encounter a Shraka and a Dabora. There seem to be only 3 Shrakas in the whole game, and they rarely drop Angelic Vests$, which I have only found otherwise in one chest. Semi-hidden behind the statue is a chest containing the Alchemy Recipe #2*. Further ahead, to the south is a chest containing the XeagulX# (whatever kind of crazy name that is) weapon. When you open the chest, it says that it is an axe, but it is actually a sword. Anyway, to the east is a Stellar Griffin and a Queen of Sarya. The next south leads to a chest containing a Volcano sword. To the east is a lone Queen of Sarya. Return to the first split of the dungeon and go right this time. When you get to the next screen, you will be approached by a Harpiie and a Queen of Sarya, and also a Glass Drake, a Stellar Griffin, and a Queen of Sarya. The first two north paths connect to each other, and they don't have any items, so continue east the rest of the way, and then head north and defeat 2 Glass Drakes. Further ahead are 3 Harpiies. When you get to the next screen, you will be approached by 2 Daboras. Go east first. Further to the east, go north to get to another large area. The chest to the north contains a War of the Best scroll. The right teleporter just leads to a small room with a peaceful Shraka and a tame Harpiie who don't tell or give you anything. The left one leads to a room with a peaceful angel, a tame dragon, and a chest containing an Urania crown. Return to the previous area and continue north. When you attempt to pass by the statue, you will be attacked by an Angel Assassin and an Ol' Or. At the next split, west leads to a lone Queen of Sarya. There is a teleporter on the long southern path that leads to a small room with a peaceful angel and a chest containing 1127pp. At the end of this path is a chest containing another Urania crown. Take the north path this time, defeat a lone Queen of Sarya, and continue forward. In this area, you will be approached by a Glass Drake and an Angel Assassin, and a lone Dabora. To the right is a save point and a chest containing 2 Phoenix Feathers and a Rainbow Diamond. To the left, there are 3 entrances; the other one is to the left on the next screen. Enter that one first, defeating an Ol' Or as it attacks you. Proceed on in... Take the right path first, defeat 2 Glass Drakes, and then keep heading right. You will see a save point, and there is also a friendly angel here that heals your party. Return to the entrance and head north this time. An Angel Assassin and a Gold Angel will be guarding the way forward. Go north again at the next split, and on this path, there will be 2 treasure chests. The west one contains a Phoenix Feather, and the north one contains an Azura ore. @ Back south and to the east, you will be approached by a Glass Drake and an Angel Assassin. To the north is another split. North leads to a save point. To the east, you will be approached by a fast-moving, lone Shraka. To the south are two chests that each contain 2 War of the Best scrolls. Further south leads back to the healing angel and save point. To the north of where you were, 2 Glass Drakes are guarding the north path. Further to the north is a chest containing the Isolde Pendant spell relic. % To the southeast of that is a pool that recovers your party, but also removes all of your equipment, so you're far better off using the prayers of the angel just a bit to the south. To the northwest, there are 2 south paths, and they both lead to the same area. The left one is guarded by a lone Shraka, and the right one, a lone Queen of Sarya. At the end of the path, talk to the "angel wizard" here to get a hint on how to go forward. Now exit the castle and return to the two entrances to the right. They are both guarded by a duo of an Angel Assassin and a Gold Angel, and they both lead to the same place. Enter the left one first. To the north, there are two paths, both leading to the same place. The left one has 2 Glass Drakes wandering around it. The left north path is a dead-end. To the south are another two paths. The left one leads to the right entrance, and the right one leads to two chests containing a Medicate and an Indinera Rapier. The north path is being guarded by 2 Stellar Griffins. Further to the north is another split. To the right is a chest containing a Phoenix Feather and an Apricot. Ignore the southeast path for now and take the west one, going down the stairs over there. In this large area, you will at once be approached by 2 lone Daboras, 4 sets of 2 Daboras, 2 lone Harpiies, and a set of 3 Harpiies. Take the south path first, then take the left at the next split to get to a chest containing a Talysma Roots^. Now take the right path. It leads to nowhere, but you can jump across to that platform to get to a chest containing the 7 Magnificent Wings*, needed to enter the shrine. Jump back across, return to the north and take the east path this time. It leads into a building... The chest to the north contains a Diamond and the Angel Ring spell relic%. Bump into the guy here to encounter a... Boss fight!: 1 Dabora and Evander Holywark (Angel Guard Captain) He doesn't have