My own creations...

Card Reader
Read values on LEGO binary cards. |

Card Reader 2 Improved,
faster version of Card Reader. |

Radar Car
slows in front of obstacles and avoids them. |
Brick Mixer Orders
bricks on a conveyor belt according to the value
read on a card. |

Wall Follower RoverBot that follows a wall using
my GP2D12 distance
sensor. |
Gonsuke and MedamaOyaji Two
tiny walking robots, designed by Hiroki
Shirakawa. I created building instructions... |

Not fancy as a LEGO construction, but interesting
control program challenge. |

Creeping Caterpillar A strangely moving vehicle, fun to
watch |

Peaucellier Cell Converts rotation motion to linear
motion |

Brick sorters - Three generations of
brick sorters, the latest one includes full building
instructions and supports my color sensor.
sorter 1 -
Brick sorter 2 - Brick sorter 3 |

Rack and Pinion Steering Car |

Barrel Collector Robot Thanks
to its laser sensor, this robot detects barrels
up to 3 meters away, goes straight to them, grab
them with its arm and collect them in a basket.

Hammerhead, the CD thrower My entry for the
CONTEST # 2: Discus. This beast throws
Compact Disks 15 feet away and more! |

P'titgneugneu the stair climber My entry for the MINDSTORMS COMMUNITY
CONTEST # 3: Stairs.
A bit too flimsy, but nonetheless won the contest!

Pneumatic Arm
A fully pneumatic arm, loosely built after the
human arm. |

Brick Simon, a memory game
CONTEST # 6: Simon. Also includes a simplified
version that can be built with Robotics Invention
System set only. |

Bob Kojima's rolling ball clock
I rebuilt Bob's wonderful model with added RCX
control. |

for the Great Ball Contraption |

a tiny Killough platform |

Arched through Trussed Bridge Built for LegoWorld
2005 bridge strength contest. |

weight lifting
Two lifting apparatuses built for CC9:
contest. "Pimousse" won the competition
with a 44 kg raise. |

Pneumatic Wheel A fast rolling
wheel, pneumatic powered. |

Tower Crane A 1.20m crane,
with 4 functions remote control using the new LEGO
Power Functions™ motors and IR remote control. |

Legs Walker
A walker inspired by Theo Jansen kinetic
sculptures. |

A 2-players battle game built from 8275
bulldozer set. |

Cuckoo Clock
A wind-up motor powered cuckoo clock, built for
spring 2011 SeTechnic competition. |