but around 3000 or so HP. For defeating them, you will get 463 XP, 587pp, the first of the two Burning Shields$, a +200 XP quest completion, the Quonga Sphere*, and Evander Holywark's entry into "Noticeable Victories". Now return to the stairs, go back up them, and take the southeast path this time. Defeat an Angel Assassin and a Gold Angel blocking the path, and then continue south, unlocking the door with the Quonga sphere. The chest near the staircase contains a Phenomena Roots^. Now head up the stairs... In this area, to the north is just a dead-end with an angel who just loves "watching at the clouds". To the west, semi-hidden behind a lamp (or whatever those golden things are), is the Barnes' Pendant#. Grab it to get a +200 XP quest completion on the spot. This is actually a key item AND a unique accessory, but it doesn't offer much in the way of protection, so you may as well return it the next time you find yourself in Lantin. Now skim the south wall to find a hidden chest containing a Phoenix Feather, 5 Succulent Breads, and a Fairy Herb^. Keep going west to another split. North leads to a chest containing 4 War of the Best scrolls. South leads to a balcony with a trapped chest containing a Pink Apricot. Now return to the east and go north this time. The way forward is guarded by 3 Gold Angels. The black chests seem to be teasers. The blue chest to the north contains a Phoenix Feather. Further north, you will be attacked by an Ol' Or. Go north to the next screen. The throne room to the north is full of enemies. There are 3 sets of 3 Harpiies, 2 sets of 3 Angel Assassins, a set of 3 Gold Angels, a lone Harpiie, a lone Gold Angel, a lone Queen of Sarya, a Harpiie and a Queen of Sarya, and an Angel Assassin and a Gold Angel. Starting at the southeast one and going counter-clockwise, the 4 chests contain 8,354pp, a Zekaf'l Rahomion spellbook, the Mountain Glass spellbook%, and the first of the 3 Angelic High Capes$. Guarding the boss are a Glass Drake, a Stellar Griffin, and a Queen of Sarya. Press forward once more to encounter the... Boss fight!: Lord Duan (Angel King) and Lady Dyan (Angel Queen) Dyan has around 4000-5000 HP or so, and Duan has around 6000-7000 or so. For defeating them, you will get 581 XP, 2550pp, a Tonic Stone^, an Ancient Dai-Katana, a +200 XP quest completion, the Propulsion Staff*, Lady Dyan's entry into "Prestigious Victories", Lord Duan's entry into "Prestigious Victories" (Yep, they have separate entries), and access to the new Kaleidos Wall menu "Angel Town". When you leave the room, it triggers the transition to... Random's Day 12 Return to the castle entrance and go back through the left entrance. Return to that teleporter and step on it to be whisked on up to the shrine entrance. As you attempt to enter, you will be attacked by an Ol' Or. Defeat it, and then take one more step forward to be attacked once again, this time by an Ol' Or and an Angel Assassin. Now you can finally enter the shrine. To the right is a save point, and to the left is a chest containing a Mayuca's Winter, a Dabaki Pepper@, and a Mighty Sword$. In the center of the room is an orb that can be used to activate a fight with an Ol' Or as many times as you want. Check the window at the back to smash through it. Attempt to save the fairy, and you will once again be attacked by an Ol' Or and an Angel Assassin. Defeat those two, and you will get the Obole*, a +200 XP quest completion, and the completion of Random's 3Dazer event. If you've been following this so far, this will finally be the end of the insane 3Dazer quest! A sequence of events gets you the Laxius Breaker spell relic%. After yet another odd dream sequence with Luciana, she finally learns the spell "Floyd's Beacon". And then, you finally get the real transition to Day 13! It was actually introduced earlier in the sequence, but those events in the glade took place during Day 12, and Day 13 didn't actually begin until the "at midnight" scene... Yeah, the day transition system is a bit buggy. 6. Final Words For Now And, that's about it, as far as the 3Dazer goes! As said before, if anyone finds any mistakes, or discovers something I didn't mention or know about (I would especially like to know if there's any way to farm Angel Nuts or Fruits of the Mist!), please let me know, and I will correct it and credit you in the full walkthrough! Thank you to all who read this, and I hope you find it useful! Have fun playing! | |
| | | Megalomax Royal Servant
  Number of posts : 53 Age : 33 Location : Israel I\'m : Good Registration date : 2016-02-04
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:28 pm | | | Great job once again! I'm currently in luba's 3d and everything looks ok by me, but I do have some constructive things to say: 1.I usually go to vaarkis, the dwarven lich on random's 3d so he can make a helmet for Random because he says it will take him a few days + it's a Tarush Helmet, one of the best I think. 2. I think people would appericiate certain words\sentences underlined or in bold just so they won't miss key items. As I've said: so far so GREAT! an excellent job! | |
| | | luthius Basic Wizard

  Number of posts : 165 Age : 38 Location : Void I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2013-08-04Character sheet Creature: Beast of the Beyond Class: Eater of Demon Souls Element: Void
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:25 pm | | | Thanks again!  1. I just played through Random's 3D again just to make sure, and he definitely gets the Vaarkis Helmet, just like Chaz, Lisa, and Jezzie. Maybe you were thinking of that Tarush Helmet that you got from beating Dogmahr, Valuur, and Astartes in the Gargael Mountains? 2. I see what you mean. Good idea, thanks! I'll try to work on that some time. In the meantime, you can always use the special symbols I provided to search them out! | |
| | | Megalomax Royal Servant
  Number of posts : 53 Age : 33 Location : Israel I\'m : Good Registration date : 2016-02-04
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:43 pm | | | Yes, sorry I goy mixed up with the two. Perhaps it would be best to add what you think is the best option for the helmets? Also you may wanna cut some of the more "in-depth" directions,example: "...an area with 2 Ancient Centaurs, 2 sets of an Ancient Centaur and a 3-Headed Lion, and 2 sets of 2 Ancient Centaurs and a 3-Headed Lion" isn't that a lot of work? I think that it is but it's your call | |
| | | luthius Basic Wizard

  Number of posts : 165 Age : 38 Location : Void I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2013-08-04Character sheet Creature: Beast of the Beyond Class: Eater of Demon Souls Element: Void
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Mon Feb 08, 2016 3:52 am | | | Hahaha, yeah, I can't even remember why I felt so compelled to list every single non-random encounter on the maps. I guess because they were scripted encounters, so they felt "special" to me or something. When I edit the walkthrough for the full version, I'll probably only be that specific with the rare and limited enemies that drop a rare piece of equipment, ore, or alchemist ingredient that you can't buy anywhere. As for the helmets, I will probably check out their battle-stat effects and elemental and status protections sometime, and give more of an explanation on them. Thanks for the advice! | |
| | | Megalomax Royal Servant
  Number of posts : 53 Age : 33 Location : Israel I\'m : Good Registration date : 2016-02-04
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:34 am | | | No problem! As for the helmets it seems the Tarush has less resistences and defense then the Vaarkis one | |
| | | neno_ned Little Servant
  Number of posts : 41 Age : 33 Location : Bulgaria I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2015-03-09
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:16 pm | | | I just read trough it. Its very good and had some things I didn't yet know about. I would advise if you're remaking this for the complete walktrough to remind people that Sandy's Vision spell allows them to save before some of the traps. I'm looking forward to when ever you complete your full walktrough. P.S. If you take Herasia(not really a good choice) to random's 3-Dayzer and talk to the dog in Lantin it will tell you where the pillar is. | |
| | | jimoula Little Servant
  Number of posts : 38 Age : 46 Location : greece I\'m : Good Registration date : 2013-04-13Character sheet Creature: unknown Class: unknown Element: none
 | | | | thedragonreborn9 Little Servant

  Number of posts : 30 Age : 32 Location : Land of the many I\'m : Divine Registration date : 2015-10-22Character sheet Creature: Disgraced saint Class: Holy abyss Element: Divine sorrow
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Tue May 17, 2016 9:55 pm | | | | |
| | | andy356 Seduced

  Number of posts : 21 Age : 38 Location : Earth I\'m : Unstable Registration date : 2016-06-07
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:44 am | | | Hi! I've run out of Grogor's walkthrough and now I'm following this one. I'm hopeless at finding all the items and secrets, so I'm eagerly waiting for your complete walkthrough! P.S.: Even the rough draft would work fine, if the complete one is too big a project. Thanks a lot! | |
| | | andy356 Seduced

  Number of posts : 21 Age : 38 Location : Earth I\'m : Unstable Registration date : 2016-06-07
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Wed Jun 29, 2016 8:05 pm | | | Nooooooooooooooooo! I am now walkthrough-less. T_T ... Please help. | |
| | | luthius Basic Wizard

  Number of posts : 165 Age : 38 Location : Void I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2013-08-04Character sheet Creature: Beast of the Beyond Class: Eater of Demon Souls Element: Void
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Thu Jun 30, 2016 3:21 am | | | Sorry it's taking me so long to get back on it! My interest has been moving around with several different games and I'm trying to work out something in life, so I kind of fell away from it again. I will try to get back into the game and try to finish the walkthrough after I get on at my new job and get situated! In the meantime, if you need help with any part, just keep on posting in the forums, and I will do my best to answer any questions! | |
| | | andy356 Seduced

  Number of posts : 21 Age : 38 Location : Earth I\'m : Unstable Registration date : 2016-06-07
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Thu Jun 30, 2016 4:30 am | | | Great! Hey, good luck with your new job! Is there anything I should AVOID doing so that I don't mess up my game? Like I know right now that I shouldn't get the jewels for Melanice which will advance Bazizka Tower, and instead do all the sidequests that I can. Also, is there any danger of a Muura Gem-like issue coming up? | |
| | | luthius Basic Wizard

  Number of posts : 165 Age : 38 Location : Void I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2013-08-04Character sheet Creature: Beast of the Beyond Class: Eater of Demon Souls Element: Void
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Thu Jun 30, 2016 7:03 pm | | | Thanks! Yes, it is generally best to do sidequests as soon as possible as some are sealed off after a certain point. If the enemies are super-powerful, then you usually don't really have a limit as to when you can do it, except of course for that "point of no return" after completing the Peasants' Quest after Lucida Tower! The only things I can think of right now is that you should do the sidequest of escorting Vincent Oymredal to the Modern Sciences Institute BEFORE becoming Rank 3 in the Mage Guild, as that will make the quest guy move on to the next quest. Also, I think I already mentioned this in the walkthrough, but you should DEFINITELY complete the Dragon's Guild's first Rank Quest (Armanis Coast) AND get the second Rank Quest BEFORE starting the 3Dazer quests! A weird glitch happens that prevents you from getting to Rank 3 in the Dragon's Guild! I also mentioned this in the Walkthrough, but if you want to complete the Comrades section of the Quest Book, you will need to put off the Prison of Desa quest until Luciana's 3Dazer! The only other one-or-the-other things like the Muura Gem that I can think of right now are recruiting certain people to your HQ, but as far as I know, only Matthew in the Unknown Temple, Constance in the Pet Shop, and the woman with the kids in Metrolia's Inn of Bridgewall will give you anything. If I remember anything else, I'll post it as soon as I can! | |
| | | andy356 Seduced

  Number of posts : 21 Age : 38 Location : Earth I\'m : Unstable Registration date : 2016-06-07
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:21 pm | | | Wow. Following yours and grogor's walkthrough really saved me from a lot of pain. This must be the only game where bugs are not merely a minor annoyance, but actually influence your storyline during the whole game. The Prison of Desa quest was done before according to grogor's walkthrough, but I'm not concerned much because I'm not losing out on a unique item or spell book or anything... or am I? (sweatdrop) | |
| | | luthius Basic Wizard

  Number of posts : 165 Age : 38 Location : Void I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2013-08-04Character sheet Creature: Beast of the Beyond Class: Eater of Demon Souls Element: Void
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:02 pm | | | Nah you're not missing out on any items with that, just one little Quest Book entry  Oh yeah! As you mentioned in the other thread, the House of Pain quest is missable because of Daghmaar, AND the key to the Dark Order Shrine is also missable, which makes a whopping FOUR sidequests uncompleteable! I think I mentioned that in the walkthrough too, but you must get it from the lady in Babo'Komo during the 3Dazer, as she mysteriously disappears afterwards! Since there's so much permanently missable content, I'll probably make a section for just that in the completed version of the walkthrough! | |
| | | andy356 Seduced

  Number of posts : 21 Age : 38 Location : Earth I\'m : Unstable Registration date : 2016-06-07
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Thu Jun 30, 2016 10:37 pm | | | Thanks, good to know I'm not really missing out.  I've noticed that grogor's walkthrough seems to be wrong (like Prison of Desa) or incomplete (the Vulturion helmet you find in the rat infested wine cellar in Giants' Fortress isn't mentioned) about some things. Also, dragonhunter's map doesn't have the Long Cape Island location marked. Could you make a post about any major such thing that's missing? Since these two, along with your 3 dazer walkthrough, seem to be the main resources for this game. | |
| | | thedragonreborn9 Little Servant

  Number of posts : 30 Age : 32 Location : Land of the many I\'m : Divine Registration date : 2015-10-22Character sheet Creature: Disgraced saint Class: Holy abyss Element: Divine sorrow
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Fri Jan 05, 2018 9:23 pm | | | Completed random's quest last. Finished the long dialogue with everyone. Got the laxius breaker. Then suddenly from day 12 it becomes day 14! What do I do? | |
| | | neno_ned Little Servant
  Number of posts : 41 Age : 33 Location : Bulgaria I\'m : Unknown Registration date : 2015-03-09
 | Subject: Re: Full walkthrough of all 3 3Dazer quests! Sat Jan 06, 2018 2:15 am | | | If I remember correctly it counts as 13 even thou it says 14. | |
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